POLL: Americans Don't Trust the FBI Raid

Not in an endless studying sense, but I pay attention to the loss of unalienable rights. We have people going postal in many ways of living now. A lot of it from the stresses and pressures of living in the growing restrictive society we are expanding on. So before the Progs leave the Congress in January, demand that they remove the Patriot Act, reduce the powers of Homeland Security and all alphabet agencies and the TSA. Repubs have not done this. But you are proponent of the glorious Prog godless cult.
Stress and pressures of believing every conspiracy theory you hear.
Stress and pressures of believing every conspiracy theory you hear.
Everyone would be much happier if they actually believed that the world was much simpler and more random than people seem to think.

Conspiracy theorists are the last people in the world who believe that we actually live in an ordered society, that everything happens for a reason. Maybe that’s more appealing in its own way. I guess that’s why some people believe in religion.
Your entire party thinks lying and cheating are good things. Look what trump has done to your party.
I dont see any outrage over the Russia hoax coming from you, so forgive me if im unmoved by the criticism of a hypocrite.
Trump was given a reciept for what was taken in the warrant. Why won't trump say what that was?
You are trying to shift the onus onto Trump when the pulse of the people is more concerned about the raid itself and what it could mean for everyday people moving forward.

Trump has no obligation to show the details of the warrant other than to point to the fact his house was raided.

Unless the details of the warrant are disclosed by the government or Trump himself and they clearly point to Trump wrongdoing, the optics aren’t looking good for Democrats.
Everyone would be much happier if they actually believed that the world was much simpler and more random than people seem to think.

Conspiracy theorists are the last people in the world who believe that we actually live in an ordered society, that everything happens for a reason. Maybe that’s more appealing in its own way. I guess that’s why some people believe in religion.
It's easier for them to find somebody to blame for all their problems.
You are trying to shift the onus onto Trump when the pulse of the people is more concerned about the raid itself and what it could mean for everyday people moving forward.

Trump has no obligation to show the details of the warrant other than to point to the fact his house was raided.

Unless the details of the warrant are disclosed by the government or Trump himself and they clearly point to Trump wrongdoing, the optics aren’t looking good for Democrats.
Just saying it's kinda goofy to whine about not knowing what was taken when trump was given a list.
Stress and pressures of believing every conspiracy theory you hear.
Russian Collusion was created by Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
You lied and told us every day Russian Collusion was true.
Mueller lied.
Obama lied
Clinton lied
The FBI lied
Joe Biden lied.

The FBI and DOJ have been ordered by The Courts to give up documents related to Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
That is outrageous. Yet your lying ass supports such corruption.
Fellow conservatives:

Remember, as they broke every rule and law, they really, really, really depended on us to uphold the ones they wanted upheld.

They will never admit it but they needed us. But they don't get that anymore. It's their game now. Now we're playing it their way.

Do you hear yourself? So the next time you are in power, your defense every time the next President breaks the law, is that we broke the law?

First you have to establish that we are playing this game. Are we?

And I'm sorry but I have to say your side started it. Lock her up? LOL

Did Trump really make what he did a felony when it wasn't before? What an idiot! But then he and you think he is above the law.
Russian Collusion was created by Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
You lied and told us every day Russian Collusion was true.
Mueller lied.
Obama lied
Clinton lied
The FBI lied
Joe Biden lied.

The FBI and DOJ have been ordered by The Courts to give up documents related to Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
That is outrageous. Yet your lying ass supports such corruption.
We knew this. Americans can see what's what. First blush polling out. Flop sweat ensues.

Of course the Democrats will follow with all kinds of panic push-polling, but this is what it is. Already we see FBI and DOJ rats trying to sell each other out on this.

If you click to the poll results, you will see Independents believe Trump's political enemies were behind this in a 53/35% split. Huge failure, Dems. Huge.

View attachment 680562

We are such an emotional country. Everything is based on feelings and not data nor logic
Just saying it's kinda goofy to whine about not knowing what was taken when trump was given a list.
Has law enforcement made a statement? Assuming they have, this move is going to come off as political and vengeful. Democrats already have the reputation of weaponizing agencies against their enemies. Not good headed into November.
Do you hear yourself? So the next time you are in power, your defense every time the next President breaks the law, is that we broke the law?

First you have to establish that we are playing this game. Are we?

And I'm sorry but I have to say your side started it. Lock her up? LOL

Did Trump really make what he did a felony when it wasn't before? What an idiot! But then he and you think he is above the law.
Don’t even start the “above the law” crap. James Comey flat out told the American people what Hillary did was against the law yet he was choosing not to prosecute.
Russian Collusion was created by Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
You lied and told us every day Russian Collusion was true.
Mueller lied.
Obama lied
Clinton lied
The FBI lied
Joe Biden lied.

The FBI and DOJ have been ordered by The Courts to give up documents related to Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
That is outrageous. Yet your lying ass supports such corruption.
If the last six years have taught Donald Trump anything, it’s that he can basically get away with whatever he wants, no matter how outrageous, batshit, or criminal it may be. Smearing gold star families? Fine! Cozying up to murderous dictators? Cool! Profiting off the presidency? No issue there! Attempting to extort a foreign country for his own political gain? Go for it! Relentlessly slandering a deceased prisoner of war? Why not?! Lying about a deadly virus? Not a problem! Having protesters pepper sprayed to do a photo op? Okey dokey! Inciting an insurrection? You do you, queen! So it was clearly with this thought in mind—to the extent that he has thoughts in his mind—that Trump publicly appealed for Vladimir Putin,the guy currently waging a horrific war in Ukraine, to help him smear the president of the United States and his son.

In an interview with outlet Just the News that aired on the right-wing Real America’s Voice network on Tuesday, Trump pushed an unproven claim—one he’s been pushing for more than a year and a half now—that Hunter Biden was paid $3.5 million by the then wife of Moscow’s former mayor. When Trump first started making this allegation in September 2020....

Has law enforcement made a statement? Assuming they have, this move is going to come off as political and vengeful. Democrats already have the reputation of weaponizing agencies against their enemies. Not good headed into November.
They don't make statements about federal warrants. Sometimes they might answer a question or two, but it's not their place to make statements.
Don’t even start the “above the law” crap. James Comey flat out told the American people what Hillary did was against the law yet he was choosing not to prosecute.
Because he found nothing sinister and everyone else was doing it. And still does it.

It's like going 5 over in your car. Illegal but rarely enforced.

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Every Trump Administration Official Accused of Using Personal Email for Work​

So fuck off

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