Poll: Are your political opponents evil?

Are your political opponenets evil?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
My opponents are all the Globalists/New World Order..... in America, like the witch Clinton and many others, rinos from the right, and plenty from the Left.........in the European Union and the rest of the world.....they are evil ,they are beyond evil....they are monsters ....and that is an understatement.

Their reign is coming to an end, thankfully.

Thank you GOD, thank you President Trump, thank you all Patriots on Earth! :huddle:
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Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?

The Stalinist democrats seek to destroy the United States Constitution, end civil rights, and establish a Soviet style totalitarian dictatorship.

Yeah, that DOES make them bad people.
When they use Federal Agencies to attack Americans for their views.........They are evil......

When they prosecute others for a crime while committing the same crime.......They are evil.......

When they sell out their country for personal gain..........They are evil....

When they pick and choose the laws they will obey..........They are evil.

When they try to shut down the voices of other Americans with violence or threat of violence.....They are evil.

Guess you can figure out how I voted.
I just can't decide between opponsents and oppoenets. The first sounds like a German piano maker and the second like something you put your hair in to shower. They's prolly both evil.

Nah I don't think anybody's 'evil'. Well, almost anybody.
Every tyranny against Individual liberty that comes out of the halls of the two parties in Washington has been a result of good intention.

That's all I have to say about that.
I'm not running for office therefore have no political opponents.
Nope, not evil for the most part

Misguided, selfish, callous, and none too bright but not evil.
My opponents are all the Globalists/New World Order..... in America, like the witch Clinton and many others, rinos from the right, and plenty from the Left.........in the European Union and the rest of the world.....they are evil ,they are beyond evil....they are monsters ....and that is an understatement.

Their reign is coming to an end, thankfully.

Thank you GOD, thank you President Trump, thank you all Patriots on Earth! :huddle:


I forgot to say.....

some are evil and some are morons. LOL

the majority being total and absolute freaking morons....:04:
I don't see anybody as a political opponent. I get along fine with folks even if we don't share the same opinion.
No, my political opponents are not evil. They are just grossly misguided
Individually, not so much. But the left is definitely a malign force of evil which corrupts people under it's sway.
Absolutely they are evil.

All the brainwashing in the world can’t make good people who genuinely want to do the right thing embrace the most backward and demonic influences of mankind.

At some point “double think” doesn’t pass the smell test and actual kindhearted people who actually possess some respectable level of intelligence can do the math regardless of their situation in life(in other words they #walkaway).

If you really call yourself a “humanitarian”, you, by definition, can’t settle for double standards or an imbalanced equation when it comes to the treatment of people. You can’t allow statements of moral superiority or inferiority like “xxx can’t racist” or “women can’t be sexist”, or “Islam is a religion of peace” to become common or entrenched into the culture if you really want equality and truly want every human life to be fully appreciated.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Good question for the current environment.

Of course not. But definitely so, in the fevered minds of some.

Maybe we need to start regulating the hell out of caffeine.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Good question for the current environment.

Of course not. But definitely so, in the fevered minds of some.

Maybe we need to start regulating the hell out of caffeine.
I just explained why they indeed are evil.

The problem is that you are not actually intelligent enough to know when to call a spade a spade.

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