Poll: 50% support Biden impeachment

I understand and you are right in that we need to use the same tactics as the Democrats or else they will take this country and make it a Socialist shithole.

However, I just hate to the see the precedent of every time an opposition party controls the House to have a friggin impeachment.

I feel you. It sucks the Dems have been infiltrated and exploited by communists, but they let it happen.
No one thought Biden would be convicted, but true..

When the Republicans take over next year, they should repeatedly impeach Biden. At least three times to top the Democrats with Trump. I'd like to see them impeach him 10 times to make the point that if they want to go down the stupid path we aren't going to roll over. There will be no peace by acquiescing to Democrats, they have no compromise. They want one party rule and they are serious about getting it

You are going to need a bigger can of Raid than impeachment can provide
to get rid of all the cockroaches on Capitol Hill right now.

The Neo-Fascist GOP
Gee, don't you mean Democrats? They are the ones in power doing all the fascist stuff.

So when will you be voting to impeach Biden for first using his position to stop a Ukrainian investigation into his family, and now selling out Ukraine to the Russians?


You are going to need a bigger can of Raid than impeachment can provide
to get rid of all the cockroaches on Capitol Hill right now.


I agree. I wasn't trying to solve that problem with impeachments though.

I want to make impeachment's irrelevant. Democrats just turned them into bull shit. But if Republicans don't do like Democrats and use impeachment every time they can than it will be a weapon of the left to do it. Why would we give them that?
The Democrats made a mockery of impeachment. I hope Republicans don’t reduce themselves to that level.
My feelings exactly.

It isn't good for our republic to have each new president be the subject of the sort of utterly corrupt partisan witch hunt Trump faced.

You know what they say about an eye for an eye making the whole world blind.
I agree. I wasn't trying to solve that problem with impeachments though.

I want to make impeachment's irrelevant. Democrats just turned them into bull shit. But if Republicans don't do like Democrats and use impeachment every time they can than it will be a weapon of the left to do it. Why would we give them that?

As satisfying as it may be ... And as self-defeating as it may be to a certain extent,
It's never right to do two wrongs.

You just understand that it puts you at a disadvantage, because the opposition isn't going to let up.
When you go to build something new out of the rubble ... It will be best if your principles are still in tack.

Gee, don't you mean Democrats? They are the ones in power doing all the fascist stuff.

So when will you be voting to impeach Biden for first using his position to stop a Ukrainian investigation into his family, and now selling out Ukraine to the Russians?

No, I mean Trumps wing of the once proud Grand Old Party are budding little fascists. Trying to forge compromises in not the fascist way. Using Mob Violence and intimidation to overturn the valid results of an election is the Fascist way.

The Ukraine was not investigating Joe Biden or any member of his family.

The US is still sending lethal aid to the Ukraine.
The Neo-Fascist GOP already said it would be a meaningless partisan affair meant as revenge. Democrat would only have to be present and then vote to acquit. Then the GOP can continue to sabotage our Republic Union and the Democrats can continue to fight for it.
You can't fascist in The GOP girlfriend. Vax Mandates are DemNazi Fascist mandates. Did you forget to cross dress today and it confused your little Commie DemNazi brain?

Faux Joe is owned by Pooty Poot Putin, and Chairman Xi and no one else......well...there is Iran...and North Korea...and of course Big Pharma.....Big Tech, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, and your pal Satan but we come to expect your little DemNazi heart to just spew lies all over The USMB, Fart and then blame The Dog, then tell us The OBiden Regime is a bed of roses.

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No, I mean Trumps wing of the once proud Grand Old Party are budding little fascists. Trying to forge compromises in not the fascist way. Using Mob Violence and intimidation to overturn the valid results of an election is the Fascist way.

The Ukraine was not investigating Joe Biden or any member of his family.

The US is still sending lethal aid to the Ukraine.
Mob Violence? Are you going to finally start talking about BLM and AntiFa?
You can't fascist in The GOP girlfriend. Vax Mandates are DemNazi Fascist mandates. Did you forget to cross dress today and it confused your little Commie DemNazi brain?

Faux Joe is owned by Pooty Poot Putin, and Chairman Xi and no one else......well...there Iran...and North Korea...and of course Big Pharma.....Big Tech, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Satan but we come to expect your little DemNazi heart to just spew lies all over The USMB Fart and then blame The Dog, then tell us The OBiden Regime is a bed of roses.

View attachment 595348

Hahahaha. Awesome, thanks i needed a good insane rant to laugh about.
Mob Violence? Are you going to finally start talking about BLM and AntiFa?

MAGAMOB. Coordinated mob violence aimed at election results. Not random act of violence as the opportunity presents itself during racial/police protests that turn violent. We've had that shit for generations. Violent transfer of power? That is something relatively new in the modern era of American politics.
MAGAMOB. Coordinated mob violence aimed at election results. Not random act of violence as the opportunity presents itself during racial/police protests that turn violent. We've had that shit for generations. Violent transfer of power? That is something relatively new in the modern era of American politics.
Didn't happen DemNazi Dotard. Figment of your lying pinko commie DemNazi mind.

You turds started a COUP, Insurrection, and Sedition with Propaganda you bought from Vlad Putin. You probably still have his ball sweat taste in your mouth. Then you involved a corrupt FBI full of bought a paid for DemNazi Russian Moles, defrauded The FISA Court and on and on and on. There was NO Peaceful Transfer of Power for President Trump, or did you launch your pussy hat in to outer space and lost it in Uranus?

Pussy Whipped, Stupid & Wearing a Pussy Hat, and thinking a man's hairy ass is sexy is no way to go through life, and in fact is down right unAmerican.
No, I mean Trumps wing of the once proud Grand Old Party
The GOP was proud? Why? About what? Are the democrats ever proud also? And why aren't the GOP proud these days?

are budding little fascists.
WHO is a budding little fascist and what about all the fascism going on in the DNC? Not a concern to you?

Using Mob Violence and intimidation to overturn the valid results of an election is the Fascist way.
But it was a peaceful mob until the FBI and Capitol police got involved and instigated it into a riot. And how were a bunch of sign and flag-carrying people with no weapons going to overturn an election? And why did Nancy turn down the National Guard support for that day that Trump had offered? And who says the election results were valid when there is so much evidence to the contrary? And since when does following the words of Thomas Jefferson fighting an illegal and unjust election constitute mob violence and intimidation?


The Ukraine was not investigating Joe Biden or any member of his family.
BULLSHIT. The guy Joe got fired was looking into why Hunter was getting paid 3 million dollars serving on a board which he knew nothing about.
Didn't happen DemNazi Dotard. Figment of your lying pinko commie DemNazi mind.

You turds started a COUP, Insurrection, and Sedition with Propaganda you bought from Vlad Putin. You probably still have his ball sweat taste in your mouth. Then you involved a corrupt FBI full of bought a paid for DemNazi Russian Moles, defrauded The FISA Court and on and on and on. There was NO Peaceful Transfer of Power for President Trump, or did you launch your pussy hat in to outer space and lost it in Uranus?

Pussy Whipped, Stupid & Wearing a Pussy Hat, and thinking a man's hairy ass is sexy is no way to go through life, and in fact is down right unAmerican.
Of course it happened. Fascism is on the rise in the once proud GOP. It's the only way they can stay in power.

The transfer of power to the new Trump regime was filled with all the pomp and circumstance as if it were for a normal or real president. That had nothing to do with the pussy hat protests, although apparently all those pussy hats got stored or shoved Upper Uranus for some reason.....

I had to stop reading there cause the projection of your fantasy life made me laugh so hard the tears started falling into my keyboard........

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