Politics then and now

Yep, that side is called the "duopoly".
Not really, what you had was a country unified in purpose where the differences were not night and day. Liberals have gone off the rails and away from the Constitution. Pretending things are anywhere near the same is disingenuous.
Not really, what you had was a country unified in purpose where the differences were not night and day. Liberals have gone off the rails and away from the Constitution. Pretending things are anywhere near the same is disingenuous.

Both sides have gone off the rails and away from the Constitution, most of it they do together while pretending to be fighting each other.

Back 2019 I think it was during Trump's first impeachment the two sides were at each others throats, they had all sorts of public fighting going on. While all that was going on the end of the year came and went and Congress passed and the POTUS signed a whole slew of bills that none made the news due to all the "fighting". Those bills added to spending and they messed with retirement systems.

So, tell me, how do things like that happen if the two side really hate each other as much as they pretend?
here's the definition of what a cult does. same line repeated by the members as often as possible.

I challenge anyone to find something similar from republicans.

Bideh, "I'm as sharp as a, what do you call it, you know, the thing! C'mon Man!"

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