Poll: 50% support Biden impeachment

The Democrats were scum for passing a bill of impeachment against Trump, twice, for nothing.

The Republicans will take over the House and Senate after the Democrats get their ass whupping in the midterms and will have the ability to impeach this Potatohead piece of shit.

As much as I would like to see Potatohead get impeached to show the Democrats that two can play at that game I would rather not see it happen.

The Democrats, being the turds they are, set a Dirty Tricks precedent of an opposition party doing the impeachment when their party doesn't control the White House.

It needs to stop. We expect the Democrats to be assholes. That is what they are and we all know it. It is not good for the country to do that partisan shit but the Republicans need to take the high road and not do it. Even though Potatohead is corrupt as hell, in addition to being incompetent and destructive to the country, and sure as hell needs to be impeached.

I respectfully disagree.

Dems and Pubs are not playing the same game....they should be.

Why should Pubs play FLAG FOOTBALL when the Dems are playing tackle football for keeps?

I say FUCK THE DEMS and everything they do.
Since we have Biddum on tape doing far worse, then I can mark you down as one more in support of impeaching Joe.

The GOP wordsmiths know their base is dumb as dirt and will believe anything they are told. That's Joe bragging about his role in carrying out the US, the EU's and the IMF's anti corruption policy in the Ukraine by offering them billions in loan guarantees. In that very interview he talks about telling the Ukrainian delegation, who were understandably upset, that if they didn't believe he had the authority to tell them to fire the guy who wasn't investigating the corruption, to call President Obama and find out who has what authority.
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You dont have to fight nonsense unless some members of your own party want to impeach. Go ahead... impeach. Trump is the only sitting president to have members of HIS OWN PARTY vote to impeach. No one else ever has... or likely ever will... unless Trump is actually reelected.
Now you know what Repub voters go through with the endless RINOS and frauds we get. Before they start the impeachments all they need is their scripts and go through the motions while doing their other work. Repubs are okay with their judges being skewered but grease the wheels for the Prog judges. The African American female candidate would get the same treatment Kavanaugh and others did. Maybe Repubs do not remember what her cookie cutter sisters have done in many cities and areas. We can even put operatives in the gallery like Progs do. Eat food in the chambers like Progs do for show. All of it.
Impeachment is just another thing on a long list of things the leftists have destroyed.

Why would the Establishment GOP want to impeach President Biden?

Those damn silly folks on the Beltway think this shit is a game.
Why the fuck do any of y'all trust those people?

Many of us don't trust them, which is why Trump got elected. And may get elected again.

Message of the 2016 election was that about half those whom vote(legally) are fed up with the establishment elites of both major parties.

Message of the 2020 elections was either;
1) POTUS elections really can be stolen.
2) Half of those whom voted (both legally and illegally) are either as dumb, if not dumber, than the POTUS they elected.
I respectfully disagree.

Dems and Pubs are not playing the same game....they should be.

Why should Pubs play FLAG FOOTBALL when the Dems are playing tackle football for keeps?

I say FUCK THE DEMS and everything they do.
I understand and you are right in that we need to use the same tactics as the Democrats or else they will take this country and make it a Socialist shithole.

However, I just hate to the see the precedent of every time an opposition party controls the House to have a friggin impeachment.
The GOP wordsmiths know their base is dumb as dirt and will believe anything they are told. That's Joe bragging about his role in carrying out the US, the EU's and the IMF's anti corruption policy in the Ukraine by offering them billions in loan guarantees. In that very interview he talks about telling the Ukrainian delegation, who were understandably upset, that if they didn't believe he had the authority to tell them to fire the guy who wasn't investigating the corruption, to call President Obama and find out who has what authority.

Where did you hear that load of leftist spin? Whoopi and the girls?
The GOP wordsmiths know their base is dumb as dirt and will believe anything they are told.
Gee, I would have thought that true of the Dems as you people all believe anything CNN tells you!

That's Joe bragging about his role in
WRONG. That was Joe getting the guy investigating Joe's son Hunter fired in Ukraine to protect it from not leading back to our WH. Trump never made any such exclusive-or condition to Ukraine simply for asking them to help him expose corruption on Biddum. Bet they regret that now.
Trumpybear deserved it after using American Military aid to pressure a foreign nation to corruptly announce phony investigations into members of the other American political party. There was no corruption in the Afghan withdrawal.
Bullshit claims. Bullshit ^ post.
The GOP wordsmiths know their base is dumb as dirt
LOL! You are confused Moon Bat. The voting base of the filthy Democrat Party are inner city welfare Negroes, Illegals and all kinds of wackos.

The Democrat Party is made up of:

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check

Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts


Welfare Queens

Greedy and Corrupt Union Bosses


Moon Bats

Confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

Pretty much the scum of this country.
Gonna need 2/3 in the Senate to remove...Then we're stuck with Kameltoe.

No one thought Biden would be convicted, but true..

When the Republicans take over next year, they should repeatedly impeach Biden. At least three times to top the Democrats with Trump. I'd like to see them impeach him 10 times to make the point that if they want to go down the stupid path we aren't going to roll over. There will be no peace by acquiescing to Democrats, they have no compromise. They want one party rule and they are serious about getting it

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