Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Is someone here questioning the fact that Tony Fauci was a strong supporter of the covid virus research in
Wuhan and other gain of function bio hazardous cell engineering for the purposes of chemical weapons?

I can't see why. The record is clear and for whatever reason Tony Fauci was playing a deadly game of double cross with the safety of the nation's, and world's, people at risk.
Your link is not the half of it. The same month Trump took over (January 2017), Fauci announced to the world a surprise pandemic was coming....

How would he know that, if it's a surprise?
Fauci is admired by a vast majority of Americans. trump is hated by a majority of Americans after downplaying COVID and send thousands to their death.

Fauci was wrong about everything.
For example, he did not suggest masks at first, before it had spread, and when mask could have had the most effect.
Then he said we should "flatten the curve", which is what kept it around so long and killed so many people.
He was the one who said herd immunity would require 2.4 million deaths, when in reality it would be 400 times less than that.
Please cite. Which gain of function paper by Shi are you referring to that was published two months before?

The video above shows what the H3N2 influenza virus does to adapt to growth in eggs at position 160. The egg-adapted threonine to lysine change. SARS-CoV-2 does the same thing at position 417 of the spike protein, and this is in the human host, not lab eggs. Furthermore, there was originally a second amino acid published by the CDC that showed another option. First published as K417N/T Lysine417Asparagine/Threonine), it was changed to K417T. Only the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant was carrying this two-option mutation. So not only does position 417 of SARS-CoV-2 link the pertinent amino acids that increase the potency of fentanyl at the mu-opioid receptor, fentanyl was created by a division of J&J.

Rand Paul's fav...
Not necessarily. There are just so many options on the spike and those options are also available to the strains the lab strain was taken from, the strains that remained in nature. There’s a documented 4% difference between RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2.

A 4% difference is tiny because when more than one virus deposits its RNA into the same cell nucleus, you are bound to get hybrid like combinations.

Look at how many different covid viruses can attack a single cell?
And you knew this because you drink malted scotch whiskey? You are a virologists? You read a report?
Wait, so now we’re scientific Gnostics? Only doctors...but not eye doctors...can ever understand what it means to “give” a virus a new function. Only magical virologist know and can read about the mysterious of giving a virus a new function. Like giving it the ability to spread in a new species is only sometimes gain of function?

As an RN for over a decade, I never thought that science and the medical community would ever fall victim of getting political to the point of detriment to patients. But it has. Apparently you can just throw somewhat big words at people like virologist and variant and it just hypnotizes them. It’s insane. Fauci clearly lied. We have known he was lying for a while. And people are defending him with ad hominems. This is an insane religion. It’s like when people were in denial about the priest kid diddling.
Is someone here questioning the fact that Tony Fauci was a strong supporter of the covid virus research in
Wuhan and other gain of function bio hazardous cell engineering for the purposes of chemical weapons?

I can't see why. The record is clear and for whatever reason Tony Fauci was playing a deadly game of double cross with the safety of the nation's, and world's, people at risk.
The research was being done in China to prevent it from coming to the US. As Fauci said, it would have been irresponsible of him to have ignored the emerging danger in China, just like trump ignored and lied about the severity of COVID in the latter part of 2019 and into 2020. How many people died because trump lied to the American people?
Fauci's word don't mean shit to me after he first told the nation on TV that masks were a waste of time, then retracted that to say something totally different later.
You think we learned more about COVID after March .2020?

Fail? How so?

Not counting their war dead:

Lenin - 20 million
Hitler - 8 million
Fauci - 4 million

Is there someone I'm missing? Pol Pot only killed 2 million - well, that just doesn't come out right, killed only two million... But, then, compared to Fauci, Pol Pot ONLY killed 2 million.

Who else do you think belongs on that top 3 list?
The research was being done in China to prevent it from coming to the US. As Fauci said, it would have been irresponsible of him to have ignored the emerging danger in China, just like trump ignored and lied about the severity of COVID in the latter part of 2019 and into 2020. How many people died because trump lied to the American people?
Obama banned GOF. For good reason. It’s a bullshit study with zero upside, but a deadly pandemic level downside, as we’re seeing now. You don’t have to worry about virus you create in labs that don’t occur naturally. Not the type of shit they do. They don’t do the very subtle GOF (basically letting evolution run its course) that’d actually be useful. Because it’s very boring, time consuming and not at all cost effective when it comes to showing results. Even if they did, they’d maybe find one practical use for a disease after 20 years, if they’re lucky. GOF, how it’s currently practiced, is a virologist circle jerk. Virologist throwing money to other virologist to play make believe with deadly pathogens in a lab, for no overall gain.

How bout this. Name a successful vaccine or treatment that’s come out of GOF.
Fauci is admired by a vast majority of Americans. trump is hated by a majority of Americans after downplaying COVID and send thousands to their death.
Trump was the first to respond while Pelosi and Schumer claimed it was no big deal. Anyone that blames Trump for the covid deaths is very ignorant at the very least or just real fucking stupid and a danger to themselves and society
Fail? How so?

Not counting their war dead:

Lenin - 20 million
Hitler - 8 million
Fauci - 4 million

Is there someone I'm missing? Pol Pot only killed 2 million - well, that just doesn't come out right, killed only two million... But, then, compared to Fauci, Pol Pot ONLY killed 2 million.

Who else do you think belongs on that top 3 list?
Yeah, you're missing the proof that Wuhan juiced the Coronavirus.
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

Of course not… Rand has been a jackass during this entire pandemic.
Fail? How so?

Not counting their war dead:

Lenin - 20 million
Hitler - 8 million
Fauci - 4 million

Is there someone I'm missing? Pol Pot only killed 2 million - well, that just doesn't come out right, killed only two million... But, then, compared to Fauci, Pol Pot ONLY killed 2 million.

Who else do you think belongs on that top 3 list?
You sound like Rand Paul
Trump was the first to respond while Pelosi and Schumer claimed it was no big deal.
Trump claimed it was no worse than the flu
Trump claimed the initial 15 cases would quickly go to zero
Trump claimed it would magically disappear by Summer
Trump admitted he lied about COVID
Trump claimed it was no worse than the flu
Trump claimed the initial 15 cases would quickly go to zero
Trump claimed it would magically disappear by Summer
Trump admitted he lied about COVID
So did fauci dipshit. February 2020 he penned a JAMA article saying itd be a bad flu. Fauci was all over tv in February and early March telling people not to worry. But something changed, right around the time he received that nature article Rand brought into question.
So did fauci dipshit. February 2020 he penned a JAMA article saying itd be a bad flu. Fauci was all over tv in February and early March telling people not to worry. But something changed, right around the time he received that nature article Rand brought into question.

Dr Fauci reported what was known about COVID at the time
As more became known, he updated his advice.
He was always willing to make the tough call and be frank with Americans. That is why America respected him.

Can you show where Dr Faucis advice differed from international experts?
Dr Fauci reported what was known about COVID at the time
As more became known, he updated his advice.
He was always willing to make the tough call and be frank with Americans. That is why America respected him.

Can you show where Dr Faucis advice differed from international experts?
Where exactly do you think trump got what he said??? From fauci. Ah doy. So, apparently fauci is allowed to downplay the virus the same time as trump, but Trump is somehow supposed to know more about the virus than his own NIH, and in your words, the entire international medical community?

This is straight up worship of fauci and it is bizarre. This is 10 times worse than trump worship.
Whether Randy is lying or deluded is an open question.
He’s reading from a medical journal article, so how can either of those questions be true?

Again with the bizarre Fauci worship.

Ok y’all can easily prove you’re not Fauci worshipers and that he is not your pope of the church of COVID, by pointing out how what rand was talking about WASNT gain of function. An A priori answer of “it isn’t because it just isn’t” will not suffice, as it doesn’t in any other setting.

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