(POLL) Do YOU believe the cop murdered Brown?

Do you "believe" the cop is guilty of murder?

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The only known facts so far are:

Brown is dead
The cop shot him
He was shot in the front, not the back

I answered "I don't know" because right now emotion is ruling over analytic thought.

Yes, the evidence is not yet public, so there is not only the presumption of innocence, there is no indication of a crime having been committed, yet.
Murder is a legal term for an unlawful killing. According to Missouri law everything the officer claims to have done results in a justified shooting and killing, ergo, not murder.

Should have been killed? ...Yes, yes he should. You assault a cop you should be strapped to a table and skinned alive slowly with a dull carrot peeler.


The cop had a right to defend himself. In this case it appears that is what the cop did.

But the idea that cops are more valuable than the peasants is offensive. I object to a police state and object to giving rights to the police that are above those given to others. A man who shoots a cop is no different than a man who shoots any other man. The incident must be judged on it's merits. IF the cop was engaged in corruption and crime - as is the case with most cops, then a peasant defending themself is justified.
The Force runs strong in my family. My grandfather was a cop, some second cousins are cops, and an ancestor was Pat Garett (supposedly shot Billy the Kid, seems to be some question about that though.)

I hope you broke the mold and opted for honest employment.

Pat Garrett...Afraid to face the kid so he hid in shadows and ambushed him...
A large area in between "Brown should have been skinned alive", and "Brown was murdered."

Oh brother. Yes, Peach you are wonderful

Such as error, 3rd party actions, manslaughter, excessive force, involuntary manslaughter. etc. Also, state laws are termed Codes, or Statutes. Laws are interrpreted by COURTS that hand down case law.

Yeah, and? All not murder
I just do not believe that this police officer shot this hoodlum without provocation. The officer was injured and required medical treatment! How did the officer get injured?

I would expect the race warlords like Sharpton and Jackson to get involved in this situation, but for Obama to get involved in a LOCAL POLICE MATTER is ridiculous. It is the Governor of Missouri's responsibility to decide what actions to take in this situation. The federal government needs to BUTT OUT!

Obama and his weasel AG Eric Holder are playing the race card to the hilt, which is doing nothing more than sanctioning the riots and violence that are going on in Ferguson.

Nothing new from Obama. He is the most DEVISIVE President since Lincoln.
Liberals afraid to vote? They have outlandish opinions they can't wait to share in every other thread but can't vote? What gives?
I just do not believe that this police officer shot this hoodlum without provocation. The officer was injured and required medical treatment! How did the officer get injured?

I would expect the race warlords like Sharpton and Jackson to get involved in this situation, but for Obama to get involved in a LOCAL POLICE MATTER is ridiculous. It is the Governor of Missouri's responsibility to decide what actions to take in this situation. The federal government needs to BUTT OUT!

Obama and his weasel AG Eric Holder are playing the race card to the hilt, which is doing nothing more than sanctioning the riots and violence that are going on in Ferguson.

Nothing new from Obama. He is the most DEVISIVE President since Lincoln.

No injuries in the video, but recent hits can take time to swell I guess, and of course his adrenaline was high.
I'm going with innocent until proven guilty. I have seen no proof of murder. There are too many busybodies who WANTED this to be a bad cop gunning down an innocent black kid in the back, who became angry (instead of relieved) when that turns out to be false, who went out of their way to go to Fergusun to stir shit.

Originally, I suspected it was adrenaline fueled overreaction. After what evidence is available has been made public, I am starting to lean towards "justified." That is just gut feeling on available evidence and subject to change with the next scrap of evidence released.
No. Criminals are animals and you can't murder animals.

This is one of your more repugnant comments, which is really saying something considering the overall despicable nature of your posting history.
This is one of your more repugnant comments, which is really saying something considering the overall despicable nature of your posting history.

Nice emotional response. I see no actual factual response to the substance of the post.

Those who cannot bother to follow the LAW do not deserve to continue having resources wasted on them.
Murder is a legal term for an unlawful killing. According to Missouri law everything the officer claims to have done results in a justified shooting and killing, ergo, not murder.

Should have been killed? ...Yes, yes he should. You assault a cop you should be strapped to a table and skinned alive slowly with a dull carrot peeler.

You are my hero.
I can't say at this point, GMU, but what I can say if he did it would be a rare isolated event, not symbolic of some widespread injustice perpetrated against blacks in this country, like many would want you to believe.

I'm just the opposite. The evidence indicates that the cop was justified in this shooting. BUT the police in general are violent and corrupt, with little restraint. Though violent crime is down 40% since the 60's - police shooting people has increased exponentially. I see the police as just one more violent street gang.

Only a small minority of cops are genuinely corrupt. The other are forced by law to take occasional short cuts.
The Force runs strong in my family. My grandfather was a cop, some second cousins are cops, and an ancestor was Pat Garett (supposedly shot Billy the Kid, seems to be some question about that though.)

I hope you broke the mold and opted for honest employment.

Pat Garrett...Afraid to face the kid so he hid in shadows and ambushed him...

Not one of law enforcements finest moments.

But on the whole, cops are among our best and finest people.
I just do not believe that this police officer shot this hoodlum without provocation. The officer was injured and required medical treatment! How did the officer get injured?

I would expect the race warlords like Sharpton and Jackson to get involved in this situation, but for Obama to get involved in a LOCAL POLICE MATTER is ridiculous. It is the Governor of Missouri's responsibility to decide what actions to take in this situation. The federal government needs to BUTT OUT!

Obama and his weasel AG Eric Holder are playing the race card to the hilt, which is doing nothing more than sanctioning the riots and violence that are going on in Ferguson.

Nothing new from Obama. He is the most DEVISIVE President since Lincoln.

No injuries in the video, but recent hits can take time to swell I guess, and of course his adrenaline was high.

I had a serious fracture once to the right elbow....could not tell by looking at it minutes after injury BUT within 30 minutes swelling set in.

I believe the cop was doing his job. He is innocent. Just what I believe
This is one of your more repugnant comments, which is really saying something considering the overall despicable nature of your posting history.

Nice emotional response. I see no actual factual response to the substance of the post.

Those who cannot bother to follow the LAW do not deserve to continue having resources wasted on them.

You are a vile moron.

'Nuff said.

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