POLITICS US food stamp program could run out of funding if shutdown continues

Fuck your food stamps.
Get a job.

The vast majority of people receiving food stamps DO have jobs. Some of them, more than one. But when fast food "managers" making under $25,000 per year have to work 60 hour weeks without getting overtime (just one of the Obama regulations that Trump cancelled), it leaves precious little time for that second job, now doesn't it?
Get a better job.
Fuck your food stamps.
Get a job.

The vast majority of people receiving food stamps DO have jobs. Some of them, more than one. But when fast food "managers" making under $25,000 per year have to work 60 hour weeks without getting overtime (just one of the Obama regulations that Trump cancelled), it leaves precious little time for that second job, now doesn't it?

The average fast food manager in the United States makes over $36,000 per year and few that I have ran across work less hours a week than I do and I am at 45-50 hours per week. So maybe you can send me the link with that information.
Fuck your food stamps.
Get a job.

The vast majority of people receiving food stamps DO have jobs. Some of them, more than one. But when fast food "managers" making under $25,000 per year have to work 60 hour weeks without getting overtime (just one of the Obama regulations that Trump cancelled), it leaves precious little time for that second job, now doesn't it?
Get a better job.

Even if everyone in the country went to college and got a good education, you would still need people to manage fast food restaurants, stock store shelves, and deliver pizzas. Those people deserve a LIVING WAGE, too.
Could shmould, just like tax refunds could be held back. Not.
US tax refunds 'safe from shutdown'

My guess..... food stamp recipients 80 to 85% Democrats....of those maybe 10 percent of them actually vote....

And if there are any Republicans/trump voters in that mix, who cares, right?

EBT is actually more important than people realize. Forget the social aspects... The investment into agriculture enables scale and thus brings prices down for everybody.
It's the one and ONLY time I agree with

Watch the trumpanzees turn into cannibals.

The grass Roots will be fine. It's the gop senators who are shitting their pants right now. Bunch of spineless dupes/dopes. Mconnell will eventually have a vote
Large enough to override. When he does I predict he will hold the vote. At the rate
The Senators are crumbling I give it less than a week.

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Watch the trumpanzees turn into cannibals.

The grass Roots will be fine. It's the gop senators who are shitting their pants right now. Bunch of spineless dupes/dopes. Mconnell will eventually have a vote
Large enough to override. When he does I predict he will hold the vote. At the rate
The Senators are crumbling I give it less than a week.



McConnell is in deep shit. If he keeps playing backup for Trump, he's history. Americans are tired of politicians who play politics and cling to power above all else. McConnell obstructed Obama from the day he was elected, and tried to destroy America to retain power for Republicans. Now, he's got Trump's back, even as he enacts policies that are just as destructive to the economy as those that lead to W's economic collapse, all while rolling back the regulations and laws which were supposed to keep Wall Street from taking you over that cliff again.

Americans want government that works for them. McConnell wants government that works for the Republican Party and no one else.
Watch the trumpanzees turn into cannibals.

The grass Roots will be fine. It's the gop senators who are shitting their pants right now. Bunch of spineless dupes/dopes. Mconnell will eventually have a vote
Large enough to override. When he does I predict he will hold the vote. At the rate
The Senators are crumbling I give it less than a week.



McConnell is in deep shit. If he keeps playing backup for Trump, he's history. Americans are tired of politicians who play politics and cling to power above all else. McConnell obstructed Obama from the day he was elected, and tried to destroy America to retain power for Republicans. Now, he's got Trump's back, even as he enacts policies that are just as destructive to the economy as those that lead to W's economic collapse, all while rolling back the regulations and laws which were supposed to keep Wall Street from taking you over that cliff again.

Americans want government that works for them. McConnell wants government that works for the Republican Party and no one else.

I'm sure they have already planned everything in and advance. You have enough weak spined GOP senators to make 60 votes .... This lets both of them off the hook. They had to know this from day one. None of this is impromptu including Pelosi and Schumer who are both on record multiple times in favor of a wall. It also gives Trump free reign to traget the weaker Senators like Murkowski and Collins for removal without pissing off the rest of the Senate. The blue state republican Senators will be toast at that point. As for your viewpoint that Power is all they want that is not unique to the GOP. Any member of any party is a partisan first and an American second.

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Watch the trumpanzees turn into cannibals.

The grass Roots will be fine. It's the gop senators who are shitting their pants right now. Bunch of spineless dupes/dopes. Mconnell will eventually have a vote
Large enough to override. When he does I predict he will hold the vote. At the rate
The Senators are crumbling I give it less than a week.



McConnell is in deep shit. If he keeps playing backup for Trump, he's history. Americans are tired of politicians who play politics and cling to power above all else. McConnell obstructed Obama from the day he was elected, and tried to destroy America to retain power for Republicans. Now, he's got Trump's back, even as he enacts policies that are just as destructive to the economy as those that lead to W's economic collapse, all while rolling back the regulations and laws which were supposed to keep Wall Street from taking you over that cliff again.

Americans want government that works for them. McConnell wants government that works for the Republican Party and no one else.
McConnell is GOPe. And he has gotten threatened. Trump got elected because of people like him. Not the reverse.
Fuck your food stamps.
Get a job.

The vast majority of people receiving food stamps DO have jobs. Some of them, more than one. But when fast food "managers" making under $25,000 per year have to work 60 hour weeks without getting overtime (just one of the Obama regulations that Trump cancelled), it leaves precious little time for that second job, now doesn't it?
Get a better job.

Even if everyone in the country went to college and got a good education, you would still need people to manage fast food restaurants, stock store shelves, and deliver pizzas. Those people deserve a LIVING WAGE, too.

Deliver a pizza that costs 48 bucks.....

That's what will happen.... No one will buy it.
THIS..... Is what determines wages ultimately....not political philosophy.


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