POLL: Cain, Romney and Perry all beat Obama

KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.
KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.

The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.
KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.

The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


The compnay I have worked for 5 years now is moving there Sr staff to canada and laying the rest of us off (we will probably get offers to work in Canada later)
This is because of the restrictions on fossil fuels
These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

After 5 years with a lrge industrial construction company I am headed home. There having to go to Canada to stay busy, this is a direct result of fossil fuel regulations both pro in Canada and Con in America
Also we have lost 6 million jobs sense 2008, this is a direct result of Dem policies
KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.

The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

The compnay I have worked for 5 years now is moving there Sr staff to canada and laying the rest of us off (we will probably get offers to work in Canada later)
This is because of the restrictions on fossil fuels.

After 5 years with a lrge industrial construction company I am headed home. There having to go to Canada to stay busy, this is a direct result of fossil fuel regulations both pro in Canada and Con in America

It makes the NIMBY Democrats happy your dirty job left the country. They want you dependent on government for unemployment & food-stamps. They want to drive up oil prices & cut US demand.
The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

The compnay I have worked for 5 years now is moving there Sr staff to canada and laying the rest of us off (we will probably get offers to work in Canada later)
This is because of the restrictions on fossil fuels.

After 5 years with a lrge industrial construction company I am headed home. There having to go to Canada to stay busy, this is a direct result of fossil fuel regulations both pro in Canada and Con in America

It makes the NIMBY Democrats happy your dirty job left the country. They want you dependent on government for unemployment & food-stamps. They want to drive up oil prices & cut US demand.

Its not just the libs. I proposed an idea on another thread to cut wellfare by 40%, take those monies the tax payer would stop giving corporations to give to the federal govt, mandate a real living wage for those who earn it and turn many of those people from poverty to real tax paying citizens
I was called a liberal.
We have to find ways for people who will work to get off of the govt UE, food stamps, medicare as well as medicade. Another thing to add with that is your right. The more they harm the econ, the more those of us who work will have to pay. The middle class is getting squezzed

Your link does not work, but let me help.
as an individual your only getting partial against. That poll will not matter until we get the GOP nominee
It shows how left of center real clear is, they know that
Let me ask you a serious question. Why would you want 4 more years of this?
KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.

The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

You are really daft.

What laws did the Democrats pass from 2007 to 2009 that killed jobs?

List them or STFU.
I'll take a little less Pub Boom and Bust crony corruption, and a little more Dem regulation and responsibility, protecting people and the environment, better education and subsidies for future industry. Pubs are corrupt, lying hypocrites, and myopic. Dittoheads!
I'll take a little less Pub Boom and Bust crony corruption, and a little more Dem regulation and responsibility, protecting people and the environment, better education and subsidies for future industry. Pubs are corrupt, lying hypocrites, and myopic. Dittoheads!

How do you explain the DEMOCRATS MF Global implosion today???
KissMy, how about some empirical data and verifiable conclusions instead of your opinions.

The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank
Barney Frank - "I think that the financial sector included an element of activity that was not terribly productive. And while we didn't exclusively ban it, if the effect of regulating it better, saying you can't sell..."

Andrew Ross Sorkin -"But less jobs at a time when people want more jobs, correct?"

Barney Frank - "Yes. And that is when you stop an activity. Look, if you knock off drug dealers you'll have fewer jobs. These are not drug dealers. I don't think make work makes sense for the federal government. I don't think it makes sense in the private sector"... "If the effect of better regulation, of requiring people to post capital is that there are then going to be fewer people doing some of the activities that I don't think were especially useful that is a reasonable price"

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

You are really daft.

What laws did the Democrats pass from 2007 to 2009 that killed jobs?

List them or STFU.

most from obama with no congress to stop him. That came to an end 2011. As far as I know none of this stuff has been overturned by congress or Obama
Obama’s EPA Regulations Will Cost Coal Industry $180 Billion & Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | The Gateway Pundit
Obama to re-examine shale's role of oil shale
Update: Obama stops new drilling, says government 'fully prepared' to help Gulf Coast | al.com
Opinion: New Congress must fix Dodd-Frank - Sen. Richard Shelby - POLITICO.com
regulations on drilling, both on and off shore
regulations on some coal
4 trillion in debt
obama -care
new regualations on the banking sector
I'll take a little less Pub Boom and Bust crony corruption, and a little more Dem regulation and responsibility, protecting people and the environment, better education and subsidies for future industry. Pubs are corrupt, lying hypocrites, and myopic. Dittoheads!

How do you explain the DEMOCRATS MF Global implosion today???

Wth is that? Only reported on Fox? Anyway I'm sure Pub obstruction or sabotage, or their DEPRESSION, is at the bottom of it...

Not sure a non-state specific poll means much. Electoral college mathematics favors Obama more than it does the GOP at this point.

not sure how we could know that if we do not know who the GOP canidate is? also you would be Obama vs 7 people splitting up there support
With an approval rating of 40-45% witha dem following of about 40% thats not good news
I'll take a little less Pub Boom and Bust crony corruption, and a little more Dem regulation and responsibility, protecting people and the environment, better education and subsidies for future industry. Pubs are corrupt, lying hypocrites, and myopic. Dittoheads!

How do you explain the DEMOCRATS MF Global implosion today???

Wth is that? Only reported on Fox? Anyway I'm sure Pub obstruction or sabotage, or their DEPRESSION, is at the bottom of it...

That would be the 60 or so seats the lost in the house implosion 10 months ago
that would be the direction of the country poll being @ 19%
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country
The data proving the democrat Jobs Disaster can be found at the Federal Reserve. See chart below:

We were creating lots of jobs that were out-pacing the population workforce growth rate until the DEMOCRATS were elected in 2006 & took control January 2007. They killed jobs with their regulations. There is no debating that fact.


These are the facts, not just my opinions. Democrat Barney Frank who wrote the job killing law admits it is a job killing law.

CNBC Interview of Democrat Senator Barney Frank

Democrats like picking winners and losers. They are Crony Socialists. They create a false problem & new regulation to kill the free market economy. Then they hire their Cronies (or give them government loan guarantees) to "solve" the problem or "help" other companies comply with the new regulations. The Cronies then make large donations to Democrats and their PAC's. It's the same scam they've been running for 70 years.

Democrats know regulations kill jobs & are proud of it.

You are really daft.

What laws did the Democrats pass from 2007 to 2009 that killed jobs?

List them or STFU.

most from obama with no congress to stop him. That came to an end 2011. As far as I know none of this stuff has been overturned by congress or Obama
Obama’s EPA Regulations Will Cost Coal Industry $180 Billion & Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | The Gateway Pundit
Obama to re-examine shale's role of oil shale
Update: Obama stops new drilling, says government 'fully prepared' to help Gulf Coast | al.com
Opinion: New Congress must fix Dodd-Frank - Sen. Richard Shelby - POLITICO.com
regulations on drilling, both on and off shore
regulations on some coal
4 trillion in debt
obama -care
new regualations on the banking sector

Pure Pub/Foxcrappe- Pub paralysis and disfunction has stalled the recovery since 4/2010. And Dems only had FIVE MONTHS filibuster free. 7/2009-4/2010.

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