Politifact Checks Karl Rove on Chris Christie

A Smart Politics content analysis of more than 500 PolitiFact stories from January 2010 through January 2011 finds that current and former Republican officeholders have been assigned substantially harsher grades by the news organization than their Democratic counterparts.

In total, 74 of the 98 statements by political figures judged “false” or “pants on fire” over the last 13 months were given to Republicans, or 76 percent, compared to just 22 statements for Democrats (22 percent)."

Selection Bias? PolitiFact Rates Republican Statements as False at 3 Times the Rate of Democrats - Smart Politics

"When PolitiFact Editor Bill Adair was on C-SPAN's Washington Journal in August of 2009, he explained how statements are picked:
"We choose to check things we are curious about. If we look at something and we think that an elected official or talk show host is wrong, then we will fact-check it."

"If that is the methodology, then why is it that PolitiFact takes Republicans to the woodshed much more frequently than Democrats?

Repubs lie more often is a possibility

Just like I said lol


Nor does PolitiFact claim on its site to present a 'fair and balanced' selection of statements, or that the statements rated are representative of the general truthfulness of the nation's political parties or the elected officials involved."
What? LOL. Using the old "what they dont say" logic. Well, they dont say that they are humans either therefore they must be alien.

Poor Kosher

Poor cc. It's a left wing hack site. Everybody knows it, even you. But nothing you say or support has any weight, anyway.


When called on your bullshit you admit you have nothing and revert to "its a hack site" logic.

Conservatives have long accused the media of covering up controversies in the Obama administration, including the attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya that resulted in the deaths of ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, and reports that the IRS targeted tea party groups.

Rove pointed us to reports from the Media Research Center, a conservative website critical of the press, highlighting what they say are disparities in the amount of coverage Christie garnered versus other scandals. We link to them here and here for your consideration.

But we also conducted our own analysis to see if Christie’s coverage pales in significance to Benghazi.

It’s fair to say the coverage of Christie’s week was significant. When the story first broke in New Jersey newspapers, every major outlet quickly followed their lead. By Sunday, Christie was a topic of debate on all of the political talk shows.

Just how much was Christie in the news? A quick search through Lexis-Nexis, a research service that tracks the work of the media, found Christie’s name mentioned in 203 transcripts posted from the cable (CNN, Fox and MSNBC) and network (ABC, CBS and NBC) news outlets, plus National Public Radio. CNN led the way with 83 mentions.

A simple search of "Chris Christie" and "bridge" also came up in 30 New York Times articles and 27 Washington Post articles, and 778 times in newspapers and wire stories across the country.

Clearly, Christie became a national story. He is a well-known figure thought by many to be the GOP frontrunner for the presidential nomination in 2016, and a potential scandal in his administration instantly attracted widespread press attention. But how does that compare to the coverage of Benghazi?

It’s tough to put the two controversies side-by-side. The Christie news, which broke under the nose of the New York media, has a clear starting point (when the New Jersey media first reported on it) and climax (Christie’s news conference).

The events surrounding Benghazi garnered immediate attention, but had several watershed moments: Obama’s statement from the White House Rose Garden, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice’s news blitz pinning the attacks to an anti-Muslim YouTube video, the presidential debate between Obama and Republican Mitt Romney during which Benghazi was an issue, and the congressional hearings featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among other events.

We decided to focus on the week after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, which occurred Sept. 11, 2012. It’s a little bit longer of a time period to track (the Christie news broke mid-week so we have just four days of search results), but stick with us.

Using the same news outlets we tracked for Christie, we found 250 transcripts that mentioned "Benghazi." Again, CNN led the way with 100 mentions.

CNN? But I thought they were the Clinton News Network. Whyyyyyy? lol

There were more than 2,800 stories that contain "Benghazi" in newspapers and wire services, though that also includes international newspapers. Domestically, the New York Times wrote 69 stories and the Washington Post had 49.

Mainstream news outlets also gave airtime and space to Republicans who alleged a cover up on the part of the administration. During Oct. 18-25, 2012, when accusations were especially frequent, CNN and MSNBC referred to "Benghazi cover up" a combined 13 times.

Benghazi was also competing for airtime against other large national news events, like the presidential election and later Hurricane Sandy. With Congress just returning to town, the scandal in Christie’s office broke during a relatively slow week in politics.
If you like your traffic pattern, you can keep it. period

What difference does it make?

It was the act of a Rogue agent in the Cincinnati office
Given that Politicfact reversed course on Obamacare, the same question could be asked of you.[/QUOTE]

haha, temple demolishes CC with one post


How's that? I don't recall Politifact reversing course on Obamacare, merely one part, over which the administration really didn't have any control over.

And, Yurtie? Really? Still can't add anything but smarm to a debate? Tell us in one sentence how Temple "demolished" CC with one post.

Or go whining to the mods.
Given that Politicfact reversed course on Obamacare, the same question could be asked of you.

haha, temple demolishes CC with one post


How's that? I don't recall Politifact reversing course on Obamacare, merely one part, over which the administration really didn't have any control over.

And, Yurtie? Really? Still can't add anything but smarm to a debate? Tell us in one sentence how Temple "demolished" CC with one post.

Or go whining to the mods.





Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated "True" in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise | Frontiers of Freedom

Please exit stage left.
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Funny those screen caps dont show how they determined it was true or false 5 years apart.

You're not hiding anything

You're flailing. Politifact has no cred. You citing someone with no cred therefore means you have no cred yourself. All you need to do is teach yourself how to use Google like normal people.

Have a seat. I rule this thread.
Last edited:
Funny those screen caps dont show how they determined it was true or false 5 years apart.

You're not hiding anything

You're flailing. Politifact has no cred. You citing someone with no cred therefore means you have no cred yourself. All you need to do is teach yourself how to use Google like normal people.

Have a seat. I rule this thread.

When you delete links and omit information you have all the cred :lol:
Funny those screen caps dont show how they determined it was true or false 5 years apart.

You're not hiding anything

Barack Obama promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee | PolitiFact

Barack Obama says that under his health care law, those who have health insurance will keep it | PolitiFact

Hit the link then see how full of shit Temp is when he OMITS

If the ACA hadn't received the level of obstruction from the right and their allies, Obama's statement would have been at least half true.

PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than left? Really? - Conservative News
want to see how biased they are? Read the link. They are run and operated by the left just as media matters, et al are. When openly called on their bias they will throw an occasional bone out.

So we're supposed to take the word of Conservative News over Politifact?

Ummm. No.
Funny those screen caps dont show how they determined it was true or false 5 years apart.

You're not hiding anything

You're flailing. Politifact has no cred. You citing someone with no cred therefore means you have no cred yourself. All you need to do is teach yourself how to use Google like normal people.

Have a seat. I rule this thread.

so someone with no cred claims someone else has no cred....Brilliant!
Funny those screen caps dont show how they determined it was true or false 5 years apart.

You're not hiding anything

Barack Obama promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee | PolitiFact

Barack Obama says that under his health care law, those who have health insurance will keep it | PolitiFact

Hit the link then see how full of shit Temp is when he OMITS

If the ACA hadn't received the level of obstruction from the right and their allies, Obama's statement would have been at least half true.

PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than left? Really? - Conservative News
want to see how biased they are? Read the link. They are run and operated by the left just as media matters, et al are. When openly called on their bias they will throw an occasional bone out.

So we're supposed to take the word of Conservative News over Politifact?

Ummm. No.
yet you expect us to believe in biased politifacts.Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans - Peter Roff (usnews.com)
Karl Rove says media coverage of Benghazi pales to coverage of Chris Christie bridge scandal | PunditFact

"The amount of attention paid to Chris Christie makes the coverage of Benghazi, at the same time, the coverage of the IRS, pale in significance." Rove said.

In this fact-check we decided to focus on the comparison between the events, and the media coverage, in New Jersey and in Libya.


Our ruling

Rove said that the coverage of Christie pales "in significance" to the coverage of Benghazi. When news of the attacks on Benghazi broke, coverage was widespread, and it continued through congressional hearings. Moreover, a lot of the coverage questioned the administration’s narrative and response to the attacks. Indeed, Christie has occupied much of the conversation, but it was also in a relatively slow news week. Benghazi garnered significant coverage, even during the height of the presidential election.

Perhaps the outcome of those reports didn’t unearth the conspiracy conservatives alleged and hoped for. More is still likely to come out, and Republicans continue to keep it in the news. But to insinuate the mainstream media ignored the attacks while putting Christie through the ringer goes too far. We rate Rove’s statement False.

I wonder if Repubs still tout Politifact as a good source or was it only for the lie of the year. We'll see...

Pubs tend to be fickle in that regard.

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