POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
If I were the Devil or Demonic I would be deeply offended and insulted when such low brow individuals compare me to them.

Oh, the 99.9% of the World believe they are fighting some form of Evil and the rest just wonder how retarded has the Universe become?

Can you show where Republicans are sexually grooming pre-school children?

You know, since they're just as bad as democrats...
The point is Progs pushing all of that stuff costing us a lot of resources for people who live on the edge of the edge mainstreaming them is shielding all the other problems.
It's so easy to eviscerate the ideals of both evil parties. They both are evil incarnate.
So you'll be posting examples of Republicans sexually grooming very young children any second now, I just need to hold my breath, right?
Is that your one thing? You want me to vote for your cult because of that? It's not an issue to this older white Christian American born male.
Is that your one thing? You want me to vote for your cult because of that? It's not an issue to this older white Christian American born male.
No, I'm just exposing your complete bullshit for what it is.

The Republicans have a host of problems, Mitt, Susan, Mitch, to name a few. I found George Bush the lesser so repugnant I left the party for 26 years. I didn't trust Trump in 2016 and voted LP, but by 2017 I reregistered back to Republican. Because they aren't even in the same galaxy as the democrats, and ANYONE sane or honest knows it.

Your claim that they are both the same is utter shit and you know it. The grooming shit is just undeniable - it's a level of evil that places the democrats in their own category as one of the great evils of the human condition.

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