Poll: 50% support Biden impeachment

Impeachment isn't about "right and wrong." It's a tool. That's where you went wrong

Well ... We can agree to disagree on that.
It may be a tool, but it's no longer good for much.

Trumpybear deserved it after using American Military aid to pressure a foreign nation to corruptly announce phony investigations into members of the other American political party. There was no corruption in the Afghan withdrawal.

There was ZERO withholding of aid to the Ukraine, (even though there should be NO aid to the corrupt Ukraine).
There was ZERO demands for any investigation "announcement", as the investigation request was done in public.
The Afghan withdraw was badly done, as the Taliban should have been integrated before hand.
the last time inflation was this bad, ET had just debuted 40 years ago, and Return Of The Jedi had not even come out yet...Biden owns the inflation crisis

the reason Biden doesn't get impeached now is because the GOP don't have the votes, that'll change by the midterms

You dont have to fight nonsense unless some members of your own party want to impeach. Go ahead... impeach. Trump is the only sitting president to have members of HIS OWN PARTY vote to impeach. No one else ever has... or likely ever will... unless Trump is actually reelected.

I am farther left, progressive, liberal than anyone here, and both impeachments were totally illegal and disgusting, without a shred of evidence or legitimate purpose.
Those impeachment proceedings totally destroyed any credibility the democratic party had, and will make people like me switch to voting independent from now on.
I will vote Green or Socialist over democrat, unless some big changes happen.
There was nothing corrupt in reversing Trumps EO's on the border. Nothing corrupt in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. There was something corrupt in Nixon's slush fund and Trumps strong arming the Ukrainian President to perform a corrupt act of announcing a phony investigation. The GOP of Nixon's day rejected his corruption even though they could have saved his presidency. Today, the Neo-GOP accepts that type of strong arm or leveraged political corruption and still want him as their Exalted leader.

The general population wants the border closed, so it is wrong not to, (even though I like an open border),
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was done so badly, that people were falling off of planes taking off, and dying.
Nixon's slush fund was not at all illegal, and only the use to pay plumbers was illegal.
Trump publicly requested a Ukraine investigation that is required by law, and Biden ending that investigation is criminal.

This is not at all partisan. I do not like Trump and normally vote democrat, but your post is just wrong.
the last time inflation was this bad, ET had just debuted 40 years ago, and Return Of The Jedi had not even come out yet...Biden owns the inflation crisis

the reason Biden doesn't get impeached now is because the GOP don't have the votes, that'll change by the midterms

Eh, inflation generally is good.
There was ZERO withholding of aid to the Ukraine, (even though there should be NO aid to the corrupt Ukraine).
The 1974 Impoundment Control Act says it is illegal for the White House to withhold aid appropriated by Congress. It also says the White House must first alert Congress before it delays or blocked funds, which the Trump administration did not do.

No penalties come with a violation of the ICA. Multiple presidents have been found by the GAO to have violated US laws.
The act does allow the agency to sue to have the blocked or delayed funds released, but that has only happened once in history.

The aid to Ukraine was released in September 2019, more than two months after it was first blocked.

The Democrats were scum for passing a bill of impeachment against Trump, twice, for nothing.

The Republicans will take over the House and Senate after the Democrats get their ass whupping in the midterms and will have the ability to impeach this Potatohead piece of shit.

As much as I would like to see Potatohead get impeached to show the Democrats that two can play at that game I would rather not see it happen.

The Democrats, being the turds they are, set a Dirty Tricks precedent of an opposition party doing the impeachment when their party doesn't control the White House.

It needs to stop. We expect the Democrats to be assholes. That is what they are and we all know it. It is not good for the country to do that partisan shit but the Republicans need to take the high road and not do it. Even though Potatohead is corrupt as hell, in addition to being incompetent and destructive to the country, and sure as hell needs to be impeached.
Republicans always take the "high road" and repeatedly get screwed for doing so. It's why Republicans never get a damn thing accomplished and always get shit shoved right back in their face as soon as they're out of power. That is a very naive post you just made.
The general population wants the border closed, so it is wrong not to, (even though I like an open border),
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was done so badly, that people were falling off of planes taking off, and dying.
Nixon's slush fund was not at all illegal, and only the use to pay plumbers was illegal.
Trump publicly requested a Ukraine investigation that is required by law, and Biden ending that investigation is criminal.

This is not at all partisan. I do not like Trump and normally vote democrat, but your post is just wrong.

Most people want the border open and regulated like it is now.

DJT hamstrung the military in Afghanistan by reducing the troop level to the minimum the generals said they needed to support the Afghan Army, just 2,500, days before Biden was inaugurated. That was after he flipped flopped on his order to completely withdraw on Nov. 11th 2020 days after his loss to Biden was announced by the press. He even bragged about how he did it too.

Nixons slush fund came from campaign contributions and was def. illegal.

There are protocols that establish how requests for criminal investigations are handled between the two countries, DJT telling them he needs a favor, ain't one of them.
I do have to admit that I have often found my gaze tends to get stuck when observing such.

Whoever invented yoga pants deserves a Nobel prize.

Ugh go to Walmart and tell me it was a good idea.

There are a lot of instances I am grateful for them, but sadly the instances where I'm sorry they were invented far outweigh the good ones.

For every "yeah, that's nice" I get 4 "Jesus I wish I hadn't seen that".
Sorry, bois and girlies. The Democrat party made it permanent open impeachment season on ALL future presidents when they fucked around with President Trump.

Nah, it's the Neo-GOP who decided to circle the wagons around their corrupt leader and felt that strong arming foreign leaders, by withholding already approved aid by Congress, to attack Democrats, is corruption that they can live with.

The Trumpyturd tried to get a foreign nation to attacked half of America's two party system, and the Neo-GOP Cheered and said, "We'll Allow it!"
1* After Democrats won a majority in the House of Representatives, they impeached former President Donald Trump twice. Was this a good thing or a bad thing for American democracy? Or did it not make much difference?

2* Some Republicans in Congress have endorsed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, citing his immigration policy and his failure in Afghanistan, among other reasons. Do you support or oppose impeaching President Biden?

3* If Republicans win a majority in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections, how likely is it that they will impeach President Biden?

So there's the questions they asked.

Notice how they set up the idea of impeachment first? Make it seem like fair retaliation?

Depending on how you phrase and what order you ask questions in, you can get responders to say anything in a poll.
The impeachment of Trump was nothing but the left being the left and it was not warranted. We should not impeach Biden, just a waste of time, just like Trump.

They will probably impeach Biden but they need to stop the nonsense that the left started.
The 1974 Impoundment Control Act says it is illegal for the White House to withhold aid appropriated by Congress. It also says the White House must first alert Congress before it delays or blocked funds, which the Trump administration did not do.

No penalties come with a violation of the ICA. Multiple presidents have been found by the GAO to have violated US laws.
The act does allow the agency to sue to have the blocked or delayed funds released, but that has only happened once in history.

The aid to Ukraine was released in September 2019, more than two months after it was first blocked.

Trump never blocked and could never block congressional aid to the Ukraine.
This GOA investigation had nothing to do with the call to the Ukraine pres over investigating Burisma Holdings.
It was over the investigation of ambassador Yovanovitch.
And the GOA obviously was totally without basis in their claims.

The ruling comes as Ukrainian authorities began a criminal investigation into whether Mr Trump's supporters were spying on the former US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

But anyone giving aid to the Ukraine is corrupt.
The Ukraine has never done anything legal or honest, and is about worst and most corrupt country in the whole world.
the last time inflation was this bad, ET had just debuted 40 years ago, and Return Of The Jedi had not even come out yet...Biden owns the inflation crisis

the reason Biden doesn't get impeached now is because the GOP don't have the votes, that'll change by the midterms

Prices have been higher than now.
Things just got ridiculously low due to covid.
Now they are staring to return to normal.

But I do have to admit things did seem slightly better under Trump?
Most people want the border open and regulated like it is now.

DJT hamstrung the military in Afghanistan by reducing the troop level to the minimum the generals said they needed to support the Afghan Army, just 2,500, days before Biden was inaugurated. That was after he flipped flopped on his order to completely withdraw on Nov. 11th 2020 days after his loss to Biden was announced by the press. He even bragged about how he did it too.

Nixons slush fund came from campaign contributions and was def. illegal.

There are protocols that establish how requests for criminal investigations are handled between the two countries, DJT telling them he needs a favor, ain't one of them.


Most people are low paid employees and do NOT want lots of low paid competition.
Nor can the border be "open" and "regulated" at the same time.
Those are contradictory concepts.

There was NEVER any way the Afghan Army even really existed, and was mostly just a paper fraud.
So the Taliban should have been slowly integrated right away.
Biden goofed by not getting in contact with the Taliban and arranging the switch of power.

And NO, the Nixon slush fund was not at all illegal in any way.
What was illegal was using the slush fund for bribes and illegal activities instead of the legal campaign purposes.

The president of the US asking for the president of the Ukraine to start an investigation is EXACTLY how foreign diplomacy is supposed to be carried out, and in fact there is absolutely NO OTHER possible way to do it.
Nah, it's the Neo-GOP who decided to circle the wagons around their corrupt leader and felt that strong arming foreign leaders, by withholding already approved aid by Congress, to attack Democrats, is corruption that they can live with.

The Trumpyturd tried to get a foreign nation to attacked half of America's two party system, and the Neo-GOP Cheered and said, "We'll Allow it!"


Trump made that phone call in public, which totally prevented it from any possible illegal aspect.
Anyone claiming there was a hint of impropriety in that phone call, is just lying.
So the impeachment was not just wrong, but incredibly stupid and illegal.
Every single impeachment in the history of the US, all 3 that were not Trump and the 2 that were Trump, were all utterly corrupt, stupid, political, and illegal.

Presidents are selected by popular elections, so then impeachments essentially amount to treason in most cases.

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