Poll: Are your political opponents evil?

Are your political opponenets evil?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters
A lot of folks have a comically low threshold for "evil".

We're so lost in hyperbole at this point, it's no surprise.

"You don't like peanut butter! YOAR EVIL!"
Was Eagle wrong? You may not call it evil, but somebody has to call it something. It was a fairly damning display.
A lot of folks have a comically low threshold for "evil".

We're so lost in hyperbole at this point, it's no surprise.

"You don't like peanut butter! YOAR EVIL!"
Considering that I am not religious and the concept of evil is usually associated with the Biblical concept of good and evil, I would say that my threshold is pretty high.
A lot of folks have a comically low threshold for "evil".
We're so lost in hyperbole at this point, it's no surprise.
"You don't like peanut butter! YOAR EVIL!"
Was Eagle wrong? You may not call it evil, but somebody has to call it something. It was a fairly damning display.
We've become so intellectually lazy that we just slap the most outrageous word we can think of on anything.

There are many, many adjectives and verbs and nouns in the English language. If we try, we can do better than "evil" or "Hitler" or "hate" or "Nazi".

Or maybe we can't. Maybe our communication skills have deteriorated that far due to lack of use.
A lot of folks have a comically low threshold for "evil".

We're so lost in hyperbole at this point, it's no surprise.

"You don't like peanut butter! YOAR EVIL!"
Was Eagle wrong? You may not call it evil, but somebody has to call it something. It was a fairly damning display.
We've become so intellectually lazy that we just slap the most outrageous word we can think of on anything.

There are many, many adjectives and verbs and nouns in the English language. If we try, we can do better than "evil" or "Hitler" or "hate" or "Nazi".

Or maybe we can't. Maybe our communication skills have deteriorated that far due to lack of use.
The Democrats are slapping on labels.

The Republicans just try to hold onto their freedoms until they can’t, and THEN they MIGHT call Democrat names that understate what is going on.
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.

Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.

Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
They are.

And we are in a lot of trouble.

The evil at work in Europe is taking shape here.
I would not consider the vast majority to be evil, but many permit themselves to be filled with massive hatred and can have evil thoughts regarding the opposition.
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.
Absolutely they are evil.

All the brainwashing in the world can’t make good people who genuinely want to do the right thing embrace the most backward and demonic influences of mankind.

At some point “double think” doesn’t pass the smell test and actual kindhearted people who actually possess some respectable level of intelligence can do the math regardless of their situation in life(in other words they #walkaway).

If you really call yourself a “humanitarian”, you, by definition, can’t settle for double standards or an imbalanced equation when it comes to the treatment of people. You can’t allow statements of moral superiority or inferiority like “xxx can’t racist” or “women can’t be sexist”, or “Islam is a religion of peace” to become common or entrenched into the culture if you really want equality and truly want every human life to be fully appreciated.

Well said! Bravo. You are absolutely right.
I feel bad for those who voted yes.
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.

What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.

What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?

Good luck getting a straight answer out of that asshole.
Politics and politicians are all evil. Politics is about the search for power. Power for what? Power to rule, to control the lives of others for their own gain, or the gain of those behind them. Power to determine what others may or may not do in the course of their lives. Power to choose for others with whom they may or may not engage in commerce and what items can or cannot be exchanged in that commerce. Power to take from others what has been earned and use it for their own ends. Behind it all is the cudgel of the raw, naked, murderous power of the state.
I don't consider myself to have political opponents. If I did, those opponents would come from all sorts of political philosophies and would not be any sort of monolithic, homogeneous block. It would be hard to label all political opponents evil, or with any other term, really.

I also don't usually think of people in terms of evil. That is a word I would limit to the worst of the worst of humanity. For the most part that is not going to be based on someone's political philosophy, at least in the US.

No, I don't think those that might be considered my political opponents are evil. A few individuals may be, but the majority of people are just people, with different opinions about the way government should function. I might think those opinions are wrong, I might even think they are dangerous, but that doesn't make the people that hold them evil.
At some point, something is true or not regardless of opinion. Truth doesn't care if you are intelligent or not either. ptbw made an argument that is hard to shrug away. When I was young, I didn't care about politics at all, and the constant buzz of the left is constant. I was lucky my dad set me straight. Without strong parents, kids are prey to the left.

And according to righty "truth isn't truth."
For most of them, they are just sorely misguided - but there is a growing portion of them that is truly evul.

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