POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
It exists ..........in your delusional mind................You want a civil discussion about white nationalists............then I'll throw the tomato's at them with you.

You want to include me in that group..............Then I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire............
No it really exists and there are alt right forums all over the internet for trump.
If you are talking about skin heads and other goof balls.........then yeah............But your Straw man using it against all is just utter BS................

And people like you use it................then you demand we respect your opinions.........Not gonna happen...

When you regain control of your faculties .........get back to me.
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.


I was in that thread..........LOL

Mocking the situation......Sarcasm..............I even put a map up of all the breweries........to take first.............LOL

You need to learn what Sarcasm and mocking mean.
The Left (Democrats, Progressives, Liberals) are the ones using Nazi tactics of intolerance, and hate. They promote violence, and intimidation to anyone in which they disagree. They are not willing to tolerate other views, or other political thought. Look at BLM, and Antifa. Violent, destructive groups.

The Left wants to end Free Speech, and end the right to defend oneself with a firearm. Two Nazi traits, and tactics.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Why comment? You'll just ignore any valid points people make and then whine they are being mean to you.


Let's see here -- JoeB hates Jews with such passion that he drags them into all sorts of discussions where they are not relevant, and he demands everybody else marches in lock step with his views, so of course it's the OTHER people who are the Nazis..
No it really exists and there are alt right forums all over the internet for trump.
If you are talking about skin heads and other goof balls.........then yeah............But your Straw man using it against all is just utter BS................

And people like you use it................then you demand we respect your opinions.........Not gonna happen...

When you regain control of your faculties .........get back to me.
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.


I was in that thread..........LOL

Mocking the situation......Sarcasm..............I even put a map up of all the breweries........to take first.............LOL

You need to learn what Sarcasm and mocking mean.

Lol I know you where mocking my comment. Still that mullet, how was it possible?
If you are talking about skin heads and other goof balls.........then yeah............But your Straw man using it against all is just utter BS................

And people like you use it................then you demand we respect your opinions.........Not gonna happen...

When you regain control of your faculties .........get back to me.
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.


I was in that thread..........LOL

Mocking the situation......Sarcasm..............I even put a map up of all the breweries........to take first.............LOL

You need to learn what Sarcasm and mocking mean.

Lol I know you where mocking my comment. Still that mullet, how was it possible?

Only morons believe Trump is a Nazi!

Trump is more of a Stalinist in the closet for me or a water down FDR...

Maybe even a Trotskyist...

But not a Nazi...

I mean his son-in-law is Jewish...
Well, nazi's are - by definition - harshly domineering, dictatorial and intolerant. And Trump and his die hard supporters (Trumpbots) are DEFINITELY that way.

Yeah, Trump said that if we don't buy healthcare insurance, why he's going to..........oh, never mind, I'm thinking about somebody else.
Start calling out the white nationalist and neo-nazi garbage on this forum then, because there is a lot of it.
On threads I have buy you have selective reading skills........I've seen many say as much while your side uses the straw man........

When you use the straw man against all posts.........you will continue to get return fire for it.
Dude there is a thread on the front page right now about invading Mexico filled with white nationalist bullshit.
For fucks sakes the are a bunch of white nationalists and neo-nazis on this very forum for trump.

That dude had the ultimate late 80's mullet.


I was in that thread..........LOL

Mocking the situation......Sarcasm..............I even put a map up of all the breweries........to take first.............LOL

You need to learn what Sarcasm and mocking mean.

Lol I know you where mocking my comment. Still that mullet, how was it possible?


That's how to get a mullet. :113:

Also this: (be sure and click the "classifications" button.)

Wayback Machine
So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?

Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Let's see, thanks to Trump, Hispanic and African-American unemployment are at historic lows. Trump's family, including one of his daughters, is part-Jewish. Trump is proving to be the most strongly pro-Israeli president in American history. He is selling Israel huge amounts of weapons. He moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. But, but, but, somehow, someway he's a Nazi. What utter nonsense.
So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.

We're winning now. In fact, we are winning so much I'm getting sick of winning.
They act like the nazis of Germany of the 1930s to 1940s. Targeting women, racial minorities, LGBTs, Muslims, and others, including Jews who don't toe their line. Trying to impose a shit religion on the population. Helping those who wish to pollute our nation, destroy our social programs and educational institutions, turn U.S. women into baby machines, create more unwanted pregnancies, increase the possibility of workplace accidents, impose a "papers please" mentality on American society.

Nazi and then some. Not American. Just scum. We Americans are not sheep.

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.

High school will be a big step, and I'm sure there will be lots for you to learn in the next four years.

I have a BA in history, having survived both oral and written comps, and a J.D. Thank you.
No I despise these Hitler/Nazi comparsions I don't care if they come from the left or the right. All someone who does that proves is they have a weak and lazy mind and no understanding of history and what Hitler and the Nazis were.
They act like the nazis of Germany of the 1930s to 1940s. Targeting women, racial minorities, LGBTs, Muslims, and others, including Jews who don't toe their line. Trying to impose a shit religion on the population. Helping those who wish to pollute our nation, destroy our social programs and educational institutions, turn U.S. women into baby machines, create more unwanted pregnancies, increase the possibility of workplace accidents, impose a "papers please" mentality on American society.

Nazi and then some. Not American. Just scum. We Americans are not sheep.

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.

High school will be a big step, and I'm sure there will be lots for you to learn in the next four years.

I have a BA in history, having survived both oral and written comps, and a J.D. Thank you.
I have a working mans PHD.............

What rational person could even entertain such a ludicrous question? You really have to be on the loony fringe to even ask such a question. I mean, as just one of hundreds of reasons that this question is idiotic, consider the fact that part of Trump's family (including one of his daughters) is Jewish, and that Trump is proving to be the most pro-Israeli president in American history.

It’s not a ludicrous question though bc enough people believe it to be true that we need to talk about it... and by “talk about it” I mean try to talk some sense into those who actually believe and encourage others to believe such idiocy.
So you cannot address the issues I raised. He and his nazi lieutenants will not win in the United States of America.
Do you look at Trump as a real Nazi or a neo-Nazi?
Not sure what the difference is. Yes, the German Nazi Party went down in WWII, and a huge THANK YOU to all of my late relatives who fought them off in several theaters of war. trump's behavior and that of his minions emulates them to a tee. Unacceptable in The United States of America.
Well, for example, I'd think that those who use the term "neo-Nazi" are doing so primarily to differentiate him and them from the slaughter and suffering of six million Jews and the physical destruction of so much of Europe, while still using the term "Nazi" for political leverage.

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