Poll: Biden Approval Drops to Lowest Level After Taliban Takeover

This is a direct result of the pansy-ass pedophile Joseph Robinette Biden's decision to abandon Afghanistan.

...and you asswipe liberals tell us the Afghans don't fear the Taliban.


So it's Biden's fault a person is as retarded as a conservative to think they could fly on the wheels of a jet. :eusa_doh:

Biden Approval Drops to Lowest Level After Taliban Takeover​

If you think this is low....wait until Americans realize he did not win Arizona.

The chart is so simple, even you should have been able to figure it out.

18-Aug-17: 42%

18-Aug-21: 46%

Or maybe you just think 42% is greater than 46%?

No, stupid. I understand how biased polls are produced.
Not really considering how the legacy media kissed Joe's ass and covered for him while
two whole networks (CNN, MSNBC) spent almost all their air time attacking and lying about Trump.
The rest of the legacy media did the same only to a slightly lesser degree.
Two of the biggest media giants are/were Fox and Limbaugh. Neither kissed Joe's ass or covered for him.
Did you hear about Hunter's latest exploits with Russian drug dealers who stole his laptop, again.

Of course you didn't. The presstitutes don't let any potentially damaging news hurt the Bidens
unless it's so big, like Afghanistan, they can't ignore it.
Hunter is peddling his access to the Pres. I doubt Joe is proud but I don't see him connected.

Biden Approval Drops to Lowest Level After Taliban Takeover​

If you think this is low....wait until Americans realize he did not win Arizona.
47% of them will deny any results of any audit that shows the Biden machine cheated.
Josef Stolen is the leader of the American Taliban, and he certainly did a solid for the Afghan Taliban.... whether he's aware of it or not.

I'm sure the Dominion factor is incorporated into that fake poll, which means the stuttering shit clown is actually polling around 12%....
Is a woman or a gay incapable of firing a gun at a terrorist? Is that what you think? Pretty shallow thinking on your part.

Regardless, we've been there for 20 years. Not only Biden, but Trump as well, thought that was long enough and wanted us out. As far as all the Afghani's who wanted out -- where do you propose they all go?
Give them a fighting chance for God's sake! I don't think they CARE where they go as long as it isn't a place controlled by religious fanatics that will rape or kill them!

What's amazing is the political group that supposedly CARES about gays and women...American liberals...don't seem to give a shit about Afghani gays and women! Why is that, Faun?
Give them a fighting chance for God's sake! I don't think they CARE where they go as long as it isn't a place controlled by religious fanatics that will rape or kill them!

What's amazing is the political group that supposedly CARES about gays and women...American liberals...don't seem to give a shit about Afghani gays and women! Why is that, Faun?
Dumbfuck, they were given a fighting chance. We armed and trained them for 20 fucking years.

And again, it's not that I don't give a shit about them because they're women or gay. That matters not. I don't give a shit about them because they don't give a shit about themselves. If they did, they would have fought with all the arms we provided them.

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
Dumbfuck, they were given a fighting chance. We armed and trained them for 20 fucking years.

And again, it's not that I don't give a shit about them because they're women or gay. That matters not. I don't give a shit about them because they don't give a shit about themselves. If they did, they would have fought with all the arms we provided them.

Who on Earth fights for someone who's capable of fighting, but refuses to fight for themselves?
Gee, Faun...the US used to be the world power that DID fight for those unable to fight for themselves against evil people!
The woman and gays that the Taliban will be raping and killing weren't IN the Afghan army, you buffoon! They were teachers, politicians, writers and artists. It's amazing now to watch you on the left declare your indifference to people like that!
Anything to protect that drooling idiot we have sitting in the Oval Office though...right, Faun? (eye roll)
Two of the biggest media giants are/were Fox and Limbaugh. Neither kissed Joe's ass or covered for him.
Limbaugh died some time ago. That leaves Fox. I will stipulate out of all the heavy media players
Fox doesn't reveal Joe's many lies and money grubbing from oligarchs like they could.
But even if one grants that, that makes one media giant vs. many others smooching Biden's butt.

Did you know Hunter Biden again had his laptop stolen by Russian drug dealers leaving him wide
open to extortion? Not if you watch CNN or MSNBC, et al, you don't.

Hunter is peddling his access to the Pres. I doubt Joe is proud but I don't see him connected.
Not connected? Who was it taking Hunter around in a big government jet with daddy to China, Russia and
Ukraine looking for lots of money and an impressive job title (no actual experience necessary)?
You know...the old racist guy with the Joe Cool aviator sun glasses.
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Our military kept the Taliban from taking power for 20 years and now we’re back to where we were in 2001. It didn’t have to end this way.

that's how it started...and THAT'S HOW IT ENDS!

gallup had trump at peak approval of 49, where today gallup has biden at 50.
Because nothing pleases the average American like the biggest most disastrous foreign policy error since the early seventies.

At least in Viet Nam we got our people out. Guess what? There are still thousands of Americans needlessly stuck in Afghanistan where the Taliban controls access to our planes and that's not even counting all
the Afghanis marked for death if we can't get planes for them too.

You can take your Gallup poll and jam it up your butt. Okay? You idiots and your fucking polls!
with the Soviets, it was "trust but verify"

with the Taliban it's "don't trust, and make fucking sure you verify"

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