POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Serious poll. Serious thread. Very serious. Dead serious.

See Kari Lake's comments below. It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil. I've been called all of them, multiple times.

Are you serious when you say that?

Please vote and comment.

They are lying. It's all a political stunt aimed at idolizing a fake messiah.
Do those of you who are Democrats or Republicans really believe others should believe the way you do? That is both imbecilic and short sighted and you wear it well.
The problem with this fucked-up, "fighting pure evil" schtick is this:

When a party convinces themselves that their opponents are committing all sorts of evil to win, they use that to justify committing their own evils. And it just ratchets up the insanity.
... rather than incessant trolling....?
Again: When a poll asks a question that gets so many YES responses and confirming posts, that's pretty much the opposite of a troll thread or a dishonest thread. Sorry.

If you don't like the way I just let you folks tell us what you are -- and damn, I'm good at it -- tough shit. Maybe there's just something wrong with the way you are.
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They are lying. It's all a political stunt aimed at idolizing a fake messiah.
Well, that's the question.

I pay close attention to what these people say, and my understanding of this ugly phenomenon has definitely improved. But your point about where the real core of this is, that's where I'm stuck. Do you think it's possible that this is quasi-religious in nature, at least for some? Sometimes I wonder if they've gotten tired of waiting for Jesus to return, so they've cast their spiritual lot with this vulgar, damaged, juvenile, metrosexual NY City billionaire.
Again: When a poll asks a question that gets so many YES responses and confirming posts, that's pretty much the opposite of a troll thread or a dishonest thread. Sorry.

If you don't like the way I let you folks tell us what you are -- and damn, I'm good at it -- tough shit. Maybe there is something wrong with the way you are.
Progs are destroying people for a political opinion. Progs weaponized a campaign slogan. Progs attack, maim and even kill people who are not Progs. There is very little push back by Deplorables but every day it is reported that there is.
Progs are destroying people for a political opinion. Progs weaponized a campaign slogan. Progs attack, maim and even kill people who are not Progs. There is very little push back by Deplorables but every day it is reported that there is.
Which, as always, has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

Everything is always and only the other guys' fault. How simple your world is.
Again: When a poll asks a question that gets so many YES responses and confirming posts, that's pretty much the opposite of a troll thread or a dishonest thread. Sorry.

If you don't like the way I just let you folks tell us what you are -- and damn, I'm good at it -- tough shit. Maybe there's just something wrong with the way you are.
Ok, I’ve tried appealing to your rational side.

There‘s nothing “wrong” with those of us who look at what’s going on and are upset with the totalitarian manner in which the left is pushing this country.

Your poll here, as flawed as it is, represents the push nature of your side perfectly. “Support Biden, or be cast as an enemy of the state”… At least one member from the left has exactly expressed that in this thread.

You want to know “who I am”?
I’m a blue collar father, and grandfather who no longer sees opportunities for my children and grandchild in this country unless they pledge to bow to the whims of the progressive left.

I’m a registered conservative who sees that limited government and constitutional compliance is being shredded.

I’m also a guy that was hesitant about Trump in 2016, but when I was watching the success he was still able to achieve up against a torrent of opposition from the progressive left, as well as the progressive right, I was impressed.

The lies, and rabid attack from people like you looking to keep the focus on him two years after your guy takes office is proof enough to me that even you think Biden is a failure, and need to deflect daily to the insignificant…

That a good enough start for you, or will you only signal my answer with a cowardly thanks and no real thought?
There‘s nothing “wrong” with those of us who look at what’s going on and are upset with the totalitarian manner in which the left is pushing this country.

The problem is when screeching partisans cast things in terms of good and evil. "Pure evil", even. Because doing that is an implicit excuse to do evil in response. It's the same problem with calling it a "war".

The problem is when screeching partisans cast things in terms of good and evil. "Pure evil", even. Because doing that is an implicit excuse to do evil in response. It's the same problem with calling it a "war".
Well, It is dangerous to be sure...But, I really do think that we are in a sort of "Cold civil war" for the soul of this nation....The progs want to silence us into submission of their vision of America...That will not do...
Your poll here, as flawed as it is, represents the push nature of your side perfectly. “Support Biden, or be cast as an enemy of the state”…
This is why I don't bother. That is a paranoid figment of your imagination. That's not what I think at all. Not even close. You just made it up.

You can complain about me personally all you want. Make it as personal as you want. Misinterpret and lie about my politics all you want.

All you do is confirm my opinions. Fine with me.
This is why I don't bother. That is a paranoid figment of your imagination. That's not what I think at all. Not even close. You just made it up.

You can complain about me personally all you want. Make it as personal as you want. Misinterpret and lie about my politics all you want.

All you do is confirm my opinions. Fine with me.
My post was far more in depth than what you cut and pasted there Mac....So, tell me, why didn't you address it in context?

The fact is that you "don't bother" because you can't and keep your narcissistic view of yourself and your self aggrandized view of yourself...

I know you don't bother, it's right there in the tag line in my sig that you posted long ago...Which makes this rouse of starting a polling thread so laughable....You have made it clear that you are not in here to discuss or debate, rather troll and inflame...

In many other political message boards you'd have already been kicked out for your approach....

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