Poll: 50% support Biden impeachment

Seems like it would be a mandate for impeachment when the GOP takes over both houses of Congress in 1 year.

One teensy, tiny problem. You have to have EVIDENCE of an impeachable offense. You know, EVIDENCE, like what Trump couldn't come up with to prove that his landslide election loss was a steal by President Biden.
Of course it happened. Fascism is on the rise in the once proud GOP. It's the only way they can stay in power.
Stay in power? Which branch of the government does the GOP currently hold absolute power over?

The transfer of power to the new Trump regime was filled with all the pomp and circumstance as if it were for a normal or real president.
You mean Trump wasn't a real president? He wasn't really elected? Do tell us more! Then I guess he wasn't really ousted either and his mob to protest the illegal election of 2020 wasn't real either.
65% support a Trump burial and soon the other 35% should participate in a circular firing squad
One teensy, tiny problem. You have to have EVIDENCE of an impeachable offense. You know, EVIDENCE, like what Trump couldn't come up with to prove that his landslide election loss was a steal by President Biden.
And either could 65 court cases Trumpettes are hypocrites stupid and liars
Now I know you Republicans have gone off the deep end. There are no grounds for impeachment.

Your just deflecting because your idol, the orange narcissist, may get indicted for sedition.
One teensy, tiny problem. You have to have EVIDENCE of an impeachable offense.

You must mean like
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and caused Hillary to lose when no one can honestly stand the skank. Not even democrats.
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump was conspiring with Ukraine by just asking them for support looking into past Biden corruption.
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump conspired and intended to cause a riot at the capitol.
The GOP was proud? Why? About what? Are the democrats ever proud also? And why aren't the GOP proud these days?

WHO is a budding little fascist and what about all the fascism going on in the DNC? Not a concern to you?

BULLSHIT. The guy Joe got fired was looking into why Hunter was getting paid 3 million dollars serving on a board which he knew nothing about.

They were proud of conservatism. They are an angry cult who are being fed absurd lies. I can't stand people calling themselves liberal and doing illiberal things. You wan to protest a statue fine, peacefully protest all you want. You want the mob to destroy that statue, yeah I have a problem with that illiberal solution.

The corruption investigation at Burisma was over the actions of the original owner when the country was aligned with Russia and not associated with the time Hunter Biden was working for them. Hunter by working for them, nor Burisma by hiring him, broke any laws in the Ukraine or the US.
There are no grounds for impeachment.

Maybe just a muzzle to keep Joe from biting himself.

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Of course it happened. Fascism is on the rise in the once proud GOP. It's the only way they can stay in power.

The transfer of power to the new Trump regime was filled with all the pomp and circumstance as if it were for a normal or real president. That had nothing to do with the pussy hat protests, although apparently all those pussy hats got stored or shoved Upper Uranus for some reason.....

I had to stop reading there cause the projection of your fantasy life made me laugh so hard the tears started falling into my keyboard........
Love hearing your insane ramblings about your lost pussy hate, and not my president, and orange man bad, then watch AntiFa and BLM burn down entire neighborhoods causing near $100 Billion in damages to minority owned businesses, family homes, police cruisers government buildings and police stations, and more death and mayhem, and then see you contort things in to

"I'm not Fascist, You Duh Fascist."


Why don't you make like Joe Biden and go sniff a dog's ass and get bit, fool.
You must mean like
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and caused Hillary to lose when no one can honestly stand the skank. Not even democrats.
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump was conspiring with Ukraine by just asking them for support looking into past Biden corruption.
  • the non-existent evidence that Trump conspired and intended to cause a riot at the capitol.
Two out of Three Ain't Bad. He was never impeach over all the colluding he did with Russians. There is no crime called collusion. We'll see if he gets popped for all the crimes he committed post election.
Two out of Three Ain't Bad. He was never impeach over all the colluding he did with Russians.

That is only because after lying to the FISA court, after Hillary financing the Steele Dossier, after the democrats spending 30 million dollars in a year long investigation with a special counsel, they couldn't prove anything.

So they resorted to two absurd, outlandish, baseless impeachments.
One teensy, tiny problem. You have to have EVIDENCE of an impeachable offense. You know, EVIDENCE, like what Trump couldn't come up with to prove that his landslide election loss was a steal by President Biden.

I listed the things he should be impeached for.
There is plenty of evidence, for example, Biden on video bragging about the Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine.
Stay in power? Which branch of the government does the GOP currently hold absolute power over?

You mean Trump wasn't a real president? He wasn't really elected? Do tell us more! Then I guess he wasn't really ousted either and his mob to protest the illegal election of 2020 wasn't real either.

They hold a great deal of power in the state governments and a near 50-50 split in the federal government

The transfer was his inauguration. A real president is the president of all the people, which demonstrably, DTJ was not.

Did he legitimately when the 2016 election? Of course he did, but his presidency will forever be tainted by the aid he received from Russia in that campaign.
A real president is the president of all the people, which demonstrably, DTJ was not.

Trump certainly said he was and intended to be. Not his fault you rejected him.

It wasn't Trump or the GOP who called half the country a bunch of deplorables, fascists and insurrectionists.

Trump did many good things which benefited everyone in this country.

Name ONE THING Biddum has done this past year which is something I wanted and benefited me, or that America can even be proud of?
Biden's presidency is like doomsday every day… Everything is bad — let’s throw everything at the wall to maybe get the base excited

"Biden’s problems are all based on his actual performance as president. Biden’s problems are despite billions of corporate media dollars being spent to protect and prop him up. Biden’s problems are based on nothing artificial, only the state of the country and his own decisions as president, including his violations of the Constitution. Let’s face it, Biden has not only openly violated the Constitution, but he is also flagrantly ignoring the laws regarding border security and breaking the law by, among other things, allowing countless thousands of unvaccinated illegals to invade our country."
1* After Democrats won a majority in the House of Representatives, they impeached former President Donald Trump twice. Was this a good thing or a bad thing for American democracy? Or did it not make much difference?

2* Some Republicans in Congress have endorsed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, citing his immigration policy and his failure in Afghanistan, among other reasons. Do you support or oppose impeaching President Biden?

3* If Republicans win a majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections, how likely is it that they will impeach President Biden?

So there's the questions they asked.

Notice how they set up the idea of impeachment first? Make it seem like fair retaliation?

Depending on how you phrase and what order you ask questions in, you can get responders to say anything in a poll.

So, what is your answer in how to address the criminal and incompetent manner that Joey Xi Bai Dung has handled his first year as president creating a "National Malaise".

As satisfying as it may be ... And as self-defeating as it may be to a certain extent,
It's never right to do two wrongs.

You just understand that it puts you at a disadvantage, because the opposition isn't going to let up.
When you go to build something new out of the rubble ... It will be best if your principles are still in tack.


Impeachment isn't about "right and wrong." It's a tool. That's where you went wrong

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