POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
It's just a shame to see another terribly important word being over-used into a punchline like this.

Just like "racism".

Millions of people suffered and died at the hands of these animals, and now we hear the term all the time.

Trump is building concentration camps on your southern border, just s few miles from the Japanese internment camps from WWII.

The ultra nationalism, xenophobia, and the promotion of the concept “American exceptionalism” are straight out the Nazi playbook. But it’s the scapegoating of immigrants and non-whites as the source of all your problems that hews closest to German Nazis.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering undesirables. He started by stirring up hate against others.

I’m a student of history. I’ve been especially interested in Nazi Germany in my studies because I could not comprehend how a civilized nation could sink to such barbarity and depravity. Why didn’t people resist?

What I’m seeing in Trumpism is the same situation, the scapegoating, the divisiveness, the pandering to the worst instincts of people who feel left out of the American Dream.

And now he’s building concentration camps.
Yep.............our nation is going to hell in a hand basket.

with a basket full of deplorables. it used to be 1/2 ful of deplorables & the other 1/2 'were hard working folks who believed they have been left behind'... the dupes. however, after all that trump has done TO this country, if you still support him, then you've joined the ranks of deplorable basket dweller.
I'm proud to be a deplorable...........I'm against you...........

Trump is trying to do fulfill his promises...........and has done so many times...........I agree with many of those promises......not all........

And that is the correct path...........he's not doing it by being nice..........and I could care less..........

The TDS crowd can throw a tantrum all they want............your losing..........and it is a better path than those who would sell America out......like Hillary........

They have had decades to fix things............have they done so...........NOPE............

lol... ^^^ point proven ^^^.

thanx for playing.
I'll take that as a compliment..........any racist slurs or mein kemp names you want to call me for it........I simply don't care........

Elections have consequences......and your side picked the biggest lying dirt bag to run.......And you lost..........

When your side is ready to come out of the trenches and actually negotiate laws again......let us know.......we are on the trenches across no man's land.


a duped deplorable who's poorly educated. god, how trump loves you long time.

Upset are we, that your assistance in causing hysteria is being yawned at-)

Your side has failed. We know this is all about the IG report, and your and your ilks attempt to change the subject with massive gaslighting.

Won't work, lol. Your feeble attempts to redefine concentration camps is laughable. Hell, Black Americans seen those pictures, and many of them have commented how it is waaaaaaay better than the city plantations you Democrats have forced them to live in, and grow in.

By the way, YOU are a racist! Now prove your not, lolololol!
It is all about demonizing and marginalizing your political opponents. Both right and left do it. I suspect the ruling class has something to do with this. They have a vested interest in keeping us divided.
Yep. That, and the fact that it's been so long since communicated normally that we appear to have lost the skill and patience required in finding proper word usage. Now we just blurt the worst stuff out we can think of at the moment. Hardcore partisan ideology leads to intellectual laziness, among other negatives.
It's just a shame to see another terribly important word being over-used into a punchline like this.

Just like "racism".

Millions of people suffered and died at the hands of these animals, and now we hear the term all the time.

Trump is building concentration camps on your southern border, just s few miles from the Japanese internment camps from WWII.

The ultra nationalism, xenophobia, and the promotion of the concept “American exceptionalism” are straight out the Nazi playbook. But it’s the scapegoating of immigrants and non-whites as the source of all your problems that hews closest to German Nazis.

Hitler didn’t start out murdering undesirables. He started by stirring up hate against others.

I’m a student of history. I’ve been especially interested in Nazi Germany in my studies because I could not comprehend how a civilized nation could sink to such barbarity and depravity. Why didn’t people resist?

What I’m seeing in Trumpism is the same situation, the scapegoating, the divisiveness, the pandering to the worst instincts of people who feel left out of the American Dream.

And now he’s building concentration camps.

Good one Eagle

Does it surprise anyone that political pendelums can swing so radically the differences are hard to distinguish?

Socialist vs, Fascist?

Neo-Con vs. Neo-Lib?

I could go on.....

Trump is building concentration camps on your southern border, just s few miles from the Japanese internment camps from WWII.
Some of what Trump calls "very fine people"



Again, "nazi" is not the term I would use to describe Trump supporters.

But the ysure don't seem to mind the presence of a Nazi.
Let's see, thanks to Trump, Hispanic and African-American unemployment are at historic lows. Trump's family, including one of his daughters, is part-Jewish. Trump is proving to be the most strongly pro-Israeli president in American history. He is selling Israel huge amounts of weapons. He moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. But, but, but, somehow, someway he's a Nazi. What utter nonsense.
So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Why you ask this on a massively pro-Trump chat forum is weird. Surely you do not expect a balanced answer to this question. So why waste the time to ask the question around here seems bizarre.
Why not try a more balanced political chat forum like Debate Politics Forums if you are actually serious about this (which I tend to doubt).

Anyway, to your poll...

of course not...

'Definition of Nazi

: a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler
2often not capitalized
a : one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis :fascist
b : one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person'

Definition of NAZI

Since you capitalized 'Nazi'....there are no Nazi's any longer as the National Socialist German Workers' Party Is no more.

Now, are Trump and his supporters 'nazi's' (without a capital 'n')?

Well, nazi's are - by definition - harshly domineering, dictatorial and intolerant. And Trump and his die hard supporters (Trumpbots) are DEFINITELY that way.

So, yes, Trump and his Trumpbots are indeed 'nazi's' (small 'n').

That is obvious.
Apparently the alt-right doesn't exist, and aren't made up of white nationalists and neo-nazis.
It exists ..........in your delusional mind................You want a civil discussion about white nationalists............then I'll throw the tomato's at them with you.

You want to include me in that group..............Then I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire............
No it really exists and there are alt right forums all over the internet for trump.
If you are talking about skin heads and other goof balls.........then yeah............But your Straw man using it against all is just utter BS................

And people like you use it................then you demand we respect your opinions.........Not gonna happen...

When you regain control of your faculties .........get back to me.
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.
They act like the nazis of Germany of the 1930s to 1940s. Targeting women, racial minorities, LGBTs, Muslims, and others, including Jews who don't toe their line. Trying to impose a shit religion on the population. Helping those who wish to pollute our nation, destroy our social programs and educational institutions, turn U.S. women into baby machines, create more unwanted pregnancies, increase the possibility of workplace accidents, impose a "papers please" mentality on American society.

Nazi and then some. Not American. Just scum. We Americans are not sheep.

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.

High school will be a big step, and I'm sure there will be lots for you to learn in the next four years.

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