Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240215

•781 Dragonlady Feb’24 Spmaez: The people who oppose another Trump Presidency aren't "looney lefties", they are the sane rational, clear headed folks. drgnldy 240215 Vpmaez00791

•792 Harry Dresden Feb’24 Spmaez: “who say their guy isn’t as senile as trump is....yea real clear headed.... “ .•792 hrrydrsdn 240215 Spmaez00792 to •791 Vpmaez00791

Saint Harrydresden must lie for Trump again.

See {Why do you lie for him?} •92 nfbw 240213 Vwatmz00092 to •91 hrrydrsdn 240213 Swarmz00091}

This time Saint Harrydresden fabricates a myth that Democrats say Biden isn’t as senile as Trump is.. …..

love rejoices in the truth There is little truth in MAGA

The truth is both men are old. There is no truth to MAGA propaganda that Biden is corrupt and incompetent at this moment in time.

It is not Democratic Party propaganda that Trump pressured Pence to participate in a fraudulent scheme to overturn the election that their ticket lost in 2020.

The J6 coup plot if successful would have disenfranchised 80 million voters who wanted the Orange useless Asshole out of the Oval Office - not soon enough - for four years of incompetence, documented corruption and chaos.

J6 is not made up propaganda - It’s what Trump tried to do and fortunately for liberal western democracy he failed - an incompetent authoritarian great white hope the Donald is.

Former FBI Informant Charged With Lying About Joe Biden's Role In Ukraine Business 240215

Lakhota said: Charges were announced against FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, accused of making false statements that were central to the Biden impeachment inquiry. #1

Well well!

•801 nfbw 240225 Vomaez00801 to •792 Spmaez00792
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If only men voted 230921

•141 TheYellowKing Sep’23 Siomvzsaid: “All this gender insanity and abortion comes from moronic women“ •141 thvyllwkng 230921 Siomvz00141

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240215

•792 Harry Dresden Feb’24 Spmaez: “who say their guy isn’t as senile as trump is....yea real clear headed.... “ .•792 hrrydrsdn 240215 Spmaez00792 to •791 Vpmaez00791

•793 Fort Fun Indiana Feb’24 said: Because he isn't senile. He is a great orator, compared to the orange slob with the vocabulary of a 7 year old. •793 frtfnndn 240215 Vpmaez00793 to •792 Spmaez00792

Harry Dresden Feb’24 Spmaez: you see what you want to see FF.... •794 hrrydrsdn 240215 Spnaez00794 to •793 Vpmaez00793

No, Saint Harrydresden. It is a matter of fact that I saw President Joe Biden on TV last week and he was capable of being the president of the United States of America, Joe has had slips of the tongue in public service going back 50 years. Joe has had slips of the tongue prior to shellacking Trump in the 2020 election. That means the senile old Biden, if you want to call him that, beat the Republican candidate whom you are so willing to subject yourself to such extraordinary prevarications.

On the other hand, on the morning of January 6, I watched Donald J Trump speak on the Ellipse live as it was happening in real time. I knew all 50 states had certified their results on or before December 14 which meant without exception that no change in the majority’s decision that ‘Biden won and Trump lost’ was possible. I knew it was not possible under the Constitution and our election laws that Mike Pence could not reverse the election unless something illegal was involved. I told my wife before the riot started “This motherfucker is trying to start a Civil War” explaining that if Trump gets chaos in Congress to somehow tell black Americans that ooops toof-vckvng-bad, your votes will not count, the MAGA Great White Christian Hope is here to stay.

Trump promised white Christian nationalists “power” when they backed him in the 2015 Primaries to become president. Those same religious extremists got three Catholics added to the three Catholics already on the USSC. Trump GETS credit for overturning Roe

And Trump gets credit for trying to criminally overturn the election that he lost. He is indicted on the latter.

Trump the Overturner over the course of saying stupider and stupider things as we watch him become evermore unhinged further and further from reality in his criminal trials; will completely “destroy” the Republican Party, and so, America will be GREATER than ever when the fat Orange Bastard goes away. Perhaps that is what MAGA is all about.

The following MAGA need to think about that.

Election prediction 240215
Biden's policies are destroying the country, b
Demonazis will A) have Trump assassinated or B) Cheat,
Trump will easily win unless the Democrats succeed (again) in their fraud efforts.
90% of Americans already view xiden as incompetent.
The polls clearly show that Trump is "the lesser of two evils".
I normally don't enjoy schadenfreude but watching the crowds of black voters in Chicago and NYC protesting loudly against illegals being dumped into their neighborhoods was priceless.
nfbw 240216 Vpmaez00802
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Another one of your tranny pals just shot up another church but yeah keep crying about evangelicals
Fucking each other in all forms

pretending gender isn't an issue

justifying infanticide.

Something evil and anti human going on there.

Biden is fucking us.

destroying America.

fraudulent intellectualism. lies and sophism

Tell us Saint Maryl why American voters should not want Trump disqualified for leading the fake electors conspiracy and using fake electors certificates to create a constitutional crises on January 6 2021 with the objective that Congress or the Supreme Court could give him a second term instead of the will of the people who voted him out.
The suspect wasn't transgender, dumbass.
Christopher Hassig, the commander of the Houston Police Department’s homicide division, identified the suspect in a news conference as Genesse Moreno, 36, a “Hispanic female.” According to Hassig, Moreno used “multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante.”

“She has utilized both female and male names,” Hassig said. However, interviews and documents, including the suspect’s driver’s license, showed that “she has been identified this entire time as female, she, her, and so we are identifying her as Genesse Moreno, Hispanic female,” Hassig said.

Uses male and female aliases. So are you going to agree that criminals use tranny trends to conduct their criminality?

If only men voted 230921

•141 TheYellowKing Sep’23 Siomvzsaid: “All this gender insanity and abortion comes from moronic women“ •141 thvyllwkng 230921 Siomvz00141

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240215

•792 Harry Dresden Feb’24 Spmaez: “who say their guy isn’t as senile as trump is....yea real clear headed.... “ .•792 hrrydrsdn 240215 Spmaez00792 to •791 Vpmaez00791

•793 Fort Fun Indiana Feb’24 said: Because he isn't senile. He is a great orator, compared to the orange slob with the vocabulary of a 7 year old. •793 frtfnndn 240215 Vpmaez00793 to •792 Spmaez00792

Harry Dresden Feb’24 Spmaez: you see what you want to see FF.... •794 hrrydrsdn 240215 Spnaez00794 to •793 Vpmaez00793

No, Saint Harrydresden. It is a matter of fact that I saw President Joe Biden on TV last week and he was capable of being the president of the United States of America, Joe has had slips of the tongue in public service going back 50 years. Joe has had slips of the tongue prior to shellacking Trump in the 2020 election. That means the senile old Biden, if you want to call him that, beat the Republican candidate whom you are so willing to subject yourself to such extraordinary prevarications.

On the other hand, on the morning of January 6, I watched Donald J Trump speak on the Ellipse live as it was happening in real time. I knew all 50 states had certified their results on or before December 14 which meant without exception that no change in the majority’s decision that ‘Biden won and Trump lost’ was possible. I knew it was not possible under the Constitution and our election laws that Mike Pence could not reverse the election unless something illegal was involved. I told my wife before the riot started “This motherfucker is trying to start a Civil War” explaining that if Trump gets chaos in Congress to somehow tell black Americans that ooops toof-vckvng-bad, your votes will not count, the MAGA Great White Christian Hope is here to stay.

Trump promised white Christian nationalists “power” when they backed him in the 2015 Primaries to become president. Those same religious extremists got three Catholics added to the three Catholics already on the USSC. Trump GETS credit for overturning Roe

And Trump gets credit for trying to criminally overturn the election that he lost. He is indicted on the latter.

Trump the Overturner over the course of saying stupider and stupider things as we watch him become evermore unhinged further and further from reality in his criminal trials; will completely “destroy” the Republican Party, and so, America will be GREATER than ever when the fat Orange Bastard goes away. Perhaps that is what MAGA is all about.

The following MAGA need to think about that.

Election prediction 240215

nfbw 240216 Vpmaez00802

90% of Americans already view xiden as incompetent. The MSM has a tall hill to climb. After all they'll be conducting 99% of his campaign, just like 2020. I'll bet money xiden will never set foot on a debate stage.

Those are statements of fact, not a prediction.


If we worship One God.​

Do you wonder why Biden is fading fast?

Is Jesus God? 231214
Robert W Dec’23 Sijgyz: “Our personal beauty in other words comes when we rejoin GOD and Jesus.” rvbvrtw 231214 Sijgyz00014

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240220
Jesus was Jewish, Saint Robertw, which means he grew up in a religious tradition wherein it was understood that humans could be civilized and have a moral relationship with a supernatural creator being while believing that God breathes life into human beings as they are being extracted from their mother when the result is live birth.

Do you have any evidence that Jesus knew that sanctity of life begins at conception or at any other point between conception and live birth?

nfbw 240220 Vpmaez00814
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I wonder what the phony orange "Christians" here think of this.

You can't ask them, because you can't expect an honest answer.

But I do wonder.

Either way, it's right there, gang.
I wonder what the phony orange "Christians" here think of this.

You can't ask them, because you can't expect an honest answer.

But I do wonder.

Either way, it's right there, gang.

He sounds like a zealot….But I’m sure you think ALL republicans think like that, because you’ve been brainwashed…
He sounds like a zealot….But I’m sure you think ALL republicans think like that, because you’ve been brainwashed…
Mac thinks he's an independent, but all his postings heap nothing but praise on the Almighty Democrat party.

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