Politifact: Republicans Lie Twice As Much As Democrats


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Don't let others do your thinking OR fact checking for you.
Oh yeah... republicans are the big liars, and that's why it's a SCANDAL A MINUTE being discovered with the DEMOCRATS, most of which are LYING THEIR FUCKING ASSES OFF IN FRONT OF CONGRESS.

Just ask odumbo's lap dog holder. He's in some deep shit right now for LYING TO CONGRESS.

Ya... republicans are the big liars... WHAT A LOAD OF PELICAN SHIT.

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"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.

The classic "I don't like the results, so I'll just get all butthurt and claim they are "a lib" outfit"
Politifact has become a joke if this is the crap they are now putting out there..
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Oh yeah... republicans are the big liars, and that's why it's a SCANDAL A MINUTE being discovered with the DEMOCRATS, most of which are LYING THEIR FUCKING ASSES OFF IN FRONT OF CONGRESS.

Just ask odumbo's lap dog holder. He's in some deep shit right now for LYING TO CONGRESS.

Ya... republicans are the big liars... WHAT A LOAD OF PELICAN SHIT.


Politifact getting criticized by rightwingers and-----and Rachel Maddow, hmm...?
Politfact, run by the Tampa Bay Times, is owned by Poynter which is run by those that support the left.
Politfact, run by the Tampa Bay Times, is owned by Poynter which is run by those that support the left.

Politifact, has criticized Obama, whom also has been criticized by fox, so that means politifact is a right wing outlet.
I don't really know if what they are saying is true. Certainly Republicans may have said things that turned out to not be true which is not the same as lying. Democrats on the other hand have to defend Obama so considering how bad are the scandals I would say they have to lie.

That all said, my fact checking of his board indicates to me that the left wants to stay low information voters. It is easy to deny things that way when the real facts are not known. What I have found with boths sides is that once the facts are established the thread dies.
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.

The classic "I don't like the results, so I'll just get all butthurt and claim they are "a lib" outfit"

Where is the data on number of republicans checked vs democrats? What is the selection process for a statement to be checked? It would be easy to cherry pick more republican statements that are "false" than democratic statements that are "false"

Of course they throw in a few democratic doozies to seem "fair."
politifact leans so far left the leaning tower of pisa is in awe of their lean
Which is worse: lying about shoe size or if an attack was over a Youtube video???

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