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Poll confirms "jewish fascism" has replaced "jewish democracy" in Israel

After palistanians shot Muhammad Al Dura to frame jews it sounds funny, of course.
The only jews that get framed, are on YOU TUBE.
Does Mr. Butcher Boy really think that we believe he cares about the Arabs or any Muslims? It is amusing to see him get on his high horse while he uses this board as his big chance to bash the Jews.

i believe your Crocodile Tears ... but be careful bro. you are going to be a new Hitler ..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5drXEXkf9s&feature=fvwrel]Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein - YouTube[/ame]
The only jews that get framed, are on YOU TUBE.
Does Mr. Butcher Boy really think that we believe he cares about the Arabs or any Muslims? It is amusing to see him get on his high horse while he uses this board as his big chance to bash the Jews.

i believe your Crocodile Tears ... but be careful bro. you are going to be a new Hitler ..

FA, is your avatar a picture of you or your boyfriend?
I have worked very closely with people from MANY MANY parts of the world-----I have never encountered people who harbored SO MUCH HATRED as do muslims----to say muslims have no problem with "other religions" is an idiotic and gross lie Muslims DESPISE all non muslim religions and some muslim sects I quickly learned that I wanted to know what a muslim thinks of jews---I would pretend to be a christian and visa versa-------I have no problem finding out how INTENSELY muslims hate hindus -----but the interesting issue was that they expected ME to hate them just as much LOL

for fcking I have relatives thru marriage who survived the filth of shariah shit holes-------even the ONE who left Turkey which is the best of the shitholes has something to say about the filth of shariah lands

so what is your point ? lets together set the Big Israel and kill all the Muslims so we can live the peace ??? is this your solution .. yes we can try it ...

you represent your country here and i see that nobody could be more racist than Jews..
It is quite obvious that this poster is a newcomer to America. It really is a shame that they allow people with his mind set to immigrate here. Meanwhile, he knows nothing about the U.S. and how the Jews helped the Blacks get their civil rights. Why doesn't he tell us why the word for Blacks in Arabic which means slaves hasn't been substituted with a different term. While he is at it, he can tell us how racist the Muslims countries are against others. People like him blabber on and on about the Jews while his own people are busy killing innocent others. Maybe in the Muslim mind that is quite OK.

FA has a kernel of a point. Actually, in this dispute, both Arabs/Muslims and Jews are very racist, and at their core of their society is... RELIGION! So once again, religion has divided mankind into little groups who are all taught to hate each other, or that they are superior to the others. Now we have the US christians on the side of the Jews because they need armageddon in the Middle East before their god can come back (which is a main reason why the US won't stop Iran from building nukes, maybe delay them, but never stop them for good).
I don't see this conflict ever being sorted out. Religion demands domination, not resolution or conciliation.
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so what is your point ? lets together set the Big Israel and kill all the Muslims so we can live the peace ??? is this your solution .. yes we can try it ...

you represent your country here and i see that nobody could be more racist than Jews..
It is quite obvious that this poster is a newcomer to America. It really is a shame that they allow people with his mind set to immigrate here. Meanwhile, he knows nothing about the U.S. and how the Jews helped the Blacks get their civil rights. Why doesn't he tell us why the word for Blacks in Arabic which means slaves hasn't been substituted with a different term. While he is at it, he can tell us how racist the Muslims countries are against others. People like him blabber on and on about the Jews while his own people are busy killing innocent others. Maybe in the Muslim mind that is quite OK.

FA has a kernel of a point. Actually, in this dispute, both Arabs/Muslims and Jews are very racist, and at their core of their society is... RELIGION! So once again, religion has divided mankind into little groups who are all taught to hate each other, or that they are superior to the others. Now we have the US christians on the side of the Jews because they need armageddon in the Middle East before their god can come back (which is a main reason why the US won't stop Iran from building nukes, maybe delay them, but never stop them for good).
I don't see this conflict ever being sorted out. Religion demands domination, not resolution or conciliation.

religion did not come at the same time .. all of them from God .. Christians , Jews , or Muslims .. but people changed and changing them .. i dont say muslims are not racist of course there are lots of racist muslim as there are lots of racist Jews..
Israel: The End of the Dream

I have been pointing to the growing danger of religious and political extremism in Israel for years. Now the evidence is pouring in, confirming my diagnosis in every particular. First, the recent announcement that Israel’s largest party, Likud – the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – is merging with Yisrael Beiteinu, a right-wing ultra-nationalist party founded by Avigdor Lieberman, a former bar bouncer who immigrated from Russia in 1978 and is now Israel’s foreign minister.

According to the survey, "a sweeping 74 percent majority is in favor of separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank." Even more ominously, "Almost half – 47 percent – want part of Israel’s Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority." In short, they favor ethnic cleansing. Among the disgusting details of this comprehensive scientific poll is this interesting tidbit:

"Most of the Jewish public (58 percent) already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs. Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here."

When American critics of Israeli government policies describe it as an "apartheid state" they are simply agreeing with the views of the majority of Israelis, who know apartheid when they see it – and live it. Yet this designation is regularly cited by Israel’s American amen corner as prima facie evidence of "anti-Semitism." By this standard, 58 percent of the Israeli public can now be classified as anti-Semites.
Israel: The End of the Dream | My Catbird Seat
Israel: The End of the Dream

I have been pointing to the growing danger of religious and political extremism in Israel for years. Now the evidence is pouring in, confirming my diagnosis in every particular. First, the recent announcement that Israel’s largest party, Likud – the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – is merging with Yisrael Beiteinu, a right-wing ultra-nationalist party founded by Avigdor Lieberman, a former bar bouncer who immigrated from Russia in 1978 and is now Israel’s foreign minister.

According to the survey, "a sweeping 74 percent majority is in favor of separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank." Even more ominously, "Almost half – 47 percent – want part of Israel’s Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority." In short, they favor ethnic cleansing. Among the disgusting details of this comprehensive scientific poll is this interesting tidbit:

"Most of the Jewish public (58 percent) already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs. Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here."

When American critics of Israeli government policies describe it as an "apartheid state" they are simply agreeing with the views of the majority of Israelis, who know apartheid when they see it – and live it. Yet this designation is regularly cited by Israel’s American amen corner as prima facie evidence of "anti-Semitism." By this standard, 58 percent of the Israeli public can now be classified as anti-Semites.
Israel: The End of the Dream | My Catbird Seat
Justin Raimond??? Can't you do any better, Yusef Mohammed? It is quite obvious that you resent the Jews governing any tiny inch of land in the Middle East.
No witty reply or counter argument to the point raised, only a snapshot of your perception of what I think?


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No witty reply or counter argument to the point raised, only a snapshot of your perception of what I think?


Many of the readers here have read enough about Justin in years past so we know the nonsense that he writes. Meanwhile, can you tell us why there are Arab Muslim writers who tells us why the Arabs prefer Israel over the other Middle East counties if Israel is so bad? Maybe you will find this article from a Christian group based in Israel interesting. No doubt they know a bit more about what is going on in Israel than your boy Juslin.
israel today | Israel News | Pro-Israel Arab party to run in next Knesset election - israel today | Israel News And let us not forget that there is also a group of Muslims in Europe who also are for Israel.

By the way, Yusef Mohammed, I don't think Hoss Cartwright would have a very high opinion of you. He would consider you an abettor of those who want to destroy America.
Many of the readers here have read enough about Justin in years past so we know the nonsense that he writes. Meanwhile, can you tell us why there are Arab Muslim writers who tells us why the Arabs prefer Israel over the other Middle East counties if Israel is so bad?
Well, here are some Jewish writers who say it is.

Statement on the Escalation of Violence
Friday, March 25, 2011

In mourning the nine lives lost in Gaza and the one life lost in Jerusalem this week, we reject the pattern of condemning the deaths of Israelis while ignoring the deaths of Palestinians. We do not discriminate. One life lost is one life too many--whether Palestinian or Israeli.

Within the context of 44 years of the Israeli occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, in the past two years (January 31, 2009 to January 31, 2011, starting just after Operation Cast Lead), over a thousand Palestinians have been made homeless by home demolitions, hundreds have been unlawfully detained, and over 150 men, women and children have been killed by the IDF and settlers, according to the Israeli human rights group B’tselem. Many acres of Palestinian land have been taken and orchards uprooted by armed settlers. Countless hours have been lost at checkpoints, often fruitlessly, while Palestinians attempted to get medical care, jobs, and access to education. One and a half million Gazans have been living with a limited food supply, lack of electricity and dangerously toxic sewage.

This is occupation: daily, persistent acts of structural violence. All in the service of a government that constantly expands illegal Israeli settlements on land that rightfully belongs to Palestinians.

These acts don't reach our headlines because they are so habitual, so we learn not to see them. But Palestinians live them and their profound consequences everyday, and we must keep that in mind, even as we ponder the terrible events of the past few weeks:
•A person or persons, (we don't know who), bombed a bus stop in Jerusalem, injuring 30 and killing 1 Israeli civilian;
• An Israeli bombing killed 3 children and an older man in Gaza;
• A person or persons, (we don't know who), murdered 5 members of a family, including three children, in Itamar, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank;
• The Israeli government suddenly tightened the siege of Gaza and escalated military attacks, killing a total of 11 Palestinians and injuring more than 40 since mid-March;(3)
• Palestinians fired over 50 shells and rockets from Gaza into civilian areas in southern Israel.​
These terrible acts of violence remind us that to end the Israeli occupation our best hope is supporting the inspiring nonviolent Palestinian movement for change...

...the right to engage in nonviolent resistance, a foundational component of any functioning democracy, is under attack in Israel. Human rights activists are being detained or imprisoned. Bills to criminalize the BDS movement, or harass human rights organizations, are working their way through the Knesset.

Just this week:
• The very act of publicly commemorating the Nakba, a crucial nonviolent act of Palestinian remembrance, was essentially criminalized in Israel by the Knesset.The Knesset also passed a law allowing small communities in the Galilee and Negev to discriminate against anyone wanting to reside there who does not fit in with the community’s “socio-cultural” character.
• The Knesset also held hearings to assess whether the “pro-Israel, pro-peace” group J Street was sufficiently pro-Israel.
• The IDF announced a new military intelligence-gathering unit solely dedicated to monitoring international left-wing peace and human rights groups that the army sees as a threat to Israel. The department will work closely with government ministries.
• Dozens of Israeli soldiers raided the home of Bassem Tamimi, Head of the nonviolent Nabi Saleh Popular Committee , and beat his wife and daughter while arresting him presumably on charges of "incitement" and "organizing illegal demonstrations."
• As the Israeli government increasingly deploys anti-democratic measures and military repression, we at Jewish Voice for Peace are redoubling our efforts to support the best hope- a nonviolent Palestinian-led resistance movement in which we all work together to nurture life, justice and equality. We invite you to join the movement.​
Finding blue-dog arabs to suck Israeli dick in order to put up a facade of peace and bliss for Israel, does not change the daily brutality Palestinian's must endure just to live in their homeland.

BTW, criminalizing dissent, is the first sign of a fascist government.
In memorable words of Winnie Churchill "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." So, what were those arab countries those arabs had been living in for the last 1000 years before their Paris-Dakar equivalent camel stampede to the mandate palestine?
So what are you saying, you wanna outlaw fucking?
Uncle Winnie was pretty succinct, wasn't he?
churchill was very racist and a war criminal

he starved a million indians, bombed kurds with gas and shot workers on strike and lots more

and a great wartime leader 1940 to 42 only

kicked out after the war by a landslide in the UK 1945 election

half brit half yank

which was which

a great writer all his life
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Many of the readers here have read enough about Justin in years past so we know the nonsense that he writes. Meanwhile, can you tell us why there are Arab Muslim writers who tells us why the Arabs prefer Israel over the other Middle East counties if Israel is so bad?
Well, here are some Jewish writers who say it is.

Statement on the Escalation of Violence
Friday, March 25, 2011

In mourning the nine lives lost in Gaza and the one life lost in Jerusalem this week, we reject the pattern of condemning the deaths of Israelis while ignoring the deaths of Palestinians. We do not discriminate. One life lost is one life too many--whether Palestinian or Israeli.

Within the context of 44 years of the Israeli occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, in the past two years (January 31, 2009 to January 31, 2011, starting just after Operation Cast Lead), over a thousand Palestinians have been made homeless by home demolitions, hundreds have been unlawfully detained, and over 150 men, women and children have been killed by the IDF and settlers, according to the Israeli human rights group B’tselem. Many acres of Palestinian land have been taken and orchards uprooted by armed settlers. Countless hours have been lost at checkpoints, often fruitlessly, while Palestinians attempted to get medical care, jobs, and access to education. One and a half million Gazans have been living with a limited food supply, lack of electricity and dangerously toxic sewage.

This is occupation: daily, persistent acts of structural violence. All in the service of a government that constantly expands illegal Israeli settlements on land that rightfully belongs to Palestinians.

These acts don't reach our headlines because they are so habitual, so we learn not to see them. But Palestinians live them and their profound consequences everyday, and we must keep that in mind, even as we ponder the terrible events of the past few weeks:
•A person or persons, (we don't know who), bombed a bus stop in Jerusalem, injuring 30 and killing 1 Israeli civilian;
• An Israeli bombing killed 3 children and an older man in Gaza;
• A person or persons, (we don't know who), murdered 5 members of a family, including three children, in Itamar, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank;
• The Israeli government suddenly tightened the siege of Gaza and escalated military attacks, killing a total of 11 Palestinians and injuring more than 40 since mid-March;(3)
• Palestinians fired over 50 shells and rockets from Gaza into civilian areas in southern Israel.​
These terrible acts of violence remind us that to end the Israeli occupation our best hope is supporting the inspiring nonviolent Palestinian movement for change...

...the right to engage in nonviolent resistance, a foundational component of any functioning democracy, is under attack in Israel. Human rights activists are being detained or imprisoned. Bills to criminalize the BDS movement, or harass human rights organizations, are working their way through the Knesset.

Just this week:
• The very act of publicly commemorating the Nakba, a crucial nonviolent act of Palestinian remembrance, was essentially criminalized in Israel by the Knesset.The Knesset also passed a law allowing small communities in the Galilee and Negev to discriminate against anyone wanting to reside there who does not fit in with the community’s “socio-cultural” character.
• The Knesset also held hearings to assess whether the “pro-Israel, pro-peace” group J Street was sufficiently pro-Israel.
• The IDF announced a new military intelligence-gathering unit solely dedicated to monitoring international left-wing peace and human rights groups that the army sees as a threat to Israel. The department will work closely with government ministries.
• Dozens of Israeli soldiers raided the home of Bassem Tamimi, Head of the nonviolent Nabi Saleh Popular Committee , and beat his wife and daughter while arresting him presumably on charges of "incitement" and "organizing illegal demonstrations."
• As the Israeli government increasingly deploys anti-democratic measures and military repression, we at Jewish Voice for Peace are redoubling our efforts to support the best hope- a nonviolent Palestinian-led resistance movement in which we all work together to nurture life, justice and equality. We invite you to join the movement.​
Finding blue-dog arabs to suck Israeli dick in order to put up a facade of peace and bliss for Israel, does not change the daily brutality Palestinian's must endure just to live in their homeland.

BTW, criminalizing dissent, is the first sign of a fascist government.
So tell us, Butcher Boy, who are you sucking? You can play "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game all you want to on a message board. However, all of your posts bashing Israel will not keep you safe in some Muslim country where there is really brutal violence. Do you really think that if they can kill their fellow Muslims, they are just going to let you wander by? That is why people like you are such a joke.
What rights do jews have in arab countries?

Palestinian Jews have the same rights as anyone else.

in that "FANTASY 'palestine' that islamo nazi pigs insist somewhere and insome DIMEMENASION might have existed? or in that fantasy "palestine" that tinmore insistes ---in some dimensions exists? May your -------"spawn" enjoy the same rights jews and other non muslims ENJOY in shariah cess pits ------you disgusting PERVERT
So tell us, Butcher Boy, who are you sucking?
The only thing I suck at, is craps. The speed of the game throws off my decision making. I don't kiss anyone's ass; I don't brownose; I'm free to say to whomever, whatever. That's why people think I'm a major asshole. So your "sucking" claim, is just a baseless accusation.

You can play "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game all you want to on a message board.
Thankfully, there are more than just those two choices. I'm not their friend, nor am I their enemy. But I do understand why you have to frame it that way. Because not doing that, is a road you don't wanna go down.

However, all of your posts bashing Israel will not keep you safe in some Muslim country where there is really brutal violence.
I don't live in a muslim country and that is irrelevent to this discussion.

Do you really think that if they can kill their fellow Muslims, they are just going to let you wander by? That is why people like you are such a joke.
The only time that crosses my mind, is when I'm forced to read it from your posts. But I'll tell you what is a bigger joke than yours, is you jumping over hoops and doing everything you can, to avoid dealing with Israel's brutal and inhumane treatment of the Pals. Just look at your response. I post comments from Jewish-Israeli's stating what is going on in Israel and you shoot back with a hypothetical that doesn't even exist unless certain conditions were met.

You can't even comment on Israeli brutality. You have to immediately try to change the conversation to muslim violence. Which indicates you have no intention of dealing with the things Israel is doing wrong. And that shows you really don't care if there is peace or not. All you care about is imposing your will on others. Right or wrong. But I'll tell you this, if you lived in my country and tried to pull that shit in front of me, I guarantee, you will not be able to change the subject.
So tell us, Butcher Boy, who are you sucking?
The only thing I suck at, is craps. The speed of the game throws off my decision making. I don't kiss anyone's ass; I don't brownose; I'm free to say to whomever, whatever. That's why people think I'm a major asshole. So your "sucking" claim, is just a baseless accusation.

You can play "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game all you want to on a message board.
Thankfully, there are more than just those two choices. I'm not their friend, nor am I their enemy. But I do understand why you have to frame it that way. Because not doing that, is a road you don't wanna go down.

However, all of your posts bashing Israel will not keep you safe in some Muslim country where there is really brutal violence.
I don't live in a muslim country and that is irrelevent to this discussion.

Do you really think that if they can kill their fellow Muslims, they are just going to let you wander by? That is why people like you are such a joke.
The only time that crosses my mind, is when I'm forced to read it from your posts. But I'll tell you what is a bigger joke than yours, is you jumping over hoops and doing everything you can, to avoid dealing with Israel's brutal and inhumane treatment of the Pals. Just look at your response. I post comments from Jewish-Israeli's stating what is going on in Israel and you shoot back with a hypothetical that doesn't even exist unless certain conditions were met.

You can't even comment on Israeli brutality. You have to immediately try to change the conversation to muslim violence. Which indicates you have no intention of dealing with the things Israel is doing wrong. And that shows you really don't care if there is peace or not. All you care about is imposing your will on others. Right or wrong. But I'll tell you this, if you lived in my country and tried to pull that shit in front of me, I guarantee, you will not be able to change the subject.

You can't even comment on Israeli brutality. You have to immediately try to change the conversation to muslim violence. Which indicates you have no intention of dealing with the things Israel is doing wrong. And that shows you really don't care if there is peace or not. All you care about is imposing your will on others. Right or wrong. But I'll tell you this, if you lived in my country and tried to pull that shit in front of me, I guarantee, you will not be able to change the subject.

really good point .. this show how they are desperate to talk ' the main issue '
So what are you saying, you wanna outlaw fucking?
Uncle Winnie was pretty succinct, wasn't he?
churchill was very racist and a war criminal
he starved a million indians, bombed kurds with gas and shot workers on strike and lots mor
and a great wartime leader 1940 to 42 only
kicked out after the war by a landslide
half brit half yank
which was which
a great writer all his life
Churchill was am alcoholic who liked to suck big long brown rods all day long. If sitting around taking a beating until the US army saves your bacon is great war strategy, then Churchie was a mastermind!

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