Poll: 85% of GOP approve of Trump's emergency to build the wall

Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.
/----/ Congress won't do their job - heck they won't even pass a budget - only CRs. Trump has no choice.

Well, then, tough shit. That's what we have elections for. Replace them with people who will. Congress doesn't exist to serve at the pleasure of the president and push his agenda through. We have multiple branches of government for exactly that reason. Otherwise, what's the point? We may as well go back to having a king.

Wow, I am agreeing with you. Shades of another person that once held your position. Makes me take a hard look at my own position. Done. Still pretty secure in that. I am a Fiscal Conservative and a Constitutionalist. A REAL one. Not a fake one that follows the JBC teachings. Many are running around not knowing they are being fed the JBC doctrine and accepting as conservatism. I didn't mind when they were just running around chasing Communists under every rock and putting up signs "Get us out of the UN". Hell the UN sign was cute. But it's gone way past being cute. The sooner the Republican Party can go back to actually teaching the Constitution the better off we all will be.
Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it.

/---/ You totally misunderstand the Constitutional role of the Federal Government.
Responsibilities of the Federal Government

National Security
Throughout history, war has been a main component of international relations. A major responsibility of any government is protecting its citizens. The Constitution places national defense in the hands of the federal government. It divides war powers between the president and Congress. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the right to declare war and to maintain an army and navy. Article II, Section 2 names the president as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and state militias, or national guards. Article I, Section 8 also authorizes Congress to grant the president the authority to place state militias under federal control to "suppress insurrections or repel invasions." By giving Congress the power to declare war and the president the power to wage war, the Founding Fathers ensured that one branch could not gain complete control over the nation's armed forces.

You totally misunderstand the role of the Executive Branch. The president is not a monarch. The Founders made the Executive the weakest branch for a reason.
/---/ WTF? I'm responding t the idiotic notion that we want a small Gubmint except when it comes to national security (border control) and that is one of the few roles it has according to the Constitution. Your original post I'm responding to: "Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it."

Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.
If the politicians that hold the purse strings were adults this wouldn't be an issue.
It wasn't an issue with past administrations....but, it certainly is now.
View attachment 246724
Considering the fact that Independents and Dems make up over 70% of voters, is very significant. It shows that with Trumpsters/Republicans, it's Trump over their own country.

When polled about what ideology they self identify as Americans have always responded as 40-45% conservative, 30-35% moderate, and 20-25% liberal.

The problem with the Republican party is that they hjavce long been too moderate for most conservatives. Trump is tapping into those ignored conservatives.

Actually, a majority of people are centralist/moderates. For all the real far right conservatives out there, there wasn't enough of them to win the midterms and there are great turnouts on both sides. The centralist/moderates swung the midterm election.
If the Dems try to cleanse of moderates like the GOP did, they'll be making the same mistake the GOP did. Bloomberg may end up financing a centralist third party. He's indicated he's willing to put a half of billion dollars in the 2020 election.
I would love to see it.
Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it.

/---/ You totally misunderstand the Constitutional role of the Federal Government.
Responsibilities of the Federal Government

National Security
Throughout history, war has been a main component of international relations. A major responsibility of any government is protecting its citizens. The Constitution places national defense in the hands of the federal government. It divides war powers between the president and Congress. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the right to declare war and to maintain an army and navy. Article II, Section 2 names the president as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and state militias, or national guards. Article I, Section 8 also authorizes Congress to grant the president the authority to place state militias under federal control to "suppress insurrections or repel invasions." By giving Congress the power to declare war and the president the power to wage war, the Founding Fathers ensured that one branch could not gain complete control over the nation's armed forces.

You totally misunderstand the role of the Executive Branch. The president is not a monarch. The Founders made the Executive the weakest branch for a reason.
/---/ WTF? I'm responding t the idiotic notion that we want a small Gubmint except when it comes to national security (border control) and that is one of the few roles it has according to the Constitution. Your original post I'm responding to: "Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it."

Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.
If the politicians that hold the purse strings were adults this wouldn't be an issue.
It wasn't an issue with past administrations....but, it certainly is now.

It wasn't an issue to this administration for the first two years either. In fact, no new walls/barriers were constructed during that time period even though they were budgeted for. Not one single inch. If it is an Emergency now then it was an Emergency now and only exasperated by the lack of construction for 2 years by the current Administration. Sounds to me like the spending bill has it about right for allocation and the requirement of the amount of addition of Wall/Barrier funding. Afterall, there is already 2.6 billion allocated to build already that hasn't been spent. Add another 1.3 (adjusted for inflation) you get the rest of the 200 miles Trump says he needs. He can still build what has been already funded. But now, he has to build the additional 55 miles as well. Call it probation for not building the damn thing in the first place in accordance with the 2006 Border Security Law. If he can't account for the 2.6 billion already budgeted then he doesn't need more money, he needs one down and dirty audit.
Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.

The law Trump used WAS PASSED BY CONGRESS.

That is how it is SUPPOSED to work.

Congress can pass a resolution denying the emergency, Trump can veto it, and Congress can vote to override the veto.

That is EXACTLY how the Constitution says it is supposed to work.

My Gawd, try reading the law sometime.

Try reading the Constitution. This is how it works.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Constitution has priority over a law. The Constitution says the Congress has the power of the purse. Even Alan Dershowitz agrees that Congress' refusal to fund something is not a emergency.
Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.

The law Trump used WAS PASSED BY CONGRESS.

That is how it is SUPPOSED to work.

Congress can pass a resolution denying the emergency, Trump can veto it, and Congress can vote to override the veto.

That is EXACTLY how the Constitution says it is supposed to work.

My Gawd, try reading the law sometime.

Try reading the Constitution. This is how it works.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Constitution has priority over a law. The Constitution says the Congress has the power of the purse. Even Alan Dershowitz agrees that Congress' refusal to fund something is not a emergency.
/----/ "The Constitution says the Congress has the power of the purse."
That's odd because libtards are always saying Trump increased the deficit with wild spending.
Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it.

/---/ You totally misunderstand the Constitutional role of the Federal Government.
Responsibilities of the Federal Government

National Security
Throughout history, war has been a main component of international relations. A major responsibility of any government is protecting its citizens. The Constitution places national defense in the hands of the federal government. It divides war powers between the president and Congress. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the right to declare war and to maintain an army and navy. Article II, Section 2 names the president as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and state militias, or national guards. Article I, Section 8 also authorizes Congress to grant the president the authority to place state militias under federal control to "suppress insurrections or repel invasions." By giving Congress the power to declare war and the president the power to wage war, the Founding Fathers ensured that one branch could not gain complete control over the nation's armed forces.

Also Congress has the power to cut off funding for any military venture the President gets into.
Survey Results

If an election was held today between Donald Trump and Barack Obama, who would you vote for?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama


Who handles the role of “Commander-in-Chief” best?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama

Read Newsmax: Newsmax.com - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

well, DUH! what kinda responses did you expect from newsmax? if MSNBC conducted a poll using the same questions, what do you think the outcome would reflect?
Survey Results

If an election was held today between Donald Trump and Barack Obama, who would you vote for?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama


Who handles the role of “Commander-in-Chief” best?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama

Read Newsmax: Newsmax.com - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

well, DUH! what kinda responses did you expect from newsmax? if MSNBC conducted a poll using the same questions, what do you think the outcome would reflect?
Hey I openly gave the source...just fuel for thought....sometimes I think you libs think everyone agrees with you about Trump...and that's not even close to being true....
Poll: 85% of GOP Approve of Trump's Emergency to Build the Wall
Eighty-five percent of Republicans approve of President Donald J. Trump’s use of national emergency powers to build the southern wall, according to a poll released on Tuesday.


you have no idea how bad we wish we could show you what you look like in your severe stupidity and the lower plains you assholes sit on lmvao.

LOL you idiots hate Trump so bad and no matter how much you try pushing all the lies you do the truth still comes to the top and the hate ofr Democrats grows and grows and grows including your own who are stepping away from you desensitized, selfish greedy ass wants you morons want.
How much are they each willing to pay?
Survey Results

If an election was held today between Donald Trump and Barack Obama, who would you vote for?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama


Who handles the role of “Commander-in-Chief” best?
Donald Trump

Barack Obama

Read Newsmax: Newsmax.com - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

well, DUH! what kinda responses did you expect from newsmax? if MSNBC conducted a poll using the same questions, what do you think the outcome would reflect?
Hey I openly gave the source...just fuel for thought....sometimes I think you libs think everyone agrees with you about Trump...and that's not even close to being true....

naw , not really, although i gotta admit that i am pleasantly surprised when a (R) acknowledges that trump is the worst thing to happen to this country or that it's obvious he's putin's bitch.
naw , not really, although i gotta admit that i am pleasantly surprised when a (R) acknowledges that trump is the worst thing to happen to this country or that it's obvious he's putin's bitch
View attachment 246724
Considering the fact that Independents and Dems make up over 70% of voters, is very significant. It shows that with Trumpsters/Republicans, it's Trump over their own country.

When polled about what ideology they self identify as Americans have always responded as 40-45% conservative, 30-35% moderate, and 20-25% liberal.

The problem with the Republican party is that they hjavce long been too moderate for most conservatives. Trump is tapping into those ignored conservatives.

What Trump has tapped into is the far-right. White supremacists and neo-nazis. The fact is that a majority of the people are center, center-right or center left. Independents supported Trump in 2016 and Democrats in the mid-term House races.
Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.

The law Trump used WAS PASSED BY CONGRESS.

That is how it is SUPPOSED to work.

Congress can pass a resolution denying the emergency, Trump can veto it, and Congress can vote to override the veto.

That is EXACTLY how the Constitution says it is supposed to work.

My Gawd, try reading the law sometime.

Try reading the Constitution. This is how it works.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Constitution has priority over a law. The Constitution says the Congress has the power of the purse. Even Alan Dershowitz agrees that Congress' refusal to fund something is not a emergency.
/----/ "The Constitution says the Congress has the power of the purse."
That's odd because libtards are always saying Trump increased the deficit with wild spending.

Trump and the Republicans are responsible for the increasing deficit just as Obama and Republicans in Congress were responsible for increasing the deficit. In both instances, Congress passed and the President signed.
/---/ You totally misunderstand the Constitutional role of the Federal Government.
Responsibilities of the Federal Government

National Security
Throughout history, war has been a main component of international relations. A major responsibility of any government is protecting its citizens. The Constitution places national defense in the hands of the federal government. It divides war powers between the president and Congress. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the right to declare war and to maintain an army and navy. Article II, Section 2 names the president as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and state militias, or national guards. Article I, Section 8 also authorizes Congress to grant the president the authority to place state militias under federal control to "suppress insurrections or repel invasions." By giving Congress the power to declare war and the president the power to wage war, the Founding Fathers ensured that one branch could not gain complete control over the nation's armed forces.

You totally misunderstand the role of the Executive Branch. The president is not a monarch. The Founders made the Executive the weakest branch for a reason.
/---/ WTF? I'm responding t the idiotic notion that we want a small Gubmint except when it comes to national security (border control) and that is one of the few roles it has according to the Constitution. Your original post I'm responding to: "Shocking that those "small government conservatives" suddenly love big government when they can get what they want from it."

Yes, referring to the use of national emergency powers as opposed to going through Congress the way he should.
If the politicians that hold the purse strings were adults this wouldn't be an issue.
It wasn't an issue with past administrations....but, it certainly is now.

It wasn't an issue to this administration for the first two years either. In fact, no new walls/barriers were constructed during that time period even though they were budgeted for. Not one single inch. If it is an Emergency now then it was an Emergency now and only exasperated by the lack of construction for 2 years by the current Administration. Sounds to me like the spending bill has it about right for allocation and the requirement of the amount of addition of Wall/Barrier funding. Afterall, there is already 2.6 billion allocated to build already that hasn't been spent. Add another 1.3 (adjusted for inflation) you get the rest of the 200 miles Trump says he needs. He can still build what has been already funded. But now, he has to build the additional 55 miles as well. Call it probation for not building the damn thing in the first place in accordance with the 2006 Border Security Law. If he can't account for the 2.6 billion already budgeted then he doesn't need more money, he needs one down and dirty audit.
The monies that were allocated for border security in the past did not include, in fact, excluded the building a wall.
Actually, a majority of people are centralist/moderates. For all the real far right conservatives out there, there wasn't enough of them to win the midterms and there are great turnouts on both sides. The centralist/moderates swung the midterm election.
This is a pie chart of self identifying groups of conservatives, moderates and liberals.


Self identifying conservative Democrats, Social conservatives, pro government conservatives and business conservatives are about 45% of the general public. The optimistic independents, disaffected and disadvantaged Dems are generally more moderate, with the final slice being the liberals, which I suppose includes the Democratic Socialists.

turnout among conservative Democrats, the disaffected and social conservatives has not been very strong until Trump ran and won, and they are largely why he won.
The monies that were allocated for border security in the past did not include, in fact, excluded the building a wall.

These were supposed to have been covered in the 2007 Secure Fence Act and the Border fence provided for in the Reagan immigration reform of I think it was 1986.
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