Politics Today

What the conservative set within the GOP fears are the people, and thus put their in faith in DJT&Co. and the elite (both of their efforts seem to me to put their wealth and lifestyle first, and the vast majority of us last).

When the Framers sat to write COTUS in 1787 they were well aware that our revolution was successful against the most powerful Army and Navy in the world, at that time.

They understood the power of the people, they (for the most part) were instrumental in its success. Thus they faced a conundrum, should power be in the hands of the people, or a king. The Framers had also been well read, and settled on what was written by Charles, Baron de Montesquieu: The Separation of Power among an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.

Today, we are a nation of laws, wherein no one person is above the law. That is currently under attack by Trump&Co. along with his fellow travelers in The Congress and people like those who will pretend this thread funny.

sorry I thought this was going to be about politics not your case of TDS and how butthurt you are AGAIN,,,

and truthfully I find this thread sad and worry about your mental health,,
get help soon some people are worried about you,,,

Truth has never been part of your posts, nor I suspect in your life.
if what I say is wrong the why dont you show how its wrong???

or could it be you thats lying???

I've posted verbatim that trump has character disorders (CD). he is the one you need to worry about his mental health.

See the DSM-V on line, look up the CD's: paranoid, narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial. Then honestly get back to me with you understanding of these disorders and if you suffer cognitive dissonance after reading them.

both of you can be fucking nuts,,,and based on your comments you are in need of more help than trump,,
The Trumpanzees are out and about this morning. They are easily identified by their lack of substance, lack of intelligent thought and the diplomatic skills of a trump.

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