POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
True, but then Jesus died on the cross to forgive all our sins. To goto heaven you must accept Jesus into your heart and ask him to forgive your sins. Being rich nolong matters.
I've been a lifelong practicing Christian. I accepted him as my savior a long time ago. While I won't ever vote Democrat, the repukes offer me zero, nothing, notta to vote for. They repulse me , not as much as Dems, but they and I cannot agree.
I've been a lifelong practicing Christian. I accepted him as my savior a long time ago. While I won't ever vote Democrat, the repukes offer me zero, nothing, notta to vote for. They repulse me , not as much as Dems, but they and I cannot agree.
What do you "want"?
It is easier for a a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Being wealthy is not a trait that Jesus condoned at all.
Yet Solomon and David and others were wealthy. The Bible says God owns everything. How about a wealthy person who serves God and gives to charities and uses their wealth for good. Wouldn't God be pleased with this person?
Yet Solomon and David and others were wealthy. The Bible says God owns everything. How about a wealthy person who serves God and gives to charities and uses their wealth for good. Wouldn't God be pleased with this person?
Jobe was God's fave and had tons of shit
Yet Solomon and David and others were wealthy. The Bible says God owns everything. How about a wealthy person who serves God and gives to charities and uses their wealth for good. Wouldn't God be pleased with this person?

Very few wealthy lying dims nor reukes actually do much good. Keep the wealthy out of office. Step one.
God was not too nice to Job.

I always love the idea that god kills his wife and his children, then later gives him a better wife and children as replacements.

What kind of fucked up god is that?

What I can tell you about god is he knows what he's doing. Jobe knew as well, that's why he took it.
Very few wealthy lying dims nor reukes actually do much good. Keep the wealthy out of office. Step one.
I'm talking about the average wealthy person. My point is a wealthy person can be just as godly or ungodly as a poor person. It's the condition of their heart that matters, isn't it? The Bible says God doesn't judge like man judges, but judges the heart.
God was not too nice to Job.

I always love the idea that god kills his wife and his children, then later gives him a better wife and children as replacements.

What kind of fucked up god is that?
God didn't kill his wife and children. Satan did. God removed his protection to show Satan that Job would love God no matter what happened to him.
Serious poll. Serious thread. Very serious. Dead serious.

See Kari Lake's comments below. It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil. I've been called all of them, multiple times.

Are you serious when you say that?

Please vote and comment.

"How can I divide people anymore than they are" was not a choice, why?
Trump knew he lost the election because he's intelligent, unlike the loons that still worship him.

What I can tell you about god is he knows what he's doing. Jobe knew as well, that's why he took it.
Definitely not the case. Job was confused and confounded that god played games with him to please Satan. While the new testament has some value, the whole Job thing is one of the fables that caused me to give up on the whole god thing.

First off, if he's playing this game with Satan, he sure isn't all powerful - NOR is he Omnipotent - as he would already know what Job would do - and unless Satan was incredibly stupid, he'd never make such a deal. FURTHER, since an Omnipotent god would know how it would turn out, he was just sadistically torturing Job and murdered his family for no reason other than his own entertainment.

Again, that is one fucked up god.

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