(POLL) Do YOU believe the cop murdered Brown?

Do you "believe" the cop is guilty of murder?

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It does appear he gunned down a non-threatening man when he could have chosen to defuse the situation instead. Nor did he have to shoot him 6+ times, including a kill shot.

The cop panicked in a non-threatening situation or he simply decided to murder a man.

Right now though, he's enjoying a nice long paid vacation.
This is one of your more repugnant comments, which is really saying something considering the overall despicable nature of your posting history.

Nice emotional response. I see no actual factual response to the substance of the post.

Those who cannot bother to follow the LAW do not deserve to continue having resources wasted on them.

So you're saying the cop should be fired for not following the law.
You are a vile moron.

Sticks and stones, sweetie. Sticks and stones. I'll take it as a compliment, though, since it's coming from you.

Now, back to your embroidery and laundry before someone notices you messing with the computer.

Don't you have some flies in need of dewinging...or another of your nasty little hobbies to keep you occupied?
Don't you have some flies in need of dewinging...or another of your nasty little hobbies to keep you occupied?

Not at the moment. I finished reloading ammo for next month and the stockpile earlier this morning and I'm waiting for my wife to finish making lunch before sitting down to do some light reading later this afternoon...... I'm working g my way through a book about how Pickett's Charge is likely the turning point in US History this far. Very good book.
At what point was the cop in imminent danger? Was it before the first shot? Maybe the second? I imagine the cop felt truly threatened after pumping four shots into this guy, so he figured he'd finish the ****** off with a couple extra to the head.
Don't you have some flies in need of dewinging...or another of your nasty little hobbies to keep you occupied?

Not at the moment. I finished reloading ammo for next month and the stockpile earlier this morning and I'm waiting for my wife to finish making lunch before sitting down to do some light reading later this afternoon...... I'm working g my way through a book about how Pickett's Charge is likely the turning point in US History this far. Very good book.

I call shenanigans. You left out the bit about tormenting someone in your daily circle.

Oh brother. Yes, Peach you are wonderful

Yeah, and? All not murder

Yes, an array of possibilities, including justifiable homicide.

Unfortunately, we see one instance after another of "justifiable homicide" as one cop after another outright murders unarmed citizens, usually black. If I feel threatened by a cop, do I have the right to shoot him six times making sure that he is dead? Can I then say I felt threatened and walk away with no consequences? Cops are above the law, and that is the real problem.
At what point was the cop in imminent danger? Was it before the first shot? Maybe the second? I imagine the cop felt truly threatened after pumping four shots into this guy, so he figured he'd finish the ****** off with a couple extra to the head.

If the guy keeps coming, you keep shooting. One of the videos has witnesses in the background saying that Michael Brown kept running at the officer.
I call shenanigans. You left out the bit about tormenting someone in your daily circle.

Interesting you should say something about that. I just got word from my wife that we are expecting her sister's 4 children later when their mother goes to visit a friend at the hospital. They don't like it here because I actually expect them to behave and have no qualms about enforcing the rules of the house.

Guess you must be precognitive.
It does appear he gunned down a non-threatening man when he could have chosen to defuse the situation instead. Nor did he have to shoot him 6+ times, including a kill shot.

The cop panicked in a non-threatening situation or he simply decided to murder a man.

Right now though, he's enjoying a nice long paid vacation.
All feral negros are dangerous.
At what point was the cop in imminent danger? Was it before the first shot? Maybe the second? I imagine the cop felt truly threatened after pumping four shots into this guy, so he figured he'd finish the ****** off with a couple extra to the head.

It would be helpful to you guys if you actually knew something about combat and the dynamics and biology involved...when and if that kid charged that cop the cop was in his right to shoot...the thug was 292 pounds, and 6'4" tall and had already shown that he had no fear of law enforcement or the rule of law when he attacked the police officer at the car...

also there were two of them vs. one officer...the officer who had been hit in the head...

6 shots in 35 ft is not only possible but justified...if you understand combat and the dynamics involved and the biology involved....but let me guess...you know everything you know about fighting from x-box, play station and the movies...right?
I only voted "no", because there was no "HELL NO!" option.

The assertion that Brown was murdered is absurd on its face. Brown attacked that officer, aside from that being a felony of the 1st order, had the officer been a private citizen, who had simply asked Brown to get off the street and Brown had reacted the same way, that private citizen would have been perfectly justified in defending his life and health from attack by Brown, through the effective use of his weapon. PERIOD!

And that is without regard to ANY state of federal law relevant to the ownership and use of a firearm.

On that day, at that moment, Brown deserved to be killed. He earned it and he got exactly what he earned.
Which is to say:

Justice, was served.
It's unclear as of yet, but no, I don't believe the cop murdered brown. I believe he was justified in shooting him.
It does appear he gunned down a non-threatening man when he could have chosen to defuse the situation instead. Nor did he have to shoot him 6+ times, including a kill shot.

No it doesn't - it doesn't look that way at all.

What a stupid claim for you to make at this stage, Pillowbite.

The cop panicked in a non-threatening situation or he simply decided to murder a man.

Right now though, he's enjoying a nice long paid vacation.

Clearly, you just make shit up. The evidence seen so far demonstrates that Brown violently attacked the police and was shot in clear self-defense. NOTHING supports your idiotic version of events.

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