POLL: Bring back the red X ?

Bring back the red X ?

  • YES if we're going to have an "agree" icon we need a "disagree" one

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 10 27.0%

  • Total voters
The Poll Choices are inadequate.

Methinks what most people really want are Rep Comments...but as that is not a feature of this particular board software, it's a moot point.

Absolutely and if it's not a feature of the software they should fix that.

Indeed. Maybe they could give Gunny a couple of cases of beer to come back and hack the software.

Twould be AWESOME!
I still haven`t seen an explanation why they eliminated the redex, invented the blue badge, changed `like` to `thank you`. An attempt at a one size fits all kindler gentler posting environment maybe, how sweet.
As I understood it, the neg rep took away points from someones rep points whereas the X for disagree did not harm anyone in any way other than that others knew someone disagreed with them. If someone cannot handle others putting a simple X on a post they write because someone doesn't agree with them I'd say they are overly sensitive or have control issues. (neither is a good sign)

It isn't a life changing event for me - whether or not there are agree / disagree options on a post - it seems one could get along fine without it but if you have an a thumbs up for like you should have a thumbs down for dislike and if you have a check for agree, you should have an x for disagree.

I do find it odd that people complained over there being a feature - an x - for people to state they disagree. I think people should feel free to disagree and others and no one should be offended by it. It is an opinion for heaven's sake.
I used it myself before. If I disagree with what someone is saying I am not going to call it "informative"! I call it disagreeing with them. I suppose I can write it in. Problem solved.

My 2 cents. - J.
Do you guys remember how the old system wouldn't let you neg rep someone without comment?

If you disagree with a post, hit the reply button and do your best to explain why you disagree.

The same could be said for agreement.

Overall I like the new format (ducks and runs for cover), but if there is an agree, it only makes sense to have a disagree
Two words: Childish Abuse.

With great power comes great responsibility, folks.

Oh please.

No, what is childish is

"I can't handle someone disagreeing with something I said, so I want to eliminate their ability to disagree with me!"

How did we get to be such wimpy pathetic people? "Wah wah... someone clicked the X! Wah!!"

Grow up! Just grow up.

This is a forum.... people are going to disagree with you. People are going to disagree with me. GET OVER IT YOU PATHETIC WIMPS!

lol....... how did we get to this point?

Abuse???? As if??! Have you seen some of the posts on here?

So you have to go outside the country and cherry pick some bad events to justify your rambling?

Good one.

Insults, accusations, oh... he disagrees.

That's better than just clicking X? Maybe I should start squealing... "Abuse! Wah! He's abusing me! Wah! Forum owner please remove the reply button!"

Which illustrates just how much you hate this country.

That you would let that many Americans die.

Seriously..how do you face yourselves in the morning?

WAH!!!!! I'm being abused!!! Awww wah wah....

AMERICANS GROW UP. If you can't take 'x disagree' then you are too wimpy to be a forum. People are going to disagree with you. Get over it. How did these people survive high school? Did everyone else go to "Angelic High" or something?
Do you guys remember how the old system wouldn't let you neg rep someone without comment?

If you disagree with a post, hit the reply button and do your best to explain why you disagree.

The same could be said for agreement.

Overall I like the new format (ducks and runs for cover), but if there is an agree, it only makes sense to have a disagree

Except when some of the membership decided to childishly go through and disagree with EVERY post made by other members in threads both new and old, just to push buttons. Including posts that it simply made no sense, like questions.

Childish abuse.
Do you guys remember how the old system wouldn't let you neg rep someone without comment?

If you disagree with a post, hit the reply button and do your best to explain why you disagree.

The same could be said for agreement.

Overall I like the new format (ducks and runs for cover), but if there is an agree, it only makes sense to have a disagree

Except when some of the membership decided to childishly go through and disagree with EVERY post made by other members in threads both new and old, just to push buttons. Including posts that it simply made no sense, like questions.

Childish abuse.

Ok, I was never really interested in the old rep system, nor can I say I care about points, trophy's, or anything other then beer.

The whole agree/disagree thing seems childish (my 2 cents)

Just as people abuse the x, I imagine there are those that also abuse the agrees.

So the opposite is probably also true.

Giving only positive options seems the same as awarding participation awards.
So what?! Joe, people do far worse than that on a message board - is it running up the power bill on USMB if someone clicks more x's?

I do not see the harm in it - at least have a thumbs up or a thumbs down and remove the agree altogether. Or add a thumbs down and an x to disagree and put things back into balance. Balance is beautiful.

To hear I disagree should not be the death knell to someones ego. If it is? They have got bigger issues to work on!
So what?! Joe, people do far worse than that on a message board - is it running up the power bill on USMB if someone clicks more x's?

I do not see the harm in it - at least have a thumbs up or a thumbs down and remove the agree altogether. Or add a thumbs down and an x to disagree and put things back into balance. Balance is beautiful.

To hear I disagree should not be the death knell to someones ego. If it is? They have got bigger issues to work on!

Anyone who uses the x as a personal vendetta has issues, and needs to take a breath, step back and move along

Life is simply too short to take this place that seriously.

Get a hobby - drink more beer
So what?! Joe, people do far worse than that on a message board - is it running up the power bill on USMB if someone clicks more x's?

I do not see the harm in it - at least have a thumbs up or a thumbs down and remove the agree altogether. Or add a thumbs down and an x to disagree and put things back into balance. Balance is beautiful.

To hear I disagree should not be the death knell to someones ego. If it is? They have got bigger issues to work on!
It has nothing to do with egos, fragile or not... it has to do with the work involved in moderating.

I reiterate... if you disagree with a post, hit reply and say so.

Like a simple tax code in a fair economy, this is not rocket science.
If they use the x it would appear to me they.............disagree!

Someone has seriously over- thought the entire thing. imo. It was a cute feature and I liked that it didn't take anyone's rep away. Which is why I would not neg people - it effected their rep. So I repped them max points positive and then corrected them in my comment! lol.

The x was just an x. It only meant I disagree with you. I have people in my life I like very much and I will quickly tell them I disagree with you on that, I see this, this and this........ they have never fell apart on me yet! I do not know who these people are who are falling apart over an x but I find it quite bizarre.
Do you guys remember how the old system wouldn't let you neg rep someone without comment?

If you disagree with a post, hit the reply button and do your best to explain why you disagree.
When the post is simply vulgar off topic insults.....no thank you
So what?! Joe, people do far worse than that on a message board - is it running up the power bill on USMB if someone clicks more x's?

I do not see the harm in it - at least have a thumbs up or a thumbs down and remove the agree altogether. Or add a thumbs down and an x to disagree and put things back into balance. Balance is beautiful.

To hear I disagree should not be the death knell to someones ego. If it is? They have got bigger issues to work on!
It has nothing to do with egos, fragile or not... it has to do with the work involved in moderating.

I reiterate... if you disagree with a post, hit reply and say so.

Like a simple tax code in a fair economy, this is not rocket science.

So you had to moderate people for disagreeing with other people because they clicked an x. That makes even less sense, Joe. I'll leave it there. This is something that needs to be reviewed because if someone contacted a moderator over an x I would tell them to get a life. End of Story.

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