Politics then and now

Because the policies of some have gone way off course, driven by China through states like California and New York. You have people being referred to some of the highest positions in America and they can't tell you the difference between a man and a woman. They want abortion 2 weeks before delivery. They believe you can self identify as a cucumber and that not referring to someone with an absurd pronoun is cause for dismissal. It's clear how the communists have infiltrated one party specifically. Were any of the above deluded talking points remotely in existence 40 years ago?
It's now more of the Jim Jones type as opposed to the Blue Oyster type now.


But there's dancing. ;)

Reagan and democrats could have disagreements, then laugh together

This was before politics became a Steel Cage Death Match

Some issues there isn't any compromise. It also doesn't help when people aren't clear about what they want or what they believe.

Federalism could help much of this, but not everything.
Yep. It's all about clicks, reads, views and listens. Keep the rabble angry and manipulated.

For a while I bought into the act that the folks in DC really hated each other, but it is easy to see through.
It was also the Cold War and the threat nuclear annihilation used keep people civil. Now one side wants to prod that same threat to protect their corrupt money laundering schemes in Ukraine.

Yep, that side is called the "duopoly".

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