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Poll: Bush still blamed for economy

The economy was fantastic under Pres. Bush. The democrats fucked it up, as usual.
Media Matters heavily leans left, Rinata. But I wouldn't expect you to be able to see the connection. Thats Okay darlin', I understand.

Gee, the pimp story that got exposed as a lie is your "proof" that mediamatters lied when they exposed O'Keefe and friends as liars. Brilliant!
Newsbusters, etc., heavily lean right, meister. But I wouldn't expect you to be able to see the connection. Thats Okay darlin', I understand.

The BRAD BLOG : Giles Admits O'Keefe, Breitbart ACORN 'Pimp' Story was a Lie: 'That Was B-Roll, Purely B-Roll'
Giles Admits O'Keefe, Breitbart ACORN 'Pimp' Story was a Lie: 'That Was B-Roll, Purely B-Roll'

Speaking to Washington Independent reporter David Weigel today at CPAC, Hannah Giles, who posed as a prostitute in James O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart's infamous, highly-doctored, heavily-overdubbed, secretly-taped, ACORN hit videos, confirms what we've been reporting for several weeks here: O'Keefe never dressed as a pimp in the offices of ACORN.

Reports Weigel today [emphasis added]:

I asked Giles about a criticism that’s often been leveled against them — that they hyped up the video by wearing outrageous clothes in promotional materials and the videos’ introductions that they didn’t wear in the actual stings.
“We never claimed that he went in with a pimp costume,” said Giles. “That was b-roll. It was purely b-roll. He was a pimp, I was a prostitute, and we were walking in front of government buildings to show how the government was whoring out the American people.”

"B-roll" refers to footage shot separately and later inserted during editing, as frequently seen in movies and television. E.g., an overhead helicopter shot of Las Vegas, used to establish where the scene takes place, before cutting to the interior of a casino where the main character is seen playing cards at a table.

Giles' admission is in stark contrast to:

O'Keefe's knowingly deceptive appearances on Fox "News" "dressed exactly in the same outfit that he wore in these ACORN offices up and down the Eastern Seaboard";
Breitbart's out-and-out lies in his own 9/21/09 column to help promote the videos by claiming they show O'Keefe and Giles "going to the Baltimore offices of ACORN ... dressed as a pimp and a prostitute
and asking for - and getting - help for various illegal activities"

Next time you want to respond to a story edthe$ynic....try reading the link Okay....you won't look like a total moron. The report was that Media Matters stated that ACORN called the police on the pimp and the hooker. Well that was the lie, because ACORN never did. Try reading and comprehending 101 before you finish school.
Geeze your stupid. :lol:
Geeze you're thick!!!

From your own link:

It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police.
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People want to look for scapegoats and someone to blame, but the financial crisis and the Great Recession were not Bush's fault. This crisis occurred mainly outside of the political sphere.
Cut your s#!t Bodegga...Bush teared down the entire economy single-handedly with his Regime...I mean Administration.

A couple decades before that Reagan began with the MASSIVE spending.

Lets get real here.

"Reagan proved the defecit did not matter"

Now who was it said that?

Fox and all the right wing pundits are a total failure.
After all their spin and outright lies the public still "blames" Bush.
There may be a bit of hope for the public after all.
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Media Matters cites the police report as evidence that Russell asked them to leave, and that she “called the police after the filmmakers asked suspicious questions.” Another lie. Russell didn’t call the police while they were there, and in fact didn’t call the police at all. Rather, after they had already left, she called an ACORN official to ask why they had been referred to her office. It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police. He filed a false police report, apparently claiming an emergency because the filmmakers were “causing a verbal disturbance with employees of ACORN.” But Crosby knew that the filmmakers had already left — and the report notes that the police advised him of this fact he obviously knew — and Russell never asserted there was a “verbal disturbance” even when they were there. So the filmmakers never lied about anything. Media Matters lied, and ACORN committed a crime by filing a false police report.

edthe$ynic....try reading and quit looking a the pictures.
Gee, the pimp story that got exposed as a lie is your "proof" that mediamatters lied when they exposed O'Keefe and friends as liars. Brilliant!
Newsbusters, etc., heavily lean right, meister. But I wouldn't expect you to be able to see the connection. Thats Okay darlin', I understand.

Next time you want to respond to a story edthe$ynic....try reading the link Okay....you won't look like a total moron. The report was that Media Matters stated that ACORN called the police on the pimp and the hooker. Well that was the lie, because ACORN never did. Try reading and comprehending 101 before you finish school.
Geeze your stupid. :lol:
Geeze you're thick!!!

From your own link:

It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police.
Media Matters cites the police report as evidence that Russell asked them to leave, and that she “called the police after the filmmakers asked suspicious questions.” Another lie. Russell didn’t call the police while they were there, and in fact didn’t call the police at all. Rather, after they had already left, she called an ACORN official to ask why they had been referred to her office. It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police. He filed a false police report, apparently claiming an emergency because the filmmakers were “causing a verbal disturbance with employees of ACORN.” But Crosby knew that the filmmakers had already left — and the report notes that the police advised him of this fact he obviously knew — and Russell never asserted there was a “verbal disturbance” even when they were there. So the filmmakers never lied about anything. Media Matters lied, and ACORN committed a crime by filing a false police report.

edthe$ynic....try reading and quit looking a the pictures.
Nice backtrack, after lying about ACORN not calling the police, you split hairs over who FROM ACORN called the police. Not only that, you have only the word of proven liars and frauds as to what might have been said in the office.

And please link to the police charging ACORN with your made up crime of filing a false police report, yet another lie from you serial liars.
Next time you want to respond to a story edthe$ynic....try reading the link Okay....you won't look like a total moron. The report was that Media Matters stated that ACORN called the police on the pimp and the hooker. Well that was the lie, because ACORN never did. Try reading and comprehending 101 before you finish school.
Geeze your stupid. :lol:
Geeze you're thick!!!

From your own link:
Media Matters cites the police report as evidence that Russell asked them to leave, and that she “called the police after the filmmakers asked suspicious questions.” Another lie. Russell didn’t call the police while they were there, and in fact didn’t call the police at all. Rather, after they had already left, she called an ACORN official to ask why they had been referred to her office. It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police. He filed a false police report, apparently claiming an emergency because the filmmakers were “causing a verbal disturbance with employees of ACORN.” But Crosby knew that the filmmakers had already left — and the report notes that the police advised him of this fact he obviously knew — and Russell never asserted there was a “verbal disturbance” even when they were there. So the filmmakers never lied about anything. Media Matters lied, and ACORN committed a crime by filing a false police report.

edthe$ynic....try reading and quit looking a the pictures.
Nice backtrack, after lying about ACORN not calling the police, you split hairs over who FROM ACORN called the police. Not only that, you have only the word of proven liars and frauds as to what might have been said in the office.

And please link to the police charging ACORN with your made up crime of filing a false police report, yet another lie from you serial liars.

Backtrack my ass. I'm pointing out what Media Matters reported, and what went down in reality. I'm showing the lies....I'm not trying to prove anything more than that, edthe$ynic.
I'm done with you on this. Say what you want but Media Matters wasn't reporting what really happened......when they really should be.
Geeze you're thick!!!

From your own link:
Media Matters cites the police report as evidence that Russell asked them to leave, and that she “called the police after the filmmakers asked suspicious questions.” Another lie. Russell didn’t call the police while they were there, and in fact didn’t call the police at all. Rather, after they had already left, she called an ACORN official to ask why they had been referred to her office. It was then that the ACORN official, Keith Crosby, first contacted the police. He filed a false police report, apparently claiming an emergency because the filmmakers were “causing a verbal disturbance with employees of ACORN.” But Crosby knew that the filmmakers had already left — and the report notes that the police advised him of this fact he obviously knew — and Russell never asserted there was a “verbal disturbance” even when they were there. So the filmmakers never lied about anything. Media Matters lied, and ACORN committed a crime by filing a false police report.

edthe$ynic....try reading and quit looking a the pictures.
Nice backtrack, after lying about ACORN not calling the police, you split hairs over who FROM ACORN called the police. Not only that, you have only the word of proven liars and frauds as to what might have been said in the office.

And please link to the police charging ACORN with your made up crime of filing a false police report, yet another lie from you serial liars.

Backtrack my ass. I'm pointing out what Media Matters reported, and what went down in reality. I'm showing the lies....I'm not trying to prove anything more than that, edthe$ynic.
I'm done with you on this. Say what you want but Media Matters wasn't reporting what really happened......when they really should be.
You don't know what happened, and your source lied about ACORN COMMITTING A CRIME filing a false police report so nothing they say about what happened is believable.
Interesting. I wonder what percentage of the respondents were Democrat/Independent/Republican.

I can understand the reasoning behind placing the blame on Bush, but I am not so certain that blame can be placed on any one person or better yet, that it should be placed on anyone at all.

It was bound to happen. There were a lot of factors that led up to it: some political, some corporate, some public confidence. It is easy to place blame on the other guy... too easy. Accepting blame is another story.

Poll: George W. Bush still blamed for economy - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Former President George W. Bush gets more blame for the country’s economic troubles than his successor or the Democrats who control Congress, according to a Harris poll out Wednesday.

Thirty-one percent of the 2,344 adults surveyed said Bush deserves the most blame for a rough economy, leading the second-place Wall Street by 6 percentage points.

Democrats in Congress were blamed by 16 percent of those polled, while President Barack Obama was blamed by 14 percent. Republicans in Congress were blamed by 9 percent of respondents, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was blamed by 4 percent.

A majority of Democrats — 53 percent — blamed Bush for the economy. Republicans, meanwhile, blamed Democrats in Congress more than Obama.

“The memory of President George W. Bush and the state of the economy he left as part of his legacy still sticks in the craw of Americans,” wrote pollster Louis Harris in his analysis.

Republicans were also split when asked to identify the most powerful figure in the GOP.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney rated highest with 14 percent, but he was swamped by the 44 percent of respondents who were either “not sure” or would have picked someone other than the eight Republicans listed.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin finished second among Republicans with 13 percent. She was trailed by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor.

Read more: Poll: George W. Bush still blamed for economy - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Yeah, let's see - Bush was in power for 8 years. President Obama has been in there for a little over 1 year and 3 months.

How could anyone think that Bush's messup would still be hanging around now?

Of course--we know that the American populace in general are really not known for any kind of government incite--"as to witf happened"--so they typically vote for the guy that promises them the most for "free."

Once--the "free" hits their "wallets" then they do a 180 degree turn. In the end--the democrat party has always depended on this kind of IGNORANCE to get themselves elected.
As guilty as Dubba is he should come forward an own up to it, history will record him as being worst than Carter.
An irrelevant poll............35% of Americans will be blaming George Bush for the economy 25 years from now. The only thing that is important is the plurality of voters........which the poll doesnt even address. 50% of independents are now off the blame bush ( According to an April 2010 Gallup poll........look it up yourself) crap which is the most significant.

Lets face it.......the only reason threads like this even surface is due to massive amounts of skid marks in the pants of the k00ks., although I can understand it. When things start to crash and burn, you kinda get desperate!!! And its only going to get worse as jobless #'s stay static. Throw on top of that things like the major headline off of DRUDGE all day yesterday that was picked up off of Reuters.........in fact its still up as we speak..........."Deficit Disaster". Nobody is blaming that on Bush except the hyper-partisan k00ks like you find on this board, but not ordinary Americans.

Trust me.......politically, it all add's up to gigantic bags of dog doo for the president and will only get worse. No economists are predicting 2011 to be better than 2010.

So........in the bigger picture of things........................

Anyway..........polls on Obama these days are almost moot.................


Because beginning this November, he's going to be a lame duck anyway..........unable to do any more massive damage to this great nation.

Indeed............I can see November out my window just now...................

Who is to blame for economic crisis?

Barney Frank

Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer?s Role the Fannie Mae Failure - Freddie Mac - Zimbio

"In fact, Frank & Co. made matters worse by pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to take on greater risk. They wanted more loans to people who might not qualify for traditional bank financing. And, as The Wall Street Journal has pointed out, Frank “pressured regulators to ease up on their capital requirements — which now means taxpayers will have to make up that capital shortfall.”

The meltdown of the banking industry is more about dereivatives than it is about what happened to Fannie and Freddie

Had the problem been limited to NINJA loans and the bad paper issued based on them, we not would have been bailing out PRIVATE banks all over the place.
LOL..........Fannie and Freddie took in 52 billion is Stimulus $$ and now Frank is back requesting another 12 billion. What? So they can give a few more million houses away that will foreclose within a year.
When you put in regulation that forces banks to provide mortgages as long as you can produce a Cracker Jacks wrapper at closing time, it simply perpetuates the scam. Its just the media never ever report about this stuff so it flies neatly under the radar all the time. Of course, the k00ks love regulations no matter the results.

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