POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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It's not worth sending any of our children or husbands off to die in a war with Iran... just like with Iraq, it will always be a disturbed hornets nest, and the end, will NOT justify it....there is no rosy ending where ''we all live happily ever after'' in the Middle East....it's a never ending war and conflict there, which we also will never understand....imo
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

That diseased, cancerous regime should have been obliterated YEARS ago; peace is simply impossible in the mideast as long as it exists.

And to the low IQ, bottom-feeding leftist trash, I would GLADLY volunteer to be on the first plane landing in teheran and shooting IRG. What I would give to be able to put a bullet in khameini, rouhani, and several other iranian dogs' heads...
heck , steps shoulda been taken months ago with iran buzzing US Navy ships and the capture of American sailors a year or 2 ago . I don't WANT war but if iran keeps messing around some actions should be taken imo !!

iran is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of american troops in iraq, plus thousands more severely wounded.

iran had killed or injured more americans than any nation the US was not at war with - they are long overdue to be utterly crushed, with their terrorist proxy armies hezbollah and hamas destroyed at the same time.
make all the war hawks grab an M60, a 1000 round can, and drop their ass off in the middle of downtown Kandahar, and their mouth drys up real f'n fast

Good pretend argument, shit for brains. Next time you complain about crime, go join the police force, or if you hit a pothole - join a street work crew.

When you have an argument that is above the second grade level, please let us know.

BTW, kandahar is not in iran, dimwit.
Sadly, the US Government sold our soul to the Saudi Devil a long time ago. Saudi Arabia has committed some horrific atrocities in Yemen. I'm ashamed we call that country a 'Good Friend.'

It was iran who overthrew a democratically elected government in Yemen, and it is iran who has been sending massive amounts of arms to the Houthi rebels, who have used some of them against american ships in the region.
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Because it seems we have to borrow money from China to give to Israel. We cannot afford to keep funding Israel's military along with our own.Let Israel borrow the money from China for their own defense.

The US pisses away over $100 BILLION each year on fucking illegal alien benefits and services, plus their remittances back to their illiterate, degenerate, inbred family members back in oaxaca. Stop that - and you can easily cover the US military R&D project that is the IDF.
Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

So then why didn't they call for new elections? Oh that's right - most Yemeni did want that leader.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

SA is not going to allow an iranian proxy terrorist army on its border, no sane country would. The SA forces will cease their attacks when the iran poodles/stooges return to iran.
If you're not willing to send your own children to die, than don't be a Warmonger.

It's a VOLUNTARY army - no one was drafted into it. Second, it's the fucking army, not the boy scouts; if those joining had no thought that they might ever get called upon to actually fight, then they should have joined the peace corps or taught high school social studies.
If you're not willing to send your own children to die, than don't be a Warmonger.

It's a VOLUNTARY army - no one was drafted into it. Second, it's the fucking army, not the boy scouts; if those joining had no thought that they might ever get called upon to actually fight, then they should have joined the peace corps or taught high school social studies.
Don't stop yet!

Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

Has the Comrade declared war on Iran--or are you assuming he's going to in the near future? How many WARS do you think we can afford?

Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

If they start something by attacking us, then we should absolutely kick their ass. Otherwise, no, we shouldn't start anything.

Why do you think an attack is imminent? We can tell them to go to hell without starting anything.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
An attack is not imminent. There will be no war on Iran.

the WORLD has already been attacked by IRAN-------Hezbollah implants are active MULTIFOCALLY and have wrecked havoc in Yemen. Anyone interested ------talk to a YEMENI in the USA
Nobody needs to like the Houties but they are the only Yemeni faction besides the army in this conflict. You are siding with the Burka-Saudis, that´s far, far, worse, Houtis aren´t terrorist. Iran sends humanitarian aid. Hezbollah has no role there. Trump bombs "Al-Qaeda on the Arabian peninsula".

Who stops the Saudi Terror Airforce? (shockingly graphic)

for very accurate information -----ask a YEMENI-----my source still has family in

Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
An attack is not imminent. There will be no war on Iran.

the WORLD has already been attacked by IRAN-------Hezbollah implants are active MULTIFOCALLY and have wrecked havoc in Yemen. Anyone interested ------talk to a YEMENI in the USA

Actually, it's Saudi Arabia who's committing horrific atrocities in Yemen. That's what most human rights groups are saying. Wonder if the UN will impose sanctions on em? I doubt it. The US/West owns the UN and the International Court System. Saudi Arabia is free to butcher as many civilians as it wants.

Saudi Arabia is RESPONDING to attacks from SHIITE SHIT----at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia------Saudi Arabia has no DESIGNS on Yemen----none at all---FOR IRAN YEMEN IS THE PATH TO THE BIG BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA

Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

how do you know? you got it from the Teheran Times? Iranian armed Houthis have been on a murder spree in Yemen for more than a decade.----
their attacks in concert with Iranian Hezbollah implants have consisted of
fairly limited skirmishes at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----their objective is actually the SAME as that of your all time fave ISIS and even Al Queida----ie GRAB THE GIANT TURD IN THE SANDS OF MECCA------

try to cope---their are SEVERAL FACTIONS ----the MOST NEFARIOUS being
the dogs and pigs allied with Iran. Iran is trying to "SAVE" Yemen like your
best pal ADOLF went to Austria to SAVE the Austrians
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
An attack is not imminent. There will be no war on Iran.

the WORLD has already been attacked by IRAN-------Hezbollah implants are active MULTIFOCALLY and have wrecked havoc in Yemen. Anyone interested ------talk to a YEMENI in the USA
Nobody needs to like the Houties but they are the only Yemeni faction besides the army in this conflict. You are siding with the Burka-Saudis, that´s far, far, worse, Houtis aren´t terrorist. Iran sends humanitarian aid. Hezbollah has no role there. Trump bombs "Al-Qaeda on the Arabian peninsula".

Who stops the Saudi Terror Airforce? (shockingly graphic)

for those confused------Capt Blei is still shilling for the Iranian "ANGELS"----
Houtis is the guys with the IRANIAN MACHINE GUNS AND THE BOMBS----
they have been flooding the gutters of Yemen with blood for more than a decade for the glory of the Little Bastard in the well in Qom
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

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