Politifact: Republicans Lie Twice As Much As Democrats

anyone that can't see what this administration is doing to them, is just plain blind or mentally so programmed by the democrat party that they can't rationalize anything. I was once a registered democrat but I switched to being independent. I am not fond of either party and would rather use my own judgement on who to vote for then be controlled by a Party affliation. This is by far the worst Presidence in the History of America. I pray it doesn't happen again in the next election to keep us in these bad situations.
Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.

The classic "I don't like the results, so I'll just get all butthurt and claim they are "a lib" outfit"

Where is the data on number of republicans checked vs democrats? What is the selection process for a statement to be checked? It would be easy to cherry pick more republican statements that are "false" than democratic statements that are "false"

Of course they throw in a few democratic doozies to seem "fair."

Didn't click the link in the OP didja?
If you had, you would have discovered this study was conducted by the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA). CMPA consider themselves to be non-partisan but...

Center for Media and Public Affairs

The media watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) has challenged CMPA's non-partisan claim, based on the argument that much of its funding has come from conservative sources, and that its founder, Dr. S. Robert Lichter, once held a chair in mass communications at the American Enterprise Institute and was a Fox News contributor.[18][19] After a Washington Post article referred to CMPA as "conservative," the Post published a "Clarification," which concluded, "The Center describes itself as nonpartisan, and its studies have been cited by both conservative and liberal commentators."

BTW, FYI percent means...

4. figured or expressed on the basis of a rate or proportion per hundred (used in combination with a number in expressing rates of interest, proportions, etc.): to get three percent interest. Symbol: %
lol, just who I want to take the word of who lies the most..

the center for the media and public affairs...

don't they have anything better to do? Like study all the shit shows that are being pushed on TV...lol
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The classic "I don't like the results, so I'll just get all butthurt and claim they are "a lib" outfit"

Where is the data on number of republicans checked vs democrats? What is the selection process for a statement to be checked? It would be easy to cherry pick more republican statements that are "false" than democratic statements that are "false"

Of course they throw in a few democratic doozies to seem "fair."

Didn't click the link in the OP didja?
If you had, you would have discovered this study was conducted by the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA). CMPA consider themselves to be non-partisan but...

Center for Media and Public Affairs

The media watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) has challenged CMPA's non-partisan claim, based on the argument that much of its funding has come from conservative sources, and that its founder, Dr. S. Robert Lichter, once held a chair in mass communications at the American Enterprise Institute and was a Fox News contributor.[18][19] After a Washington Post article referred to CMPA as "conservative," the Post published a "Clarification," which concluded, "The Center describes itself as nonpartisan, and its studies have been cited by both conservative and liberal commentators."

BTW, FYI percent means...

4. figured or expressed on the basis of a rate or proportion per hundred (used in combination with a number in expressing rates of interest, proportions, etc.): to get three percent interest. Symbol: %

Ha ha smart guy. it still doesnt answer who deicdes what facts to check, and how those facts are rated.
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.


"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Everybody lies. Period. The only reason why this "statistic" was made was so that democrats could high five. Here's a stat for you, There's a 100 percent chance that this "study" could be done again with the opposite set of results.
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"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.



I stand by this statement, they are as biased as most of the rest of the media.

That they call out democrats from time to time does not change this.
hahaha .... I can make up things too. Does everything Obama says count as just 1 lie?
The alternative is almost too horrible to contemplate. Politifact believes that democrats are telling the truth.
Considering politifact is actually in it for the democrats, I'm not surprised.

Just calling yourself a "fact checker" does not imply partiality.



I stand by this statement, they are as biased as most of the rest of the media.

That they call out democrats from time to time does not change this.

The only thing that matters in reality is if something is TRUE OR UNTRUE. If it's untrue you are welcome to prove it. You aren't allowed to dismiss information you don't like just because you don't like the organization providing it.

Either it's true or not. Which one is it? Or do you care?

I stand by this statement, they are as biased as most of the rest of the media.

That they call out democrats from time to time does not change this.

The only thing that matters in reality is if something is TRUE OR UNTRUE. If it's untrue you are welcome to prove it. You aren't allowed to dismiss information you don't like just because you don't like the organization providing it.

Either it's true or not. Which one is it? Or do you care?

Are we talking opinions or fact? Facts are things like "gravity makes things fall down"
or "water a liquid at 50 deg F and 1 ATM). What politifact ranks are usually opinions, and with the exception of some of the doozies, can be open to interpretation.

When a politician spouts off numbers (X% of people unemployed stopped looking for work based on study X) you can verify thier statment as accurate or not.

When someone says Government org X is amassing power to do Y, that is more of an opinion, yet politifact treats it as a true/sort of true/sort of false/false statement. These are the ones that the bias can get into.
hahaha .... I can make up things too. Does everything Obama says count as just 1 lie?

Haven't you heard? If you find something on the Internet it's true. If you heard it on the media it's true! If you make a logical observation yourself....no way...the Internet didn't say it. Come on! Open your eyes! Democrats tell the truth more!
I stand by this statement, they are as biased as most of the rest of the media.

That they call out democrats from time to time does not change this.

The only thing that matters in reality is if something is TRUE OR UNTRUE. If it's untrue you are welcome to prove it. You aren't allowed to dismiss information you don't like just because you don't like the organization providing it.

Either it's true or not. Which one is it? Or do you care?

Are we talking opinions or fact? Facts are things like "gravity makes things fall down"
or "water a liquid at 50 deg F and 1 ATM). What politifact ranks are usually opinions, and with the exception of some of the doozies, can be open to interpretation.

When a politician spouts off numbers (X% of people unemployed stopped looking for work based on study X) you can verify thier statment as accurate or not.

When someone says Government org X is amassing power to do Y, that is more of an opinion, yet politifact treats it as a true/sort of true/sort of false/false statement. These are the ones that the bias can get into.

So you're not even going to try to determine if it's true or not...why would you when you can just dismiss it all and keep the bubble clean
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

some people perfer lies to the truth
The only thing that matters in reality is if something is TRUE OR UNTRUE. If it's untrue you are welcome to prove it. You aren't allowed to dismiss information you don't like just because you don't like the organization providing it.

Either it's true or not. Which one is it? Or do you care?

Are we talking opinions or fact? Facts are things like "gravity makes things fall down"
or "water a liquid at 50 deg F and 1 ATM). What politifact ranks are usually opinions, and with the exception of some of the doozies, can be open to interpretation.

When a politician spouts off numbers (X% of people unemployed stopped looking for work based on study X) you can verify thier statment as accurate or not.

When someone says Government org X is amassing power to do Y, that is more of an opinion, yet politifact treats it as a true/sort of true/sort of false/false statement. These are the ones that the bias can get into.

So you're not even going to try to determine if it's true or not...why would you when you can just dismiss it all and keep the bubble clean

Its not dismissing the items, its taking them with a grain of salt, knowing that the people writing the crap have a democratic bias. They are journalists after all, and 9 out of 10 of them are democrats.

Its asking the impossible for people to keep thier bias out of ranking opinions. If we were dealing with HARD facts, then bias is harder to add to the equation, but we are dealing with political opinions.
The only thing that matters in reality is if something is TRUE OR UNTRUE. If it's untrue you are welcome to prove it. You aren't allowed to dismiss information you don't like just because you don't like the organization providing it.

Either it's true or not. Which one is it? Or do you care?

Are we talking opinions or fact? Facts are things like "gravity makes things fall down"
or "water a liquid at 50 deg F and 1 ATM). What politifact ranks are usually opinions, and with the exception of some of the doozies, can be open to interpretation.

When a politician spouts off numbers (X% of people unemployed stopped looking for work based on study X) you can verify thier statment as accurate or not.

When someone says Government org X is amassing power to do Y, that is more of an opinion, yet politifact treats it as a true/sort of true/sort of false/false statement. These are the ones that the bias can get into.

So you're not even going to try to determine if it's true or not...why would you when you can just dismiss it all and keep the bubble clean

What stats like this are meant to do is to keep us divided as a nation instead of focusing on how we are all similar. Of course there is no ground for truth. What do you think the Taliban tells their followers about America??? the things they say is to make that group of people hate this group of people (us). Stats like this lie BS are simply meant to keep us a society fighting for whatever team (democrat or republican) we have chosen. I mean...who gives a shit who lies more? Believing everything we hear just because our team says it is one of our most ignorant flaws as a society.
"Since January, PolitiFact has rated 52 percent of Republicans' statements as mostly or entirely false, compared to just 24 percent of Democrats' statements, the study found. In the first three weeks of May, amid controversies over the attacks in Benghazi, Libya and investigations at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department Of Justice, 60 percent of Republicans' statements were rated as false, compared to 29 percent of those made by Democrats."

With the constant spew of lies and BS coming from the Republicans, I'm surprised that the ratio is only 2x.
What really matters is that regardless of which team you are on....your team is lying to you. Instead what matters to us is who gets lied to more...I mean....what???

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