Poll: Americans Blame GOP if We Go Over Fiscal Cliff

I just love it, What the American people just said to Obama is, go ahead don't budge at all, Don't Compromise at all, Let us go over the Cliff and once again you will not be blamed.

There is no competing with these dishonest, ignorant fucks on the left. We lost, They won. America will never be the same.

I thought just yesterday people were crowing about how Obama was cutting food stamps! Sounds like he's budging to me. Are you that oblivious to what's going on?!?!

I hope you are right, but forgive me if the last 4 years have be doubtful.
'lest we forget, Repubs like Bachmann (R) were ready to have the U.S. default to make a political point.

The Tea Party types were sent to Washington to stop Obama's insane trillion dollar deficits.

They made a deal that Obama would put together a debt commission and figure it out, and in exchange for a bitpartisan solution on this, they made a compromise in on the '11 budget which called for automatic cuts should Obama fail.

Obama failed.

Do you really think the Tea Party types are going to grant a do-over on the sequester to cover Obama's pathetic failure?
FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won
More proof of the success of the progressive/socialist propagandists in the lamestream media.

Both parties signed onto the recommendations from the super-duper committee and the consequences of the sequester.

Blaming this one on the republicans, alone or for the most part, is as big a pile pf bullshit as you will ever encounter.
Well, Boehner (R) has said revenue is on the table, after the shellacking Repubs took in the recent election, so either he's being truthful and distancing himself from that zany norquist pledge or he's lying.
'lest we forget, Repubs like Bachmann (R) were ready to have the U.S. default to make a political point.
You're as big a fucking idiot as ever.

Not raising the debt ceiling merely means that real budgetary cuts and restraints will come into play...The only way there will be a default is if they don't.
Just let Obama have what ever he wants no matter THE COST..

it's his Amercia now, so they tell us

And when that doesn't work....

Blame the republicans.
Blame Bush.
Blame the republicans and Bush
Blame Bush and the republicans....

Repeat as often as necessary.
Well, Boehner (R) has said revenue is on the table, after the shellacking Repubs took in the recent election, so either he's being truthful and distancing himself from that zany norquist pledge or he's lying.
Of course he's saying that....He wants to preserve his party's sacrament of Pentagon spending.
FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won

This is why the GOP House needs to wait until a Dem bill is introduced, then ABSTAIN and let the Dems own it.

If we do actually go "off the fiscal cliff" -- which I strongly doubt -- don't we need to first see how it happens before we blame one party or the other? Or both?

FTR, I blame both sides.

A majority of Americans expect the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff at the beginning of 2013 and would blame Republicans if that happened, according to a poll published today.

The survey by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post found 51 percent of those polled said they don’t think President Barack Obama and Congress will be able to agree on a package of tax increases and spending cuts to replace the automatic reductions in government spending and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts scheduled for Jan. 1. Thirty-eight percent said they expected Obama and Congress to cut a deal.

If lawmakers fail to reach a deal, 53 percent said Republicans in Congress will bear responsibility, compared with 29 percent who said President Barack Obama will be at fault and 10 percent who chose both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won

This is why the GOP House needs to wait until a Dem bill is introduced, then ABSTAIN and let the Dems own it.

The Tea Party House Reps. would get voted out by their own for that!
Pubs will do anything, including go off the cliff, to protect the greedy rich- whose wealth has gone up 300% under voodoo while the rest suffer, and have 93% of the growth in the last 4 years. Pub dupes! Absolutely brainwashed and clueless...
FTR, I blame both sides.

Majority Says U.S. Won

This is why the GOP House needs to wait until a Dem bill is introduced, then ABSTAIN and let the Dems own it.

The Tea Party House Reps. would get voted out by their own for that!

Why? So the GOP can take the fall (again) for all of the unpopular cuts? This has been tried before and it never works. Even the credit downgrade was blamed on the GOP, even though it had nothing to do with any delay; it was because the spending constraints were insufficient. The GOP always does best at the ballot box after the Dems have had their way.
We all know the stupid American people haven't held Obama Accountable for anything.
THIS poll was frikken PATHETIC

but what would you EXPECT from the WashingtonCOMPOST

total Propaganda with it's polls
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Well, Boehner (R) has said revenue is on the table, after the shellacking Repubs took in the recent election, so either he's being truthful and distancing himself from that zany norquist pledge or he's lying.
Of course he's saying that....He wants to preserve his party's sacrament of Pentagon spending.

What is Pentagon spending? It's JOBS, usually well paying jobs building the things the military needs. Are you saying we can afford to lose all those jobs?
THIS poll was frikken PATHETIC

but what would you EXPECT from the WashingtonCOMPOST

total Propaganda with it's polls
you're funny steph for a rw kool aid drinker :p
Well, Boehner (R) has said revenue is on the table, after the shellacking Repubs took in the recent election, so either he's being truthful and distancing himself from that zany norquist pledge or he's lying.
Of course he's saying that....He wants to preserve his party's sacrament of Pentagon spending.

What is Pentagon spending? It's JOBS, usually well paying jobs building the things the military needs. Are you saying we can afford to lose all those jobs?

when the us military is 5X larger then the next 7 countries combined? Yes
Rich people are rich for a reason, trust me when I state they are not stupid, nor lazy fools. The problem as the CBO and others have stated time and time again is that if you take all the money these rich people have it won't run the government for over 90 days. So the bottom line, revenue generation equates to broad based tax increases for all coupled with means testing and cuts to government spending.

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