POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
And, by the way, you liberal wingnuts who are taking this idiotic question seriously, uh, I guess you don't know that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS. The Nazi party's official name was "National Socialist German Workers' Party." You know that, right?

And you know that the Nazis shut down Christian schools, murdered hundreds of Christian pastors and priests, jailed thousands of Christians, and followed the political doctrine that the government could take over any business at any time. (Gee, who does that sound like?) You know these things, right?

uh-huh. not the same as a democratic socialist. you may wanna educate yourself. try looking into the countries that are.

There is no such thing. Show us a country that claims (not your opinion, their opinion) that they are Democratic Socialists-)

oh good god. it's not a concrete thing. never said it was. but their elected leaders put the welfare of their citizens on an 'equal' par with capitalism. look at the examples you gave.... you can switch out 'christians' & their doctrine with muslims & voila! whatcha got 'eh?

spare me.
with a basket full of deplorables. it used to be 1/2 ful of deplorables & the other 1/2 'were hard working folks who believed they have been left behind'... the dupes. however, after all that trump has done TO this country, if you still support him, then you've joined the ranks of deplorable basket dweller.
I'm proud to be a deplorable...........I'm against you...........

Trump is trying to do fulfill his promises...........and has done so many times...........I agree with many of those promises......not all........

And that is the correct path...........he's not doing it by being nice..........and I could care less..........

The TDS crowd can throw a tantrum all they want............your losing..........and it is a better path than those who would sell America out......like Hillary........

They have had decades to fix things............have they done so...........NOPE............

lol... ^^^ point proven ^^^.

thanx for playing.
I'll take that as a compliment..........any racist slurs or mein kemp names you want to call me for it........I simply don't care........

Elections have consequences......and your side picked the biggest lying dirt bag to run.......And you lost..........

When your side is ready to come out of the trenches and actually negotiate laws again......let us know.......we are on the trenches across no man's land.


a duped deplorable who's poorly educated. god, how trump loves you long time.
Sounds like a saying from the Phillipines.........love you long time.........short time............pay my bar fine time...........

Another Straw man.............we are all just inferior to your superiority.........I've heard that before in history....

lol.... 'poorly' educated does not mean the same as 'uneducated'. it means you are unwilling to find out the truth because you are cozy & comfy being fed a line bullshit. your president depends on it. you just keep giving him what he wants.... it might feel good while you are, but you are gonna get a real nasty sore from it when he's thru with you...

I'm proud to be a deplorable...........I'm against you...........

Trump is trying to do fulfill his promises...........and has done so many times...........I agree with many of those promises......not all........

And that is the correct path...........he's not doing it by being nice..........and I could care less..........

The TDS crowd can throw a tantrum all they want............your losing..........and it is a better path than those who would sell America out......like Hillary........

They have had decades to fix things............have they done so...........NOPE............

lol... ^^^ point proven ^^^.

thanx for playing.
I'll take that as a compliment..........any racist slurs or mein kemp names you want to call me for it........I simply don't care........

Elections have consequences......and your side picked the biggest lying dirt bag to run.......And you lost..........

When your side is ready to come out of the trenches and actually negotiate laws again......let us know.......we are on the trenches across no man's land.


a duped deplorable who's poorly educated. god, how trump loves you long time.
Sounds like a saying from the Phillipines.........love you long time.........short time............pay my bar fine time...........

Another Straw man.............we are all just inferior to your superiority.........I've heard that before in history....

lol.... 'poorly' educated does not mean the same as 'uneducated'. it means you are unwilling to find out the truth because you are cozy & comfy being fed a line bullshit. your president depends on it. you just keep giving him what he wants.... it might feel good while you are, but you are gonna get a real nasty sore from it when he's thru with you...


Whatever..............I see promises being kept.............Number one issue last election was SCOTUS........He's been upholding his political campaign promises to the best of his ability........Long time since someone actually does what he promises.

You are skewed...................I'm against your agenda..........and we are opposed.........It's as simple as that.
with a basket full of deplorables. it used to be 1/2 ful of deplorables & the other 1/2 'were hard working folks who believed they have been left behind'... the dupes. however, after all that trump has done TO this country, if you still support him, then you've joined the ranks of deplorable basket dweller.
I'm proud to be a deplorable...........I'm against you...........

Trump is trying to do fulfill his promises...........and has done so many times...........I agree with many of those promises......not all........

And that is the correct path...........he's not doing it by being nice..........and I could care less..........

The TDS crowd can throw a tantrum all they want............your losing..........and it is a better path than those who would sell America out......like Hillary........

They have had decades to fix things............have they done so...........NOPE............

lol... ^^^ point proven ^^^.

thanx for playing.
I'll take that as a compliment..........any racist slurs or mein kemp names you want to call me for it........I simply don't care........

Elections have consequences......and your side picked the biggest lying dirt bag to run.......And you lost..........

When your side is ready to come out of the trenches and actually negotiate laws again......let us know.......we are on the trenches across no man's land.


a duped deplorable who's poorly educated. god, how trump loves you long time.

Upset are we, that your assistance in causing hysteria is being yawned at-)

Your side has failed. We know this is all about the IG report, and your and your ilks attempt to change the subject with massive gaslighting.

Won't work, lol. Your feeble attempts to redefine concentration camps is laughable. Hell, Black Americans seen those pictures, and many of them have commented how it is waaaaaaay better than the city plantations you Democrats have forced them to live in, and grow in.

By the way, YOU are a racist! Now prove your not, lolololol!

lol... the IG report? oh yes.... (D) heads are gonna roll over that, right? biased FBI agents are being strung up too....isn't that what you are being fed? when will it begin?
Who the hell fishes from shore with a net unless they are stranded on a deserted island or on the show Survivor, Titusville?

You never been to the beach to fish.................LOL
Never fished in the ocean and don't know much about it. I like my freshwater fishing. Lake Ontario is like a mini ocean right?
In my younger days I could throw a 12 foot Cast net into a perfect circle.................When I fish now I throw a bait net 5 foot..........very easy to throw...........and it catches live bait and MULLET.
You can catch Dwight Yoakum?

I really want to go deep sea fishing some day. For now I will have to endure salmon fishing on mini ocean Ontario.
Well if he's in the water and I throw the net in the water that's at least 8 foot...........yea.............but I'd need some help pulling the dang fish out of the water....................

Catch a stingray or so with the net and they like to tug like hell getting them out.
Eight foot mullet? I guess that is about right for Dwight. All kidding aside ocean fishing must be excellent.
polite discourse, off the table. have no respect for extremes left or right, on occasion have gotten caught up in what is now popular (unreasoned hate) the push now as I see it is to take a stand, never admit to any mistakes, and never try and understand or find any middle ground. most people are not Nazis or commies.
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

The alt right and Trump supporters aren’t one in the same. That would be like saying all Obama voters are Black Lives Matter members.
I know most trump supporters aren't nazis. The right is quite fanatical about their god emperor trump though. Even anne coulter called trump her emperor god on fox news and the hosts nodded in agreement. The whole republican thing is becoming like a trump cult.

People likened Obama to messiah status as well. Jamie Foxx, for example, called Obama our “lord and savior.” Does that mean I should automatically assume all Obama supporters worship him to such a degree?

Of course not. That would be a foolish assumption to make. Not everyone who voted for Trump is a Trump fanatic and grouping in his supporters as a whole with genuinely evil people is, well, a whole bunch of things—none of them good.
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

Wow, your stupidity has no bounds.

Hitler is to Jews as Trump is to non-whites.

The comparison is not who they are attacking but the methods, dumbass.

Are you seriously saying Hitler’s treatment of Jews is comparable to Trump’s treatment of minorities? If so, that’s just one big fat lie.

I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE.

well gee.... did hitler start out shipping them in box cars to those camps or did it start out slowly?

" I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE. "

time for you to play catch up:

US military plans migrant tent camps amid Trump crackdown
23 June 2018

The US Navy is reportedly planning to build sprawling immigrant detention centres on military bases, amid a Trump crackdown at the US-Mexico border.

A draft memo obtained by Time magazine outlines plans to build "austere" tent camps to house 25,000 migrants.

The memo says the camps would be built on abandoned airfields in California, Alabama, and Arizona.

Another camp near San Francisco is being designed for as many as 47,000 people, the memo says.

A Pentagon spokesman said the military had not been asked by the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) to draw up the specific plans, but was engaging in "prudent planning... should the DHS ask for assistance in housing adult illegal immigrants".

The US military said on Thursday it had been asked by the government to get ready to house up to 20,000 immigrant children.

The Navy memo estimates the force would spend $233 million (£175m) to run a facility for 25,000 people for six-months.

US 'plans migrant camps on military bases'

Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Why should I let people incorrectly label me? What you’re saying here is I should give you a pass for your ignorance so you can remain blessedly and blissfully ignorant. That’s my interpretation.

You know, I’m pretty sure the Pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat, so from now on I’m gonna assume ALL Democrats are gay-hating mass murderers. Are you a gay-hating mass murderer? No? well then don’t share political beliefs with one—see how ludicrous that mindset is? And it’s essentially your attitude toward Trump voters.
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

The alt right and Trump supporters aren’t one in the same. That would be like saying all Obama voters are Black Lives Matter members.
I know most trump supporters aren't nazis. The right is quite fanatical about their god emperor trump though. Even anne coulter called trump her emperor god on fox news and the hosts nodded in agreement. The whole republican thing is becoming like a trump cult.

HAS become a trump cult.

A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual politician – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states. It is often seen in totalitarian or authoritarian countries.

Interesting timing: The strategic blunder of ‘Trump-as-Hitler’

Apart from the historical ignorance in comparing the mechanized genocide of 6 million people with the temporary warehousing of children in detention facilities, going full-bore with accusations of Nazism is a grave strategic error on the part of those opposing the president.

There has been escalating rhetoric from the moment Donald Trump pulled off his “upset” defeat of Hillary Clinton, rhetoric that has reached its natural conclusion that Trump must be literally Adolf Hitler. For some bizarre reason, however, Democrats decided that now — five months away from midterm elections, and in the midst of a whirlwind of other headlines — was the time to deploy their rhetorical nuclear option.

Just one guy's opinion, not that they'll listen.
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

Wow, your stupidity has no bounds.

Hitler is to Jews as Trump is to non-whites.

The comparison is not who they are attacking but the methods, dumbass.

Are you seriously saying Hitler’s treatment of Jews is comparable to Trump’s treatment of minorities? If so, that’s just one big fat lie.

I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE.

well gee.... did hitler start out shipping them in box cars to those camps or did it start out slowly?

" I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE. "

time for you to play catch up:

US military plans migrant tent camps amid Trump crackdown
23 June 2018

The US Navy is reportedly planning to build sprawling immigrant detention centres on military bases, amid a Trump crackdown at the US-Mexico border.

A draft memo obtained by Time magazine outlines plans to build "austere" tent camps to house 25,000 migrants.

The memo says the camps would be built on abandoned airfields in California, Alabama, and Arizona.

Another camp near San Francisco is being designed for as many as 47,000 people, the memo says.

A Pentagon spokesman said the military had not been asked by the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) to draw up the specific plans, but was engaging in "prudent planning... should the DHS ask for assistance in housing adult illegal immigrants".

The US military said on Thursday it had been asked by the government to get ready to house up to 20,000 immigrant children.

The Navy memo estimates the force would spend $233 million (£175m) to run a facility for 25,000 people for six-months.

US 'plans migrant camps on military bases'

Could you please point out to me where it says these places are designed for the torture and murder of children? Thanks so much!
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Why should I let people incorrectly label me? What you’re saying here is I should give you a pass for your ignorance so you can remain blessedly and blissfully ignorant. That’s my interpretation.

You know, I’m pretty sure the Pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat, so from now on I’m gonna assume ALL Democrats are gay-hating mass murderers. Are you a gay-hating mass murderer? No? well then don’t share political beliefs with one—see how ludicrous that mindset is? And it’s essentially your attitude toward Trump voters.

' you are pretty sure'... why the hell don't you research it & find out for what is the truth?
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Why should I let people incorrectly label me? What you’re saying here is I should give you a pass for your ignorance so you can remain blessedly and blissfully ignorant. That’s my interpretation.

You know, I’m pretty sure the Pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat, so from now on I’m gonna assume ALL Democrats are gay-hating mass murderers. Are you a gay-hating mass murderer? No? well then don’t share political beliefs with one—see how ludicrous that mindset is? And it’s essentially your attitude toward Trump voters.
Democrats did not elect him to office.
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

Wow, your stupidity has no bounds.

Hitler is to Jews as Trump is to non-whites.

The comparison is not who they are attacking but the methods, dumbass.

Are you seriously saying Hitler’s treatment of Jews is comparable to Trump’s treatment of minorities? If so, that’s just one big fat lie.

I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE.

well gee.... did hitler start out shipping them in box cars to those camps or did it start out slowly?

" I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE. "

time for you to play catch up:

US military plans migrant tent camps amid Trump crackdown
23 June 2018

The US Navy is reportedly planning to build sprawling immigrant detention centres on military bases, amid a Trump crackdown at the US-Mexico border.

A draft memo obtained by Time magazine outlines plans to build "austere" tent camps to house 25,000 migrants.

The memo says the camps would be built on abandoned airfields in California, Alabama, and Arizona.

Another camp near San Francisco is being designed for as many as 47,000 people, the memo says.

A Pentagon spokesman said the military had not been asked by the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) to draw up the specific plans, but was engaging in "prudent planning... should the DHS ask for assistance in housing adult illegal immigrants".

The US military said on Thursday it had been asked by the government to get ready to house up to 20,000 immigrant children.

The Navy memo estimates the force would spend $233 million (£175m) to run a facility for 25,000 people for six-months.

US 'plans migrant camps on military bases'

Could you please point out to me where it says these places are designed for the torture and murder of children? Thanks so much!

hmmmm.... it didn't start out like that w/ the death camps.there was no neon sign. why not?

but you see.... incrementally it got ratcheted up. gotta see what the people will tolerate... then slowly take it a bit further. did you think the german people knew what was happening before it happened?

thanx for not figuring out that out.
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Why should I let people incorrectly label me? What you’re saying here is I should give you a pass for your ignorance so you can remain blessedly and blissfully ignorant. That’s my interpretation.

You know, I’m pretty sure the Pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat, so from now on I’m gonna assume ALL Democrats are gay-hating mass murderers. Are you a gay-hating mass murderer? No? well then don’t share political beliefs with one—see how ludicrous that mindset is? And it’s essentially your attitude toward Trump voters.
Lol, like you don't already do that. Ha!
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

The alt right and Trump supporters aren’t one in the same. That would be like saying all Obama voters are Black Lives Matter members.
I know most trump supporters aren't nazis. The right is quite fanatical about their god emperor trump though. Even anne coulter called trump her emperor god on fox news and the hosts nodded in agreement. The whole republican thing is becoming like a trump cult.

HAS become a trump cult.

A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual politician – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states. It is often seen in totalitarian or authoritarian countries.

Same can be said of you.............don't see many side steps on legislation.............Your side always votes side by side never any going against the grain...........Nice sheep you have representing you.
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

The alt right and Trump supporters aren’t one in the same. That would be like saying all Obama voters are Black Lives Matter members.
I know most trump supporters aren't nazis. The right is quite fanatical about their god emperor trump though. Even anne coulter called trump her emperor god on fox news and the hosts nodded in agreement. The whole republican thing is becoming like a trump cult.

HAS become a trump cult.

A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual politician – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states. It is often seen in totalitarian or authoritarian countries.

Same can be said of you.............don't see many side steps on legislation.............Your side always votes side by side never any going against the grain...........Nice sheep you have representing you.

lol... you seem to think i belong to a party.

you fail.

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