POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Serious poll. Serious thread. Very serious. Dead serious.

See Kari Lake's comments below. It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil. I've been called all of them, multiple times.

Are you serious when you say that?

Please vote and comment.

Dead serious. Only evil people want abortion until birth. Only evil people demand the entire mammalian history be turned upside down for a hand full of freaks that can’t figure out their own sex. Only evil people would demand we go down the socialism path when it has always ended in millions dead.
No, I'm just exposing your complete bullshit for what it is.

The Republicans have a host of problems, Mitt, Susan, Mitch, to name a few. I found George Bush the lesser so repugnant I left the party for 26 years. I didn't trust Trump in 2016 and voted LP, but by 2017 I reregistered back to Republican. Because they aren't even in the same galaxy as the democrats, and ANYONE sane or honest knows it.

Your claim that they are both the same is utter shit and you know it. The grooming shit is just undeniable - it's a level of evil that places the democrats in their own category as one of the great evils of the human condition.
I have said I won't vote Democrat. Can you not read? You have given me zero reason to vote Republican because anything that helps the real American, the ones who work hard and barely make it by, is bad. Social security is a Ponzi scheme. Medicare is bankrupting america. If the repukes stop this and come up with ways to strengthen them it's a cak walk. But people like you but into those lies. Those lies are evil.
I have said I won't vote Democrat. Can you not read? You have given me zero reason to vote Republican because anything that helps the real American, the ones who work hard and barely make it by, is bad. Social security is a Ponzi scheme. Medicare is bankrupting america. If the repukes stop this and come up with ways to strengthen them it's a cak walk. But people like you but into those lies. Those lies are evil.
I see your point. We aren't going to get rid of Medicare and Social Security. What we can do is elect people who won't make it worse.
I see your point. We aren't going to get rid of Medicare and Social Security. What we can do is elect people who won't make it worse.
Yep. And we shouldn't get rid of those programs. Without them hundreds of millions of people would have been in serious financial trouble not because of their choices.
He's seriously trolling - as always.
Mac likes to twist and shine his own knob. Comes with inflated self-importance designed to hide great insecurity.

Adolf Biden says there is no inflation.
In Tater's world, I'm sure inflation is just something abstract to draw on charts and talk about. I mean, when you don't actually PAY for anything out of your own pocket having spent other people's money your entire life, what can you expect? That's what makes Donald so great. Every dime going through his hands he had to work hard to generate, create or EARN.
It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil.
Which of the 10 commandments don't the left break on a daily basis? Well there you have it.
But there are entry of reTHUGlicans who hate the average working man. To them the working guy is scum. Someone to be used to make a profit.
Mac likes to twist and shine his own knob. Comes with inflated self-importance designed to hide great insecurity.

In Tater's world, I'm sure inflation is just something abstract to draw on charts and talk about. I mean, when you don't actually PAY for anything out of your own pocket having spent other people's money your entire life, what can you expect? That's what makes Donald so great. Every dime going through his hands he had to work hard to generate, create or EARN.
Yes he is your god. Worship him.
Is Kari Lake lying, or is she correct?
She is correct.

The greatest sin is harming a child, and the Democrats party has gone full child abuse.

I run hell, it's amazing. We have a 100% worker participation rate and all proceeds benefit victims of evil. When you arrive you're opinion will differ.

Those who support the child abusers burn along side them here in hell.

In 2022, when you sign your name and vote Democrat, you're signing your support for what they are doing to children. While in this realm, your secret maybe safe, when you leave, everything is known and will be used against you.
If he voted Dem he's an accessory. Over 100,000 Americans killed just last year by the Fentanyl Biden and Dems are allowing to pour across our southern border by illegals. Even Satan is like, WTF??
The souls of the aborted are vengeful and await all accessories of those who denied them life here in hell.
The souls of the aborted are vengeful and await all accessories of those who denied them life here in hell.
Abortion will go away now as it gets harder to get one. People will be more responsible and less unwanted children will be conceived which everyone agrees is a GREAT thing. The birth rate will decline but that's not a bad thing.

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