Poll: 51% agree with Obama's endorsement of gay marriage

So what? That man would sell his own mother for a vote.

By standing up, and taking a political risky decision, and trying to give equal protection to people? I suggest that you look at Romney's flip-flop on same sex unions. He did a complete 180. If anyone is selling their soul, it's your man Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.

In 1996, as a state senate candidate, Obama wrote and signed a survey declaring: “I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” When he ran for president, Obama denied support for gay marriage while endorsing civil unions, and circulated an obviously bushwah story disavowing the 1996 survey, claiming someone else had filled it out. (No matter that Obama signed it.) Liberal Democrats accepted his cover story—and his obvious hypocrisy—because they knew that supporting gay marriage would have been politically fatal to his 2008 prospects. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Obama’s gay marriage stance: Do you believe he changed his mind? - Slate Magazine

It must have killed Slate to point out obama's shifting loyalties.

Yes, I do believe the President has changed his mind about marriage. I've known a lot of people exactly like the President. What hasn't changed is the President's support of equality for gays and lesbians...unlike Romney.

Mitt Romney in a 1994 letter to Log Cabin Republicans:

"As a result of our discussions and other interactions with gay and lesbian voters across the state, I am more convinced than ever that as we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent,''
51% of those polled. LOL

30 States have passed laws restricting same sex marriage. I'm thinking 30 out of 50 is a pretty big percentage, like 60%.

He messed up big time, remember when you're in that voting booth no one can see how you voted. :)

Yeah, public opinion hasn't changed significantly over the 10 years that several of those states voted.

No...not at all.....:eusa_whistle:
The ONLY people that find same sex marriage an important issue are gays who make up about 10% of the population. To everyone else, it is minor, useful only in conjunction with other issues. obama is losing among independents badly, by double digits and has been for over a year. Most people, except for gays, won't base their vote on this issue. They might use it to say "Enough! I've had all I can take of this guy". But no other reason. obama's support of same sex marriage is going to go under the same kind of consideration as his over hyping himself due to the Bin Laden raid, and saying that the military was fighting on his behalf. It will be judged, not as a measure of his leadership, but how obnoxious he's become.

Yeah...that's why we are the only ones makes threads about it, talking about it, going on talk radio about it, raising money about it. Because we are teh only ones who care.....:eusa_whistle:
So what? That man would sell his own mother for a vote.

By standing up, and taking a political risky decision, and trying to give equal protection to people? I suggest that you look at Romney's flip-flop on same sex unions. He did a complete 180. If anyone is selling their soul, it's your man Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.

In 1996, as a state senate candidate, Obama wrote and signed a survey declaring: “I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” When he ran for president, Obama denied support for gay marriage while endorsing civil unions, and circulated an obviously bushwah story disavowing the 1996 survey, claiming someone else had filled it out. (No matter that Obama signed it.) Liberal Democrats accepted his cover story—and his obvious hypocrisy—because they knew that supporting gay marriage would have been politically fatal to his 2008 prospects. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Obama’s gay marriage stance: Do you believe he changed his mind? - Slate Magazine

It must have killed Slate to point out obama's shifting loyalties.

Obama has consistently said he supports the right for gay unions, as long as they're completely equal to what people call marriage.

Obama has overturned DODT.

Obama has provided equal family benefits to same sex couples, for Federal employees.

Obama has stated for years, that the DOMA was unconstitutional.

So he no longer cares if some people want to call something unions or marriage. None of the fundamentals have changed. What has changed is that several states now calls same sex unions marriage, and it now becomes an equal protection issue.

Romney is doing a 180 flip flop. It only took Romney 24 hours to flip flop on his position on same sex adoption.
By standing up, and taking a political risky decision, and trying to give equal protection to people? I suggest that you look at Romney's flip-flop on same sex unions. He did a complete 180. If anyone is selling their soul, it's your man Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.

In 1996, as a state senate candidate, Obama wrote and signed a survey declaring: “I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” When he ran for president, Obama denied support for gay marriage while endorsing civil unions, and circulated an obviously bushwah story disavowing the 1996 survey, claiming someone else had filled it out. (No matter that Obama signed it.) Liberal Democrats accepted his cover story—and his obvious hypocrisy—because they knew that supporting gay marriage would have been politically fatal to his 2008 prospects. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Obama’s gay marriage stance: Do you believe he changed his mind? - Slate Magazine

It must have killed Slate to point out obama's shifting loyalties.

Yes, I do believe the President has changed his mind about marriage. I've known a lot of people exactly like the President. What hasn't changed is the President's support of equality for gays and lesbians...unlike Romney.

Mitt Romney in a 1994 letter to Log Cabin Republicans:

"As a result of our discussions and other interactions with gay and lesbian voters across the state, I am more convinced than ever that as we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent,''

You have to be aware that the 1994 letter referred to a pending Federal Non-Discrimination in Employment bill and that's why you didn't post a link. Nothing like taking something out of context. Democrats are specialists. Ted Kennedy opposed Non-Discrimination in Employment for gays at that time.
Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.

In 1996, as a state senate candidate, Obama wrote and signed a survey declaring: “I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” When he ran for president, Obama denied support for gay marriage while endorsing civil unions, and circulated an obviously bushwah story disavowing the 1996 survey, claiming someone else had filled it out. (No matter that Obama signed it.) Liberal Democrats accepted his cover story—and his obvious hypocrisy—because they knew that supporting gay marriage would have been politically fatal to his 2008 prospects. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Obama’s gay marriage stance: Do you believe he changed his mind? - Slate Magazine

It must have killed Slate to point out obama's shifting loyalties.

Yes, I do believe the President has changed his mind about marriage. I've known a lot of people exactly like the President. What hasn't changed is the President's support of equality for gays and lesbians...unlike Romney.

Mitt Romney in a 1994 letter to Log Cabin Republicans:

"As a result of our discussions and other interactions with gay and lesbian voters across the state, I am more convinced than ever that as we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent,''

You have to be aware that the 1994 letter referred to a pending Federal Non-Discrimination in Employment bill and that's why you didn't post a link. Nothing like taking something out of context. Democrats are specialists. Ted Kennedy opposed Non-Discrimination in Employment for gays at that time.

He said, very clearly, that he supported full equality for gays and lesbians. Now he doesn't. Now he doesn't even support civil unions if the benefits provided look anything like "real" marriage. That's a flip flop. Moving continually towards supporting marriage equality isn't the same as supporting equality then not supporting even gays adopting kids (after supporting it hours before). He went from saying he supported equality for gays and lesbians to supporting DOMA which does the exact opposite.

Besides, his flip flops on equality is only one small bubble in the expensive champagne of his flip flops. Ya'll have decided that core convictions of any kind aren't important. That's YOUR choice.
Parents and churches will wake up soon. We will see more religiously based schools as alternatives to the brainwashing going on at public diploma mills.
51% of those polled. LOL

30 States have passed laws restricting same sex marriage. I'm thinking 30 out of 50 is a pretty big percentage, like 60%.

He messed up big time, remember when you're in that voting booth no one can see how you voted. :)

So you think most Americans disagree with the President?

That would prove that he didn't do this for political reasons.
So what? That man would sell his own mother for a vote.

By standing up, and taking a political risky decision, and trying to give equal protection to people? I suggest that you look at Romney's flip-flop on same sex unions. He did a complete 180. If anyone is selling their soul, it's your man Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.


So you agree that most Americans support gay marriage? That would put you, Romney, and most conservatives on the wrong side of history.

Like my sigline used to say, the history of conservatism is a history of being on the wrong side of history.

This is what I was talking about.
Parents and churches will wake up soon. We will see more religiously based schools as alternatives to the brainwashing going on at public diploma mills.

And you know...they have a perfect right to do such a thing and I welcome it.

I also support Public Schools having the power to tell students that they are not a good fit and need to find another school to go to. Unfortunately, with public schools getting money for each child in a seat, they accept everyone and don't get rid of those who don't want to be there.
Why is it morality must be forced upon us by the government? That seems like a religious issue and as such, not subject to government input. I don't think a single state that has had a one man, one woman marriage amendment has lost. Enjoy your polls, the ones that count have already spoken.

Thou shalt not kill is a religious commandment. You want government out of the murder as a crime business?
The ONLY people that find same sex marriage an important issue are gays who make up about 10% of the population. To everyone else, it is minor, useful only in conjunction with other issues. obama is losing among independents badly, by double digits and has been for over a year. Most people, except for gays, won't base their vote on this issue. They might use it to say "Enough! I've had all I can take of this guy". But no other reason. obama's support of same sex marriage is going to go under the same kind of consideration as his over hyping himself due to the Bin Laden raid, and saying that the military was fighting on his behalf. It will be judged, not as a measure of his leadership, but how obnoxious he's become.

Independents overwhelmingly approve of gay marriage so this isn't going to hurt the President with independents.

I would also argue that "they gheys" are NOT the only people that care about Marriage Equality. The President just proved he cares about it. Also, I happen to listen to progressive radio (yes, it still exists) and straight callers were saying how the President's support has energized them.

I thought his support for equality might hurt him, but I'm starting to re-evaluate and I'm thinking maybe not.

Independents overwhelmingly care more about the economy than gay marriage. But please don't let that stop you from making the coming election about gay marriage. Please.
By standing up, and taking a political risky decision, and trying to give equal protection to people? I suggest that you look at Romney's flip-flop on same sex unions. He did a complete 180. If anyone is selling their soul, it's your man Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

Romney has never changed and if you think he has, please post some evidence of that. obama on the other hand will say anything that will get him a vote.


So you agree that most Americans support gay marriage? That would put you, Romney, and most conservatives on the wrong side of history.

Like my sigline used to say, the history of conservatism is a history of being on the wrong side of history.

This is what I was talking about.

Most Americans oppose same sex marriage which gets proven every time they get to vote on it. Opposition to same sex marriage is on the right side of history because historically many cultures have accepted same sex marriages and relationships yet the value has never survived. Marriage has survived, same sex marriage has not, and acceptance of homosexuality has not. Opposition is on the right side of history and in fact, the ONLY side of history! How is it that something as minor as a wedding ring on the third finger of the left hand can survive from the time of Dynastic Egypt, yet same sex marriages not? Same sex marriages have not survived any civilization anywhere in the world. Otherwise we would have had it for centuries.

Those who say opposition is on the wrong side of history just doesn't have a clue as to history.
obama's latest flop is to shore up his base. He's losing votes everywhere, he had to show his base that he was not going to be wishy washy, and then came out wishy washy.
Parents and churches will wake up soon. We will see more religiously based schools as alternatives to the brainwashing going on at public diploma mills.

That's certainly what happened when they integrated schools. Many parents didn't want their kids exposed to tough questions like equal protection.
Parents and churches will wake up soon. We will see more religiously based schools as alternatives to the brainwashing going on at public diploma mills.
Theyhave been awake for awhile with the Attack on the Catholic Church/Attack on women months ago.

Would that be the Church's attack on the Ryan budget, for being against Christian principles? Did you notice that even Georgetown accepts the secular principle of health care including the right to birth control?
The poll was based on telephone interviews conducted on Thursday with a random sample of 1,013 adults living in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.

1,013? :lol:

What about the other 7 states? :lmao:
51% of those polled. LOL

30 States have passed laws restricting same sex marriage. I'm thinking 30 out of 50 is a pretty big percentage, like 60%.

He messed up big time, remember when you're in that voting booth no one can see how you voted. :)

May I correct you. Your information is slightly out of date. It isn't 30 states, it's 38 states. Six states have had same sex marriage imposed either by activist judges or an activist legislature.

how many states needed to be desegregated?

same diff...

Um, not even close. But if progressives are successful we have extinction to look forward to

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