POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

Wow, your stupidity has no bounds.

Hitler is to Jews as Trump is to non-whites.

The comparison is not who they are attacking but the methods, dumbass.

Are you seriously saying Hitler’s treatment of Jews is comparable to Trump’s treatment of minorities? If so, that’s just one big fat lie.

I know the anti-Trumpers are at present believing, or at the very least claiming, that Trump has set up internment camps for children illegals, but that is, in fact, a LIE.
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

It’s not a ludicrous question though bc enough people believe it to be true that we need to talk about it... and by “talk about it” I mean try to talk some sense into those who actually believe and encourage others to believe such idiocy.

So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?
Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Well, for example, I'd think that those who use the term "neo-Nazi" are doing so primarily to differentiate him and them from the slaughter and suffering of six million Jews and the physical destruction of so much of Europe, while still using the term "Nazi" for political leverage.

I have a real question for both of you, and I am serious-------->

Todays Nazis suck, period, for what they stand for.

But tell all of us-------> can you give us recent links where the Nazi party took responsibility for a crime, a rape, a Jewish killing, robbing a lemonade stand? Show them rioting from the last 2 years, beating the hell out of people. Can you do that?

On the other hand, I can post videos of ANTIFAH, BLM, and Leftists beating the hell out of people.

So Hitlers NAZI'S were the worst, of the worst. Todays Nazis are impotent fools, and the BROWNSHIRTS of today all really reside on the Lefts side, now don't they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.


I was in that thread..........LOL

Mocking the situation......Sarcasm..............I even put a map up of all the breweries........to take first.............LOL

You need to learn what Sarcasm and mocking mean.

Lol I know you where mocking my comment. Still that mullet, how was it possible?


Who the hell fishes from shore with a net unless they are stranded on a deserted island or on the show Survivor, Titusville?
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.
It exists ..........in your delusional mind................You want a civil discussion about white nationalists............then I'll throw the tomato's at them with you.

You want to include me in that group..............Then I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire............
No it really exists and there are alt right forums all over the internet for trump.
Which forums? I don't know of any and if anyone did I would ya would think!
It's just a shame to see another terribly important word being over-used into a punchline like this.

Just like "racism".

Millions of people suffered and died at the hands of these animals, and now we hear the term all the time.

So when is it okay to call Trump a Nazi, Stormy Mac?

I think the standard a few months ago, was he hadn't opened any concentration camps.


Do we have to wait for him to start turning people into lampshades?

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.

Nothing to see here, Stormy Mac. Move along. Move along.

Except we DON’T have concentration camps. Seriously where are you getting this nonsense?

Reading the speeches of a murderous dictator automatically makes the reader of those speeches a murderous dictator? LOL who knew? Better warn the masses and steer clear of reading any history about the world’s past and present cruel leaders bc you just might turn into one!

It makes me laugh that Trump haters think him reading historical text about Hitler is condemnable, but these same people totally ignored the praise Obama heaped upon Fidel Castro following his death.

This is but one reason why the Resist crowd has become a complete JOKE.
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

It’s not a ludicrous question though bc enough people believe it to be true that we need to talk about it... and by “talk about it” I mean try to talk some sense into those who actually believe and encourage others to believe such idiocy.

So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?
Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Well, for example, I'd think that those who use the term "neo-Nazi" are doing so primarily to differentiate him and them from the slaughter and suffering of six million Jews and the physical destruction of so much of Europe, while still using the term "Nazi" for political leverage.

I have a real question for both of you, and I am serious-------->

Todays Nazis suck, period, for what they stand for.

But tell all of us-------> can you give us recent links where the Nazi party took responsibility for a crime, a rape, a Jewish killing, robbing a lemonade stand? Show them rioting from the last 2 years, beating the hell out of people. Can you do that?

On the other hand, I can post videos of ANTIFAH, BLM, and Leftists beating the hell out of people.

So Hitlers NAZI'S were the worst, of the worst. Todays Nazis are impotent fools, and the BROWNSHIRTS of today all really reside on the Lefts side, now don't they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the many reasons partisans have zero credibility is that they automatically inflate and exaggerate the dangers of the worst members of the other "side", and then assign those dangers to the entire "side". That has only gotten worse as our political discourse has become more and more comically hyperbolic. So, in this case, the Left has assigned supervillain status to these small groups of ignorant, damaged, impotent white "supremacists" and attached them to Trump & Co. That's the game.

No, I would not assign a connection to the Left and Nazism, period. That's just the same hyperbolic nonsense that's going in the other direction.
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

The alt right and Trump supporters aren’t one in the same. That would be like saying all Obama voters are Black Lives Matter members.
I know most trump supporters aren't nazis. The right is quite fanatical about their god emperor trump though. Even anne coulter called trump her emperor god on fox news and the hosts nodded in agreement. The whole republican thing is becoming like a trump cult.
It's just a shame to see another terribly important word being over-used into a punchline like this.

Just like "racism".

Millions of people suffered and died at the hands of these animals, and now we hear the term all the time.

Trump is building concentration camps on your southern border, just s few miles from the Japanese internment camps from WWII.

The ultra nationalism, xenophobia, and the promotion of the concept “American exceptionalism” are straight out the Nazi playbook. But it’s the scapegoating of immigrants and non-whites as the source of all your problems that hews closest to German Nazis.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering undesirables. He started by stirring up hate against others.

I’m a student of history. I’ve been especially interested in Nazi Germany in my studies because I could not comprehend how a civilized nation could sink to such barbarity and depravity. Why didn’t people resist?

What I’m seeing in Trumpism is the same situation, the scapegoating, the divisiveness, the pandering to the worst instincts of people who feel left out of the American Dream.

And now he’s building concentration camps.

Please provide proof he’s building actual concentration camps made for nothing other than the carrying out of human suffering for a select group of humans. Thanks in advance!
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

It’s not a ludicrous question though bc enough people believe it to be true that we need to talk about it... and by “talk about it” I mean try to talk some sense into those who actually believe and encourage others to believe such idiocy.

So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?
Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Well, for example, I'd think that those who use the term "neo-Nazi" are doing so primarily to differentiate him and them from the slaughter and suffering of six million Jews and the physical destruction of so much of Europe, while still using the term "Nazi" for political leverage.

I have a real question for both of you, and I am serious-------->

Todays Nazis suck, period, for what they stand for.

But tell all of us-------> can you give us recent links where the Nazi party took responsibility for a crime, a rape, a Jewish killing, robbing a lemonade stand? Show them rioting from the last 2 years, beating the hell out of people. Can you do that?

On the other hand, I can post videos of ANTIFAH, BLM, and Leftists beating the hell out of people.

So Hitlers NAZI'S were the worst, of the worst. Todays Nazis are impotent fools, and the BROWNSHIRTS of today all really reside on the Lefts side, now don't they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the many reasons partisans have zero credibility is that they automatically inflate and exaggerate the dangers of the worst members of the other "side", and then assign those dangers to the entire "side". That has only gotten worse as our political discourse has become more and more comically hyperbolic. So, in this case, the Left has assigned supervillain status to these small groups of ignorant, damaged, impotent white "supremacists" and attached them to Trump & Co. That's the game.

No, I would not assign a connection to the Left and Nazism, period. That's just the same hyperbolic nonsense that's going in the other direction.

Well then, can you at least tell us the last time we conservatives rioted? How about threw bricks through windows? Turned cars over? How about started police cars on fire?

You can't?

Well somebody did it, didn't they? Why don't you tell all these nice people which side of the political spectrum they were from?

Lets face it----------> These narratives are getting old, very old, because everyone...…….including most times the author, knows it is a lie! So I say, if this is the way it is going to be from the Left, time to stop defending, and start the same bullshit back! Maybe the 2 stories will cancel each other out, and then we can talk about what policies we need to do. Unlike you, the far Left will have none of that, because their policies SUCK! So they would rather name call.

Well guess what, we got video of their jack-booted thuggery, and that is going to start being posted-) Of course, with good ole Strozk just being hauled in next week, we probably don't have to, lololol!
What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

It’s not a ludicrous question though bc enough people believe it to be true that we need to talk about it... and by “talk about it” I mean try to talk some sense into those who actually believe and encourage others to believe such idiocy.

Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?
Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Well, for example, I'd think that those who use the term "neo-Nazi" are doing so primarily to differentiate him and them from the slaughter and suffering of six million Jews and the physical destruction of so much of Europe, while still using the term "Nazi" for political leverage.

I have a real question for both of you, and I am serious-------->

Todays Nazis suck, period, for what they stand for.

But tell all of us-------> can you give us recent links where the Nazi party took responsibility for a crime, a rape, a Jewish killing, robbing a lemonade stand? Show them rioting from the last 2 years, beating the hell out of people. Can you do that?

On the other hand, I can post videos of ANTIFAH, BLM, and Leftists beating the hell out of people.

So Hitlers NAZI'S were the worst, of the worst. Todays Nazis are impotent fools, and the BROWNSHIRTS of today all really reside on the Lefts side, now don't they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the many reasons partisans have zero credibility is that they automatically inflate and exaggerate the dangers of the worst members of the other "side", and then assign those dangers to the entire "side". That has only gotten worse as our political discourse has become more and more comically hyperbolic. So, in this case, the Left has assigned supervillain status to these small groups of ignorant, damaged, impotent white "supremacists" and attached them to Trump & Co. That's the game.

No, I would not assign a connection to the Left and Nazism, period. That's just the same hyperbolic nonsense that's going in the other direction.

Well then, can you at least tell us the last time we conservatives rioted? How about threw bricks through windows? Turned cars over? How about started police cars on fire?

You can't?

Well somebody did it, didn't they? Why don't you tell all these nice people which side of the political spectrum they were from?

Lets face it----------> These narratives are getting old, very old, because everyone...…….including most times the author, knows it is a lie! So I say, if this is the way it is going to be from the Left, time to stop defending, and start the same bullshit back! Maybe the 2 stories will cancel each other out, and then we can talk about what policies we need to do. Unlike you, the far Left will have none of that, because their policies SUCK! So they would rather name call.

Well guess what, we got video of their jack-booted thuggery, and that is going to start being posted-) Of course, with good ole Strozk just being hauled in next week, we probably don't have to, lololol!
No, I can't give you examples of the activities you list. But to try to compare contemporary Americans with the monsters who created so much death, misery and destruction is just ridiculous in my book. It's an abject insult to those who have suffered, and completely unnecessary if we're still capable of more thoughtful, reasonable communication.
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.

Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

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