POLL: Do you look at our politics as WAR?

Is Left vs. Right a "War" to you?

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I worked my way up from chump wages to the top 3%.
Does that give you an idea why I dont vote democrat?
Under clintons 8 years and obama's 8 you were poor? Only did well under GWB ? Really?

I've always made more money during Conservative rule.
Be it through stocks,401k and wages.
But I havent been what I consider "poor" since I was 23 which of course was in spite of democrats and due to hard work.
Truth be told I've done well under all presidents except maybe carter AND have done the best with Trump BUT I despise him, a low life liar, a bully If I voted for him I couldn't live with myself

In spite of his short comings which are mainly liberal complaints I can honestly say liberals can fuck themselves with no compunction.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
He kept the flag raised for a hero ?? This POS that talks about vets so lovingly?
Under clintons 8 years and obama's 8 you were poor? Only did well under GWB ? Really?

I've always made more money during Conservative rule.
Be it through stocks,401k and wages.
But I havent been what I consider "poor" since I was 23 which of course was in spite of democrats and due to hard work.
Truth be told I've done well under all presidents except maybe carter AND have done the best with Trump BUT I despise him, a low life liar, a bully If I voted for him I couldn't live with myself

In spite of his short comings which are mainly liberal complaints I can honestly say liberals can fuck themselves with no compunction.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
I don't I hate the cops who shoot them in the back
I've always made more money during Conservative rule.
Be it through stocks,401k and wages.
But I havent been what I consider "poor" since I was 23 which of course was in spite of democrats and due to hard work.
Truth be told I've done well under all presidents except maybe carter AND have done the best with Trump BUT I despise him, a low life liar, a bully If I voted for him I couldn't live with myself

In spite of his short comings which are mainly liberal complaints I can honestly say liberals can fuck themselves with no compunction.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
I don't I hate the cops who shoot them in the back

Aaaaah....so ya want em on the plantation instead of working.
Truth be told I've done well under all presidents except maybe carter AND have done the best with Trump BUT I despise him, a low life liar, a bully If I voted for him I couldn't live with myself

In spite of his short comings which are mainly liberal complaints I can honestly say liberals can fuck themselves with no compunction.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
I don't I hate the cops who shoot them in the back

Aaaaah....so ya want em on the plantation instead of working.
My name isnt trump or McConnell
In spite of his short comings which are mainly liberal complaints I can honestly say liberals can fuck themselves with no compunction.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
I don't I hate the cops who shoot them in the back

Aaaaah....so ya want em on the plantation instead of working.
My name isnt trump or McConnell

So who has delivered the best black employment history ever?
This is full blown war...period!
The Left / Democrats are a major threat to our Democracy and to GOOD, REAL Americans on many levels. Nobody decent wants anything to do with Lefties, let alone ‘make deals’ through overrated bipartisanship theatrics....The Left are warped minded, disgusting human beings...all of them.
Trump has energized a new age Republican...where the old school evangelicals would allow the Left to bully them, this ‘new’ Republican is punching Lefties square in the mouth and the pukes don’t know how to act so they stand their pissing themselves and screaming at the sky.
It’s fascinating and entertaining....I hope the divide continues to grow...embrace it.


Your posts are only good for refining one’s proofreading skills.
Brokeloser is a troll, nothing else. Plus, he is most assuredly a liberal. Pretends to be an addle minded fucktard con simply to engender ill feelings towards true cons
I fat-fingerred the poll, and accidentally voted “Democrat -YES” when my answer is unequivocally “Democrat - NO.” Amd I cannot seem to find a way to change it.

I prefer cooperation and compromise. Those are adult qualities.
You don't compromise and cooperate with the enemy! PERIOD. The leftists policies are aimed at flooding America with nonwhites and the destruction and annihilation of whites.

Exactly! I’m a one-issue voter!

Make America non-white again!
If you vote democrat whether you realize it or not that's EXACTLY what their goal is,so by voting democrat yes you are helping them accomplish that.

Great! I’m happy to do my part!

Me too.
Likewise with dotarded crackers

Why do you hate brown and black people?
I don't I hate the cops who shoot them in the back

Aaaaah....so ya want em on the plantation instead of working.
My name isnt trump or McConnell

So who has delivered the best black employment history ever?
Trump SAYs he has but 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains by obama helped
This is full blown war...period!
The Left / Democrats are a major threat to our Democracy and to GOOD, REAL Americans on many levels. Nobody decent wants anything to do with Lefties, let alone ‘make deals’ through overrated bipartisanship theatrics....The Left are warped minded, disgusting human beings...all of them.
Trump has energized a new age Republican...where the old school evangelicals would allow the Left to bully them, this ‘new’ Republican is punching Lefties square in the mouth and the pukes don’t know how to act so they stand their pissing themselves and screaming at the sky.
It’s fascinating and entertaining....I hope the divide continues to grow...embrace it.


Your posts are only good for refining one’s proofreading skills.
Brokeloser is a troll, nothing else. Plus, he is most assuredly a liberal. Pretends to be an addle minded fucktard con simply to engender ill feelings towards true cons

Link us to a single post of mine that might lead anyone sane to believe I’m a disgusting Liberal. Thanks in advance.
This is full blown war...period!
The Left / Democrats are a major threat to our Democracy and to GOOD, REAL Americans on many levels. Nobody decent wants anything to do with Lefties, let alone ‘make deals’ through overrated bipartisanship theatrics....The Left are warped minded, disgusting human beings...all of them.
Trump has energized a new age Republican...where the old school evangelicals would allow the Left to bully them, this ‘new’ Republican is punching Lefties square in the mouth and the pukes don’t know how to act so they stand their pissing themselves and screaming at the sky.
It’s fascinating and entertaining....I hope the divide continues to grow...embrace it.


Your posts are only good for refining one’s proofreading skills.
Brokeloser is a troll, nothing else. Plus, he is most assuredly a liberal. Pretends to be an addle minded fucktard con simply to engender ill feelings towards true cons

Well, he’s good at it, then!

But I have to take people at face value.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

It's a war of extremism. Ideology vs. ideology. It's always been this way in this country, but I believe the media/internet has fueled the fire to concerning levels.

If you watch the PBS Documentary “The Civil War” by Ken Burns and the quotations from the soldiers, you’ll find that the same rhetoric from 1864 is being issued here; 154 years later. The Internet has simply given a bullhorn to people and the added incentive to be as big an asshat as possible since there is anonymity available as a cloak.

What is more destructive than the shouting is that the trust is gone. If you want a tragedy from the last 20 years of political discourse, it’s the death of trust; not the onslaught of partisanship that some fools think was not there in 1984 or whenever. The “New Deal” in the 30’s was called the “Jew” Deal. Had the Internet and message boards been around at the time, it would look very similar to what we have now.

Trust is the key casualty. The good news is that most political careers are actually pretty short and the President is term limited and often comes from the legislative branch… trust can be repaired.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

It's a war of extremism. Ideology vs. ideology. It's always been this way in this country, but I believe the media/internet has fueled the fire to concerning levels.

If you watch the PBS Documentary “The Civil War” by Ken Burns and the quotations from the soldiers, you’ll find that the same rhetoric from 1864 is being issued here; 154 years later. The Internet has simply given a bullhorn to people and the added incentive to be as big an asshat as possible since there is anonymity available as a cloak.

What is more destructive than the shouting is that the trust is gone. If you want a tragedy from the last 20 years of political discourse, it’s the death of trust; not the onslaught of partisanship that some fools think was not there in 1984 or whenever. The “New Deal” in the 30’s was called the “Jew” Deal. Had the Internet and message boards been around at the time, it would look very similar to what we have now.

Trust is the key casualty. The good news is that most political careers are actually pretty short and the President is term limited and often comes from the legislative branch… trust can be repaired.
'I don't think trust can be repaired There are far too many slimebags out there that follow trump wherever he goes They are and will remain a blight upon our country jimho
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

It's a war of extremism. Ideology vs. ideology. It's always been this way in this country, but I believe the media/internet has fueled the fire to concerning levels.

If you watch the PBS Documentary “The Civil War” by Ken Burns and the quotations from the soldiers, you’ll find that the same rhetoric from 1864 is being issued here; 154 years later. The Internet has simply given a bullhorn to people and the added incentive to be as big an asshat as possible since there is anonymity available as a cloak.

What is more destructive than the shouting is that the trust is gone. If you want a tragedy from the last 20 years of political discourse, it’s the death of trust; not the onslaught of partisanship that some fools think was not there in 1984 or whenever. The “New Deal” in the 30’s was called the “Jew” Deal. Had the Internet and message boards been around at the time, it would look very similar to what we have now.

Trust is the key casualty. The good news is that most political careers are actually pretty short and the President is term limited and often comes from the legislative branch… trust can be repaired.
'I don't think trust can be repaired There are far too many slimebags out there that follow trump wherever he goes They are and will remain a blight upon our country jimho

Trust is tied to people more than anything else if you’re talking about people who are not afraid to think, to consider, who are alive above the shoulders. It takes time but it can be repaired. JIMHO as well.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

It's a war of extremism. Ideology vs. ideology. It's always been this way in this country, but I believe the media/internet has fueled the fire to concerning levels.

If you watch the PBS Documentary “The Civil War” by Ken Burns and the quotations from the soldiers, you’ll find that the same rhetoric from 1864 is being issued here; 154 years later. The Internet has simply given a bullhorn to people and the added incentive to be as big an asshat as possible since there is anonymity available as a cloak.

What is more destructive than the shouting is that the trust is gone. If you want a tragedy from the last 20 years of political discourse, it’s the death of trust; not the onslaught of partisanship that some fools think was not there in 1984 or whenever. The “New Deal” in the 30’s was called the “Jew” Deal. Had the Internet and message boards been around at the time, it would look very similar to what we have now.

Trust is the key casualty. The good news is that most political careers are actually pretty short and the President is term limited and often comes from the legislative branch… trust can be repaired.

You people are paranoid....you’re scared shitless of the NEW Republican Party aren’t you?
IMO Anyone voting for democrats is absolutely voting against their own best economic interests. As to the electoral college, whine as you please, but Hillary had ample time to read the rules of the game before she played. It doesn't matter how many illegal alien and dead people votes you get if you don't make sure to get them in the right states.

Well, yeah, let's give white redneck assholes in the empty states extra votes.. that will work.

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