Poll: 50% support Biden impeachment

Nor can the border be "open" and "regulated" at the same time.
Those are contradictory concepts.
What is a regulated border?

Border control refers to measures taken by governments to monitor and regulate the movement of people, animals, and goods across land, air, and maritime borders.

An open unregulated border is like no border at all.

Biden goofed by not getting in contact with the Taliban and arranging the switch of power.
How do you think he moved the withdrawal deadline and the truce to Aug 31st without contact with the Taliban?

And NO, the Nixon slush fund was not at all illegal in any way.
Yes it was completely illegal to stash those campaign contribution into a hidden slush fund.

The president of the US asking for the president of the Ukraine to start an investigation is EXACTLY how foreign diplomacy is supposed to be carried out

We have protocols that exclude the Chief executive from making these type of political requests for obvious reasons.
I am farther left, progressive, liberal than anyone here, and both impeachments were totally illegal and disgusting, without a shred of evidence or legitimate purpose.
Those impeachment proceedings totally destroyed any credibility the democratic party had, and will make people like me switch to voting independent from now on.
I will vote Green or Socialist over democrat, unless some big changes happen.
First one he was guilty of strong arming Ukraine for political favors. It’s an opinion as to whether it’s impeachable. I would have aligned with Republicans to censor. A unified condemnation may have dissuaded him from further abuses.

Second one he should have been tried and shot for treason so I agree… no impeachment there either… just execution.
Ugh go to Walmart and tell me it was a good idea.

There are a lot of instances I am grateful for them, but sadly the instances where I'm sorry they were invented far outweigh the good ones.

For every "yeah, that's nice" I get 4 "Jesus I wish I hadn't seen that".

Size 7......

Trump made that phone call in public, which totally prevented it from any possible illegal aspect.
Anyone claiming there was a hint of impropriety in that phone call, is just lying.
So the impeachment was not just wrong, but incredibly stupid and illegal.
Every single impeachment in the history of the US, all 3 that were not Trump and the 2 that were Trump, were all utterly corrupt, stupid, political, and illegal.

Presidents are selected by popular elections, so then impeachments essentially amount to treason in most cases.

That call was not made public until he was caught. Furthermore, the call was just the tip of the iceberg as the plot to force the Ukrainian president to announce an investigation into Trump main political opponent had many other components. Strong arming a foreign power using American foreign aid to attack half of the American electorate was a High Crime against America and Americans. The GOP should have done what they did to the corrupt Nixon administration when they were finally caught red handed on tape. But they didn't have a lying mouthpiece like Faux to run interference.

There was nothing illegal about any Impeachment.
Seems like it would be a mandate for impeachment when the GOP takes over both houses of Congress in 1 year.

More like 75 percent.

Well ... We can agree to disagree on that.
It may be a tool, but it's no longer good for much.


Yep, and I'm advocating stabbing, poisoning, shooting and killing it since at this point it's either a tool of the left or not relevant. In those choices, I pick door number 2.

I didn't turn impeachment into a partisan hate tool, the left did that
The GOP wordsmiths know their base is dumb as dirt and will believe anything they are told. That's Joe bragging about his role in carrying out the US, the EU's and the IMF's anti corruption policy in the Ukraine by offering them billions in loan guarantees. In that very interview he talks about telling the Ukrainian delegation, who were understandably upset, that if they didn't believe he had the authority to tell them to fire the guy who wasn't investigating the corruption, to call President Obama and find out who has what authority.
If his son's company wasn't getting investigated for corruption. Biden wouldn't have been there. Lol, if Trump did the same for his son, you would soil your diaper.
The Neo-Fascist GOP already said it would be a meaningless partisan affair meant as revenge. Democrat would only have to be present and then vote to acquit. Then the GOP can continue to sabotage our Republic Union and the Democrats can continue to fight for it.
Lol, Trump has been out of office over a year and Pelosi is using her power and our money to go after trump. Just think if you gave all the money you loons have spent and are still spending to go after him. You could solve hunger here for a while. Proves you careless about hungry children.
Lol, Trump has been out of office over a year and Pelosi is using her power and our money to go after trump. Just think if you gave all the money you loons have spent and are still spending to go after him. You could solve hunger here for a while. Proves you careless about hungry children.
Fuck that. It was the GOP who endlessly and fruitlessly investigated every leaf that fell from the Obama Tree, including years of Hillary investigations long after she retired from SoS. You crybaby Republicans can dish it out can't stop weeping when the tables are turned.
Fuck that. It was the GOP who endlessly and fruitlessly investigated every leaf that fell from the Obama Tree, including years of Hillary investigations long after she retired from SoS. You crybaby Republicans can dish it out can't stop weeping when the tables are turned.
Lol, Obama was hands off. The only thing he was half-assed investigated. Bengazi. Hillary has been a life long criminal and is lucky. But she will pay in the after life.
At least lets spend the last 2 years of the Biden admin making him defend 4 or 5 impeachments.

1) Afghanistan surrender and giving Taliban $80 billion in military hardware.
2) Ukraine Quid Pro Quo (He is on video bragging about it)
3) Getting payments from CCP (Hunter's laptop)
4) Not securing the border (Direct violation of the Constitution)
5) Unconstitutional Federally mandated lockdowns for those unwilling to get an experimental gene therapy shot

That should be a good 24 months.

We have the violation of Federal Employment law by Biden claiming on National TV that he is discriminating based on sex and color for his SCOTUS hire.

Lol, Obama was hands off. The only thing he was half-assed investigated. Bengazi. Hillary has been a life long criminal and is lucky. But she will pay in the after life.
Sure pal. All the wacky things they accused him of.


Yep, and I'm advocating stabbing, poisoning, shooting and killing it since at this point it's either a tool of the left or not relevant. In those choices, I pick door number 2.

I didn't turn impeachment into a partisan hate tool, the left did that

Guess you don't live in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, Portland, Baltimore ... Hang on, this could take a while.
Good luck with that impeachment.

Sure pal. All the wacky things they accused him of.


Lol, I remember being called a racist for disagreeing with him on here. Get back to me when they report negative things about him 24/7 and spend over 30 million and three years investigating him and raiding his lawyers office. Then impeaching him for twice for no reason.

Guess you don't live in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, Portland, Baltimore ... Hang on, this could take a while.
Good luck with that impeachment.


Good luck with what impeachment?

It's odd how drawn to snarky so many people are on the Internet for no reason. In your case being snarky to someone on your side who is just discussing it with you. Good luck with that
Seems like it would be a mandate for impeachment when the GOP takes over both houses of Congress in 1 year.

Republicans shouldn't fall into the same bullshit circus side show that the Democrats did during the Trump administration. Point out all of the problems with the Biden administration win back the Senate and then the White House. If they actually get rid of Biden now, Harris takes over.
Good luck with what impeachment?

It's odd how drawn to snarky so many people are on the Internet for no reason. In your case being snarky to someone on your side who is just discussing it with you. Good luck with that

How is telling you I hope you have good luck with the tool you support using, being snarky?

Judging from the tone of your comments ... That just may be coming from your head.
Does it make you uncomfortable?

It was really just a polite way of saying ...
"I'm going to wish you good luck because you are never going to understand what I am trying to say".

That's what I would have posted if I was being snarky ... :thup:

As it relates to your desired course of action that is a good thing.
If we have to go to my plan ... It's just not as optimistic.
Me wishing you luck, would be me wishing me luck as well.

I willing to bet that's not what you meant.

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