POLL: Americans Don't Trust the FBI Raid

Which is always the criteria for choosing an attorney…
The IRS posted their job openings for the 87,000 new jack booted thugs... it says applicants must be willing to kill..... Kill people that are behind in their taxes?????
Now we know why they have been stockpiling bullets.....
They are building their own army....
Has law enforcement made a statement? Assuming they have, this move is going to come off as political and vengeful. Democrats already have the reputation of weaponizing agencies against their enemies. Not good headed into November.

Wray just did. Get this. He said nothing except whine and cry about "threats against law enforcement".

They are on the run. As well they should be.
Sorry. You can't have a blatant criminal like Trump who thumbs his nose at the laws and rules.

At least Reagan covertly broke the laws. Clinton only lied about getting a bj. Hillary used private phone. So does everyone on Team Trump.

This is not apples to apples.

Dominion Voting Machines is suing team trump for slander because your claims are unfounded.

Why didn't you worry back when Diebold voting machines were found to be hackable in 2000? You let Bush steal 2000 with electronic voting machines. Wasn't the president of Diebold the head of 2004 Ohio Re elect Bush? Yes he was. Lots of shady shit found on Diebold. What you got on Maduro? I bet it's bullshit. Show me your evidence they stole the election.

We can and we will. Watch us. Or go cry in the corner, we don't care.

Mario Fusco 🇪🇺🇺🇦 on Twitter: Sometimes I have the feeling that people  intentionally look for fancy ways to shoot themselves in a foot just to  have the satisfaction of coming to you
I've never heard of the Trafalgar Group, so I'll take their poll with a giant grain of salt.

Here's a piece from Independent writer Matt Taibbi

As of now, it’s impossible to say if Trump’s alleged offense was great, small, or in between. But this for sure is a huge story, and its hugeness extends in multiple directions, including the extraordinary political risk inherent in the decision to execute the raid. If it backfires, if underlying this action there isn’t a very substantial there there, the Biden administration just took the world’s most reputable police force and turned it into the American version of the Tonton Macoute on national television. We may be looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country.

We can and we will. Watch us. Or go cry in the corner, we don't care.
He won't be qualified to run in 2024. Watch. Or he will die of the stress he's under. FBI raids. Pleading the 5th in another completely other case.

Yes, just the guy we want running the country.

Don't you have anyone else? Apparently not. Disantos?
You just said it was all Trump and now you are going back to Gingrich????
The beginning of the steady decline does go back to Gingrich and Delay. The advent of trump was like a cliff at the bottom of a slope.

(f) Executing and Returning the Warrant.

(1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property.

(A) Noting the Time. The officer executing the warrant must enter on it the exact date and time it was executed.

(B) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. The officer must do so in the presence of another officer and the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken. If either one is not present, the officer must prepare and verify the inventory in the presence of at least one other credible person. In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied.

(C) Receipt. The officer executing the warrant must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken or leave a copy of the warrant and receipt at the place where the officer took the property. For a warrant to use remote access to search electronic storage media and seize or copy electronically stored information, the officer must make reasonable efforts to serve a copy of the warrant and receipt on the person whose property was searched or who possessed the information that was seized or copied. Service may be accomplished by any means, including electronic means, reasonably calculated to reach that person.

(D) Return. The officer executing the warrant must promptly return it—together with a copy of the inventory—to the magistrate judge designated on the warrant. The officer may do so by reliable electronic means. The judge must, on request, give a copy of the inventory to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken and to the applicant for the warrant.
who cares? the issues is the affaidavit.

the larger question. is why is xiden keeping this under seal? what is he hiding? democracy dies in darkness

these are the tactics of tyrants
who cares? the issues is the affaidavit.

the larger question. is why is xiden keeping this under seal? what is he hiding? democracy dies in darkness

these are the tactics of tyrants
Actually, my link is a direct answer to a direct question. Since you can't repute that, you have chosen another question. Biden had nothing to do with the affidavit. Trump and his supporters advocate the president putting undue pressure on the courts, but our constitution specifically forbids that. Often that material is kept under seal by the judge because classified information is listed, and it would be wrong to reveal that.
Actually, my link is a direct answer to a direct question. Since you can't repute that, you have chosen another question. Biden had nothing to do with the affidavit. Trump and his supporters advocate the president putting undue pressure on the courts, but our constitution specifically forbids that. Often that material is kept under seal by the judge because classified information is listed, and it would be wrong to reveal that.
yeah. it it doesn’t answer what we all been asking for

what are you taking about the president puts pressure on courts all the time…his office had to request it being sealed…it’s not done automatically….and now they are digging to keep it sealed

democracy dies in darkness…
yeah. it it doesn’t answer what we all been asking for

what are you taking about the president puts pressure on courts all the time…his office had to request it being sealed…it’s not done automatically….and now they are digging to keep it sealed

democracy dies in darkness…
What a load of horse shit. None of that is accurate
yeah. it it doesn’t answer what we all been asking for

what are you taking about the president puts pressure on courts all the time…his office had to request it being sealed…it’s not done automatically….and now they are digging to keep it sealed

democracy dies in darkness…
No. The presiden't doesn't have to request anything being sealed. Who told you something so silly?
Being a Leftist means knowing whether someone is guilty, or should be guilty, without the benefit of a fair trial or a legal means to apprehend them.

Must be nice.
They can read anyone's mind but their own (this is likely due to the fact they don't have one of those)

They know the evil in others' better than God does...
The beginning of the steady decline does go back to Gingrich and Delay. The advent of trump was like a cliff at the bottom of a slope.
While we are on the subject, the Democrat Party abandoned any and every sense of fiscal responsibility after Lyndon Johnson in the late 60s in the decided direction of Western European Socialism where income is viewed as something to be redistributed first.

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