PolitiFact Rules 100% Real Photo Of Joe Biden With Former KKK Leader Robert Byrd As ‘Mostly False’

Oh, noooo, who politicians appear with in photos matters again to rightwingnuts.

Democrats defended the kkk lol to funny
Even funnier.... now the right does.
How so
Trump talking about all the very fine people at an alt-right rally comprised of neonazis, white supremacists, kkk and white nationalists.
They weren't all neonazis, white supremacists, kkk and white nationalists, you lying piece of shit. However, the term "white nationalist" is just a pejorative the left invented to smear all patriotic Americans.
Fucking moron, there was no one else there on the right.
Democrats defended the kkk lol to funny
Even funnier.... now the right does.
How so
Trump talking about all the very fine people at an alt-right rally comprised of neonazis, white supremacists, kkk and white nationalists.
They weren't all neonazis, white supremacists, kkk and white nationalists, you lying piece of shit. However, the term "white nationalist" is just a pejorative the left invented to smear all patriotic Americans.
Fucking moron, there was no one else there on the right.
ROFL! Prove it, you lying asshole. As noted, the term "white nationalist" is just a pejorative leftwing scumlike you invented to smear every patriotic American.
Why is every right wing thread based on a misrepresentation, or a blatant lie? That picture was taken decades after Byrd had disavowed the KKK and was working diligently for civil rights. You know the NAACP issued a statement of regret on his passing, don't you?
Its like Trump and the golden shower-too good to let go-oh that's right, that's a left thing.
Leftists just say shit so it’s out there they give two shits about after. The intent is to release the lie!
View attachment 277028

That image is from 1869. If you'll point out the Democratic politician or politicians responsible for that poster who is running for any office, I promise not to vote for them.
They are worse now-the Democrats put illegals over blacks and whites.
That picture was taken decades after Byrd had disavowed the KKK

Why does that matter? It never matters to the left when ancient dirt is dug up on some rightie.

It matters in Byrd's case because his fight for civil rights became the defining trait of Byrd's career. Without his additional redeeming effort, your portrayal of him would be valid.
What "fight for civil" rights? When did he do any "fighting?"
When he croaked lol
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
Why is every right wing thread based on a misrepresentation, or a blatant lie? That picture was taken decades after Byrd had disavowed the KKK and was working diligently for civil rights. You know the NAACP issued a statement of regret on his passing, don't you?
Its like Trump and the golden shower-too good to let go-oh that's right, that's a left thing.
Leftists just say shit so it’s out there they give two shits about after. The intent is to release the lie!
View attachment 277028

That image is from 1869. If you'll point out the Democratic politician or politicians responsible for that poster who is running for any office, I promise not to vote for them.
They are worse now-the Democrats put illegals over blacks and whites.

Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
How do you now he got any Republican votes?
Just think of “Factcheckers” as Orwellian departments of the DNC and it all makes sense.

View attachment 276884

PolitiFact rules 100% real photo of Joe Biden with former KKK leader Robert Byrd as 'Mostly False'
Looks like Politifact was right. What is your problem? Does it make it harder to play your kkk card?

No depth too low for you lot in smearing decent people.
According to HRC Byrd was her "mentor".
Calling Byrd "decent" is like claiming Manson was a "decent" person.

Hillary worked with Miriam Wright Edelman at the CDF and went down south working on educational discrimination in the late 60's and early 70's.
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
How do you now he got any Republican votes?
He had to since the majority of West Virginia is republican.
Its like Trump and the golden shower-too good to let go-oh that's right, that's a left thing.
Leftists just say shit so it’s out there they give two shits about after. The intent is to release the lie!
View attachment 277028

That image is from 1869. If you'll point out the Democratic politician or politicians responsible for that poster who is running for any office, I promise not to vote for them.
They are worse now-the Democrats put illegals over blacks and whites.

Sorry, you are being thrown over for some ignorant beggars who can vote more times than you can. I've seen black guys be let go to have non English speakers take their jobs. Denying it or hiding your head won't make it stop, and it will only get worse. You, an American citizen, is being shown the back of the bus by illegals-wake up!
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
How do you now he got any Republican votes?
He had to since the majority of West Virginia is republican.
How does Manchin get votes? And Justice was a Democrat.
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
How do you now he got any Republican votes?
He had to since the majority of West Virginia is republican.
Wrong. The majority in most states is unaffiliated.
Just think of “Factcheckers” as Orwellian departments of the DNC and it all makes sense.

View attachment 276884

PolitiFact rules 100% real photo of Joe Biden with former KKK leader Robert Byrd as 'Mostly False'
I bought it until I saw them holding hands-that's special

Then you'll love this one.

View attachment 277004
Is that who I think it is with who I think it is?

That's Barack holding hands with his Pakistani boyfriend.

It is what it is kid.
Yes. I did. I said what I have said here. 50 years ago, in college, people are young and stupid. I don’t much care what they did if they didn’t continue the pattern. Stop assuming I say what you WANT to hear based on your labeling, and actually listen to what people say for a change instead.

Okay so 1 in 10,000 in the Dem party are not hypocrites, but they hate you more than they hate us. Why don't you come over to the winning team and help re-elect president Trump.
Because only 1 in 10,000 Republicans are not hypocrites and the numbers are even lower for Trumpists.

Because I'm a brilliant genius and a heck of a nice guy I'll do you a favor. Your Democratic party no longer exists. Obama and the left wing purged the party of moderate Dem's and the left wing of the party despises moderates so I don't see them making a comeback. So you can either join team Trump and bring some balance to the table, or retire from politics those are your two choices.

Fools like you try to paint everything as an “either/or”. Either you favour building the Wall, or your in favour of open borders. There’s always more than two options, but conservatives are too stupid to consider this possibility.

The Democratic Party was not destroyed by Obama, anything but. But Obama tried to be too concilliatory towards Republicans and they shat on him for it. Democrats won't let that happen again. 2018 was just the beginning. Republican
Yes. I did. I said what I have said here. 50 years ago, in college, people are young and stupid. I don’t much care what they did if they didn’t continue the pattern. Stop assuming I say what you WANT to hear based on your labeling, and actually listen to what people say for a change instead.

Okay so 1 in 10,000 in the Dem party are not hypocrites, but they hate you more than they hate us. Why don't you come over to the winning team and help re-elect president Trump.
Because only 1 in 10,000 Republicans are not hypocrites and the numbers are even lower for Trumpists.

Because I'm a brilliant genius and a heck of a nice guy I'll do you a favor. Your Democratic party no longer exists. Obama and the left wing purged the party of moderate Dem's and the left wing of the party despises moderates so I don't see them making a comeback. So you can either join team Trump and bring some balance to the table, or retire from politics those are your two choices.

Fools like you try to paint everything as an “either/or”. Either you favour building the Wall, or your in favour of open borders. There’s always more than two options, but conservatives are too stupid to consider this possibility.

The Democratic Party was not destroyed by Obama, anything but. But Obama tried to be too concilliatory towards Republicans and they shat on him for it. Democrats won't let that happen again. 2018 was just the beginning. Republican minority rule in the USA is over. Democrats won't be staying home in 2020 like they did in 2016 - especially the blacks and the women who stayed home in 2016.

Since the beginning of the first black in America all cries of racial oppression has only come from towns run by Democrats.
You have always been the kkk you have changed tactics to regain control

Dem run cities use blacks to seize money from federal, state, and local taxpayers which they then spend on themselves instead of poor blacks. How is that any different than forcing blacks to pick cotton??

Evidence? Links? Any proof whatsoever, of these lies and bullshit?

Translation, I struck a raw nerve.

Hardly. What your post reveals is a complete lack of knowledge on how government funding works. You literally can't "seize money" from federal and state programs for your own personal use because municipal officials don't ever have access to government money. State and federal money isn't shipped to deposited to City bank accounts, and municipal officials can't access the money. So your post is a total bullshit lie.

Any moneys in government bank accounts have to have a lot of supporting paperwork for payment, as well as multiple signatures from multiple people to write a cheque. Unlike other avenues of corruption, municipal officials are never caught stealing money from the city's bank accounts, municipal officials are caught taking bribes, and giving favours, not stealing cash. In private corporations, people embezzle money, but it's harder in government because of the checks and balances.

Russian trolls have no idea how things actually work so you give yourself away by making accusations that have no merit or possibility of being true.
You obviously didn't read his post carefully. Government siezes the money from private citizens. If you think that doesn't happen, then you've never heard of a tax lean or the state evicting people to confiscate their homes for non-payment of taxes.

minority rule in the USA is over. Democrats won't be staying home in 2020 like they did in 2016 - especially the blacks and the women who stayed home in 2016.

Since the beginning of the first black in America all cries of racial oppression has only come from towns run by Democrats.
You have always been the kkk you have changed tactics to regain control

Dem run cities use blacks to seize money from federal, state, and local taxpayers which they then spend on themselves instead of poor blacks. How is that any different than forcing blacks to pick cotton??

Evidence? Links? Any proof whatsoever, of these lies and bullshit?

Translation, I struck a raw nerve.

Hardly. What your post reveals is a complete lack of knowledge on how government funding works. You literally can't "seize money" from federal and state programs for your own personal use because municipal officials don't ever have access to government money. State and federal money isn't shipped to deposited to City bank accounts, and municipal officials can't access the money. So your post is a total bullshit lie.

Any moneys in government bank accounts have to have a lot of supporting paperwork for payment, as well as multiple signatures from multiple people to write a cheque. Unlike other avenues of corruption, municipal officials are never caught stealing money from the city's bank accounts, municipal officials are caught taking bribes, and giving favours, not stealing cash. In private corporations, people embezzle money, but it's harder in government because of the checks and balances.

Russian trolls have no idea how things actually work so you give yourself away by making accusations that have no merit or possibility of being true.
You obviously didn't read his post carefully. Government siezes the money from private citizens. If you think that doesn't happen, then you've never heard of a tax lean or the state evicting people to confiscate their homes for non-payment of taxes.

You're even dumber than the Russians.. It's a tax LIEN you stupid dolt, and it happens ONLY when the citizen doesn't pay their municipal realty taxes. It would be even harder for a municipal official to steal someone's house with a phony tax lien than it would to steal cash from the bank account, and it would take years to make it happen. Again, you'd need the help of a lot of people to make it happen. Taxes would have to be levied, the owner would have to let them go into arrears for a period of more than one year, since a house is never seized for one year's tax arrears. Then legal notices would have to be sent by a lawyer that the house was in danger of being seized for tax arrears.

If the house has a mortgage on it, notice of the tax arrears would have to go to the mortgagee and they would have the option of paying the arrears and then foreclosing on the mortgage. If the owner objects to the taxes levied, they can appeal to the courts. They can also appeal the tax lien.

So try again oh stupid one. Explain to the LAW CLERK who did real estate law for 30 years how a "tax lean" works.
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
You’re defending him!
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
You’re defending him!

No you stupid Russian, we're explaining to you why the OP is bullshit.
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
You’re defending him!

When I think Trump supporters can't get any dumber, one of you shows that you actually can.
Why do democrats give Byrd who was a well known leader of a KKK organization a pass for his past? Would he get a pass today, if not why does Biden get a pass for celebrating him in a picture?
Byrd us dead and I didn't vote for him. So you go to West Virginia, a republican state, and ask how a democrat kept getting republican votes.
How do you now he got any Republican votes?
He had to since the majority of West Virginia is republican.
Wrong. The majority in most states is unaffiliated.
Nah, I'm not wrong.
Okay so 1 in 10,000 in the Dem party are not hypocrites, but they hate you more than they hate us. Why don't you come over to the winning team and help re-elect president Trump.
Because only 1 in 10,000 Republicans are not hypocrites and the numbers are even lower for Trumpists.

Because I'm a brilliant genius and a heck of a nice guy I'll do you a favor. Your Democratic party no longer exists. Obama and the left wing purged the party of moderate Dem's and the left wing of the party despises moderates so I don't see them making a comeback. So you can either join team Trump and bring some balance to the table, or retire from politics those are your two choices.

Fools like you try to paint everything as an “either/or”. Either you favour building the Wall, or your in favour of open borders. There’s always more than two options, but conservatives are too stupid to consider this possibility.

The Democratic Party was not destroyed by Obama, anything but. But Obama tried to be too concilliatory towards Republicans and they shat on him for it. Democrats won't let that happen again. 2018 was just the beginning. Republican
Because I'm a brilliant genius and a heck of a nice guy I'll do you a favor. Your Democratic party no longer exists. Obama and the left wing purged the party of moderate Dem's and the left wing of the party despises moderates so I don't see them making a comeback. So you can either join team Trump and bring some balance to the table, or retire from politics those are your two choices.

Fools like you try to paint everything as an “either/or”. Either you favour building the Wall, or your in favour of open borders. There’s always more than two options, but conservatives are too stupid to consider this possibility.

The Democratic Party was not destroyed by Obama, anything but. But Obama tried to be too concilliatory towards Republicans and they shat on him for it. Democrats won't let that happen again. 2018 was just the beginning. Republican minority rule in the USA is over. Democrats won't be staying home in 2020 like they did in 2016 - especially the blacks and the women who stayed home in 2016.

Translation, I struck a raw nerve.

Hardly. What your post reveals is a complete lack of knowledge on how government funding works. You literally can't "seize money" from federal and state programs for your own personal use because municipal officials don't ever have access to government money. State and federal money isn't shipped to deposited to City bank accounts, and municipal officials can't access the money. So your post is a total bullshit lie.

Any moneys in government bank accounts have to have a lot of supporting paperwork for payment, as well as multiple signatures from multiple people to write a cheque. Unlike other avenues of corruption, municipal officials are never caught stealing money from the city's bank accounts, municipal officials are caught taking bribes, and giving favours, not stealing cash. In private corporations, people embezzle money, but it's harder in government because of the checks and balances.

Russian trolls have no idea how things actually work so you give yourself away by making accusations that have no merit or possibility of being true.
You obviously didn't read his post carefully. Government siezes the money from private citizens. If you think that doesn't happen, then you've never heard of a tax lean or the state evicting people to confiscate their homes for non-payment of taxes.

minority rule in the USA is over. Democrats won't be staying home in 2020 like they did in 2016 - especially the blacks and the women who stayed home in 2016.

Dem run cities use blacks to seize money from federal, state, and local taxpayers which they then spend on themselves instead of poor blacks. How is that any different than forcing blacks to pick cotton??

Evidence? Links? Any proof whatsoever, of these lies and bullshit?

Translation, I struck a raw nerve.

Hardly. What your post reveals is a complete lack of knowledge on how government funding works. You literally can't "seize money" from federal and state programs for your own personal use because municipal officials don't ever have access to government money. State and federal money isn't shipped to deposited to City bank accounts, and municipal officials can't access the money. So your post is a total bullshit lie.

Any moneys in government bank accounts have to have a lot of supporting paperwork for payment, as well as multiple signatures from multiple people to write a cheque. Unlike other avenues of corruption, municipal officials are never caught stealing money from the city's bank accounts, municipal officials are caught taking bribes, and giving favours, not stealing cash. In private corporations, people embezzle money, but it's harder in government because of the checks and balances.

Russian trolls have no idea how things actually work so you give yourself away by making accusations that have no merit or possibility of being true.
You obviously didn't read his post carefully. Government siezes the money from private citizens. If you think that doesn't happen, then you've never heard of a tax lean or the state evicting people to confiscate their homes for non-payment of taxes.

You're even dumber than the Russians.. It's a tax LIEN you stupid dolt, and it happens ONLY when the citizen doesn't pay their municipal realty taxes. It would be even harder for a municipal official to steal someone's house with a phony tax lien than it would to steal cash from the bank account, and it would take years to make it happen. Again, you'd need the help of a lot of people to make it happen. Taxes would have to be levied, the owner would have to let them go into arrears for a period of more than one year, since a house is never seized for one year's tax arrears. Then legal notices would have to be sent by a lawyer that the house was in danger of being seized for tax arrears.

If the house has a mortgage on it, notice of the tax arrears would have to go to the mortgagee and they would have the option of paying the arrears and then foreclosing on the mortgage. If the owner objects to the taxes levied, they can appeal to the courts. They can also appeal the tax lien.

So try again oh stupid one. Explain to the LAW CLERK who did real estate law for 30 years how a "tax lean" works.


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