POLL: Americans Don't Trust the FBI Raid


Someone still thinks the deep state is a REAL THING hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
It kind of is. When Trump was President, he was part of the deep state. Yes big decisions are made privately between politicians and rich people/corporations.

CPAC is the most well known conservative political action committee. Heritage Foundation. These groups actually write legislation. They hand it to guys like Ted Cruz and Ted introduces it to the other senators and hopes it gets passed into law. Stand your ground, anti abortion laws, tax breaks for rich people and big corporations.

  • America First Policies Action Fund – Arlington, VA.
  • American Crossroads – Washington, D.C.
  • Campaign for Working Families – Arlington, VA.
  • Clearpath Solutions – Washington, D.C.
  • Eagle Forum – Alton, IL.
  • Freedom Works – Alexandria, VA.
  • Freedom Partners – Alexandria, VA.
  • Libre Initiative – Washington, D.C.
I do. It’s just that I was an English tutor, and I can’t help myself but correct these common errors. (Another one is the confusion with “affect” and “effect,” but we will leave that for tomorrow’s lesson.)
Again, thank you. While I admit I am sometimes wrong, I much prefer to not be, and appreciate being corrected. I never intentionally post anything I know to be wrong.
One of my peeves: when "try to" became "try and"

I am told this is almost proper English now. "Please try and be done by 7:00." How is that proper? It's not in addition. It's not an AND.

You’re right.

How about “I could of…..” instead of “I could have”?

Or what about using “I“ when “me” is correct? “He asked John and I to join him for dinner.”

Anyway, we could go on forever.
That's nice BooBoo. Now go play with your toys.
Not in an endless studying sense, but I pay attention to the loss of unalienable rights. We have people going postal in many ways of living now. A lot of it from the stresses and pressures of living in the growing restrictive society we are expanding on. So before the Progs leave the Congress in January, demand that they remove the Patriot Act, reduce the powers of Homeland Security and all alphabet agencies and the TSA. Repubs have not done this. But you are proponent of the glorious Prog godless cult.
Oh look. The Lefties are very, very slow to learn that we have adopted their rules now. Utter hypocrisy no longer bothers us.


We are playing to win. That's it. We can't be shamed. We can't be made to care about cute concepts like "hypocrisy" or "double standards".

I know it's a lot for you to absorb
Yes. Your abandonment of integrity is quite obvious.
Again, thank you. While I admit I am sometimes wrong, I much prefer to not be, and appreciate being corrected. I never intentionally post anything I know to be wrong.
Thanks. If you do appreciate being corrected (many people don’t), I will continue to do so. No charge!
You’re right.

How about “I could of…..” instead of “I could have”?

Or what about using “I“ when “me” is correct? “He asked John and I to join him for dinner.”

Anyway, we could go on forever.

"I could of cried" makes me want to cry. That's my second peeve. It's either could've or could have. I understand how it SOUNDS. But please. Please. Don't do this. heh
You can't even come up with original thoughts; you have to copy mine.

You're gonna be real shook when you find out how many Americans really believe the deep state is real. Hint: look at the poll.

Man you folks really stepped in it this time. TDS is not without cost
Yes. A little more thana third of the country are nut bags.
No doubt you really think they took her underwear. A crazy person would think that.
Heil Shitler!

How's it going pushing propaganda for the 4th Reich today little DemNazi?
Do they pay you by the lie or do you just whore yourself out for free?

Long live EmperorShitzHizPantz! May he reign forever!
Heil Shitler!
Thanks. If you do appreciate being corrected (many people don’t), I will continue to do so. No charge!

Then the real persnickety ones will come back and say your sentence, "No charge!" is an incomplete sentence. To which I respond: this is not a college term paper or whatnot. This is a message board. Informal writing is okay.

Would of is never okay. Ever. Not anywhere.

Have you seen the grammar book where you get little stickers you can use in real life to add and delete apostrophes? If memory serves it is "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"
Why are conservatives worshiping this racist/authoritarian leader from Hungary? Because he sounds a lot like Trump.

despite a speech last week widely decried as racist, even by one of his top aides. She resigned in protest.

Sound familiar?

What did Viktor say about it? "Don't worry, a Christian politician cannot be racist

relies on an unrepentant appeal to a white and Christian heritage for Hungary. It has also depended on rounds of crackdowns on civil liberties and dissenting voices inside the country.

In his speech on Thursday, Orbán portrayed the political fight both in Europe and the U.S. as a stark cultural battle over issues including migration, same-sex marriage and policing.

Announced speakers in Dallas include Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News's Sean Hannity and conspiracy peddler Jack Posobiec, as well as Trump. When Trump was in office, the two men praised each other often. Both offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a warm reception. And Orbán has echoed Trump's attacks on wokeness and cancel culture and other hot-button issues seized on by Republican politicians.

Announced speakers in Dallas include Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News's Sean Hannity and conspiracy peddler Jack Posobiec, as well as Trump.

Heil Shitler! The 4th Reich is proud of your latest propaganda attempt!
Vlad Putin sends a wink and a nod!
Death to America!
Good job you little DemNazi whore.
Scam artist or just politically savvy? Given your opposition to it, ill assume its the latter.
A lie of omission is still a lie. Do you even remember when republicans had integrity?
The onus is not on him to show the search warrant. He's playing his cards smart.
Yep. Trump knows that his idiotic supporters will believe whatever he says. Releasing the warrant makes it harder for him to lie.

It’s a smart move when you’re used to having a cult worship you.
A lie of omission is still a lie. Do you even remember when republicans had integrity?
Like the fact Mueller knew Russian Collusion - Operation Crossfire Hurricane was paid for by Obama, Clinton and Biden and just totally forgot to mention that he knew it was all a pack of lies and still went on with his fake witch hunt.

Lies of omission like that is called TREASON.

The FBI and DOJ were ordered by The Courts to give up documents related to Crossfire Hurricane and they are still refusing to do so.
That is a lie of Omission as they are withholding evidence, public documents We The People, particularly President Trump have a right to see.
Yep. Trump knows that his idiotic supporters will believe whatever he says. Releasing the warrant makes it harder for him to lie.

It’s a smart move when you’re used to having a cult worship you.

Update your info.

Plenty of people who don't love Trump are now gonna vote for him because they love the FBI/DOJ fascist tactics LESS.

You supercharged him. Great job.
Update your info.

Plenty of people who don't love Trump are now gonna vote for him because they love the FBI/DOJ fascist tactics LESS.

You supercharged him. Great job.
Trump can only be hurt by introducing factual information. That’s why he won’t show the warrant.

Normal people don’t care about this whatsoever. It has zero effect on them.

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