POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Iran's Muslim neighbors and peers, and most of Europe, lack the balls to go to war over the Iranian situation.

If war is coming, it will be the US on its own, against the Iranians, and whomever lines up behind them.

I seriously doubt that either Russia or China will wish to actually go to war over a pissant Muslim shithole like Iran, but one never knows.

I have no solid evidence to back this up, but my intuition tells me that the Russians are already badly over-extended and remain very ill-prepared, while the Chinese lack the ability to project power that far without grave risk to their eastern and southern flanks.

Shooting will probably break out, the next time the Iranians phukk with a Western naval vessel, but, if war comes over that, it will probably be a brief, undeclared, coastal thing, with a few air warfare sorties into their interior, but nothing decisive nor sustained, and the whole thing would probably peter-out within a fortnight or two...
The proper thing to do is let the IAF practice their bombing techniques on Iran's nuke facilities with their bunker busters. We've been holding them back for too damn long.

Remember this?

It ain't a game, folks.
Again, it is none of our business what Israel does. That is there business and the repercussions are theirs alone. The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world.
Define War.
Should we send troops into Iran and try to conquer the country? No.
How about a few fly over and MOAB's.
Precision strike attacks of the stuff they shouldn't be doing. And an obliteration of their air power. YES!

yes----NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND ------no terrorism, no rape, no oppression, no girls with bombs on their asses----NOT THE ISLAMIC WAY------and they can keep their filthy "religion"
The proper thing to do is let the IAF practice their bombing techniques on Iran's nuke facilities with their bunker busters. We've been holding them back for too damn long.

Remember this?

It ain't a game, folks.
Again, it is none of our business what Israel does. That is there business and the repercussions are theirs alone. The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world.
US should cut aid to most countries in the Mideast except Israel. Israel is the catalyst in the turmoil there. Iran's last missile had "Israel Must Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth" painted on it. Isil/Isis means business and they are not playin games.
The proper thing to do is let the IAF practice their bombing techniques on Iran's nuke facilities with their bunker busters. We've been holding them back for too damn long.

Remember this?

It ain't a game, folks.
Again, it is none of our business what Israel does. That is there business and the repercussions are theirs alone. The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world.
US should cut aid to most countries in the Mideast except Israel. Israel is the catalyst in the turmoil there. Iran's last missile had "Israel Must Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth" painted on it. Isil/Isis means business and they are not playin games.
Like I said "The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world."
No Exceptions! What do you not understand?
The proper thing to do is let the IAF practice their bombing techniques on Iran's nuke facilities with their bunker busters. We've been holding them back for too damn long.

Remember this?

It ain't a game, folks.
Again, it is none of our business what Israel does. That is there business and the repercussions are theirs alone. The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world.
US should cut aid to most countries in the Mideast except Israel. Israel is the catalyst in the turmoil there. Iran's last missile had "Israel Must Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth" painted on it. Isil/Isis means business and they are not playin games.
Like I said "The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world."
No Exceptions! What do you not understand?
I don't understand why you don't understand. Defunding Israel is akin to defunding the US Marines. Israel is our first line of defense in the Mideast.
The proper thing to do is let the IAF practice their bombing techniques on Iran's nuke facilities with their bunker busters. We've been holding them back for too damn long.

Remember this?

It ain't a game, folks.
Again, it is none of our business what Israel does. That is there business and the repercussions are theirs alone. The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world.
US should cut aid to most countries in the Mideast except Israel. Israel is the catalyst in the turmoil there. Iran's last missile had "Israel Must Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth" painted on it. Isil/Isis means business and they are not playin games.
Like I said "The US should step back and cut all aid to all countries in that section of the world."
No Exceptions! What do you not understand?
I don't understand why you don't understand. Defunding Israel is akin to defunding the US Marines. Israel is our first line of defense in the Mideast.
Because it seems we have to borrow money from China to give to Israel. We cannot afford to keep funding Israel's military along with our own.Let Israel borrow the money from China for their own defense.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

If Europeans had a brain in their heads, they would militarily stop Iran's nuclear and missile programs as they are under far more dire threat from them than we are. And if they did, I would logistically support them.

However, fight the war for them? Then they stab us in the back? Pass
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
An attack is not imminent. There will be no war on Iran.

the WORLD has already been attacked by IRAN-------Hezbollah implants are active MULTIFOCALLY and have wrecked havoc in Yemen. Anyone interested ------talk to a YEMENI in the USA
Nobody needs to like the Houties but they are the only Yemeni faction besides the army in this conflict. You are siding with the Burka-Saudis, that´s far, far, worse, Houtis aren´t terrorist. Iran sends humanitarian aid. Hezbollah has no role there. Trump bombs "Al-Qaeda on the Arabian peninsula".

Who stops the Saudi Terror Airforce? (shockingly graphic)

for very accurate information -----ask a YEMENI-----my source still has family in

Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
An attack is not imminent. There will be no war on Iran.

the WORLD has already been attacked by IRAN-------Hezbollah implants are active MULTIFOCALLY and have wrecked havoc in Yemen. Anyone interested ------talk to a YEMENI in the USA

Actually, it's Saudi Arabia who's committing horrific atrocities in Yemen. That's what most human rights groups are saying. Wonder if the UN will impose sanctions on em? I doubt it. The US/West owns the UN and the International Court System. Saudi Arabia is free to butcher as many civilians as it wants.

Saudi Arabia is RESPONDING to attacks from SHIITE SHIT----at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia------Saudi Arabia has no DESIGNS on Yemen----none at all---FOR IRAN YEMEN IS THE PATH TO THE BIG BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA

Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.
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Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

If Europeans had a brain in their heads, they would militarily stop Iran's nuclear and missile programs as they are under far more dire threat from them than we are. And if they did, I would logistically support them.

However, fight the war for them? Then they stab us in the back? Pass

Europeans are wiser than us in many ways. Those nations have been around a lot longer. They'll sit back and watch the US spend all its blood & treasure on numerous bloody wars. They'll contribute in a minor token fashion. They'll spend very little of their own blood & treasure on the wars. That's America's job.
no of course not.... world war 3 is not my desire at all!

And if we go to war with anyone, THIS TIME we better damn well have Congress do their jobs, and DECLARE WAR with 2/3rds of CONGRESS/SENATE voting yes....

If we don't follow the Constitution with a DECLARATION and 2/3's

then civil war will break out in our own Nation, as divided we are.....

going to WAR should be the last resort, in all situations, and 2/3's of the Nation should be willing to sacrifice their own son or daughter, father, brother, sister etc's blood, limb, or life...before committing.

Sorry! That is not how it works.
no of course not.... world war 3 is not my desire at all!

And if we go to war with anyone, THIS TIME we better damn well have Congress do their jobs, and DECLARE WAR with 2/3rds of CONGRESS/SENATE voting yes....

If we don't follow the Constitution with a DECLARATION and 2/3's

then civil war will break out in our own Nation, as divided we are.....

going to WAR should be the last resort, in all situations, and 2/3's of the Nation should be willing to sacrifice their own son or daughter, father, brother, sister etc's blood, limb, or life...before committing.

Spot On. It would be nice if we got back to official declarations of war. It serves an invaluable function. Not to mention, it's what our Founding Fathers wanted. Buy you hit on some other good points too. If you're not willing to send your own children to die, than don't be a Warmonger.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I support no war in the middle east for any reason whats so ever.
What happens over there is no concern of ours.

You should never use phrases you do not understand how to spell whatsoever!
Never figured you for a grammar nazi, Since you showed your true coolrs, just fuck off

Oh, come on! You didn't like how I structured that reply?

BTW, I don't have any coolrs, true or otherwise!
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.
Then it would be too late.
I support no war in the middle east for any reason whats so ever.
What happens over there is no concern of ours.

You should never use phrases you do not understand how to spell whatsoever!
Never figured you for a grammar nazi, Since you showed your true coolrs, just fuck off

Oh, come on! You didn't like how I structured that reply?

BTW, I don't have any coolrs, true or otherwise!

Spelling posts are lame
SUPPORT war with iran , sure , if the USA decides to go to war with iran , sure . And war with China and Russia if they decide to get involved , so yes , sure !!
We will need the draft to be re-implemented of we go to war with Iran, russia and china.

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