POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Nobody should want war. We all know what war means: pain, destruction, economic crisis and then rebuilding a devasted country. :(
The best thing is always say no to war (with some exceptions of course) ;)
In this case if the USA will make war against Iran I'm pretty sure Russia and maybe China won't be happy...and this situation could cause a world war (maybe a nuclear war, who knows). :frown:
Why don't they talk each other: USA, Iran, Russia and China could meet and talk and maybe find a satisfying agreement for all of them :)

yes---that would be nice------you could bake the cookies. I got some information for you-------China and Iran and Russia are not happy right now-------China and Russia and Iran are eager to GROW in power and
control------they want the MAIN WATER WAYS in the Atlantic and the Pacific-------take a look at the
Taking some of the posts here for an example, it is dubious who has the high moral ground.
Nobody should want war. We all know what war means: pain, destruction, economic crisis and then rebuilding a devasted country. :(
The best thing is always say no to war (with some exceptions of course) ;)
In this case if the USA will make war against Iran I'm pretty sure Russia and maybe China won't be happy...and this situation could cause a world war (maybe a nuclear war, who knows). :frown:
Why don't they talk each other: USA, Iran, Russia and China could meet and talk and maybe find a satisfying agreement for all of them :)

yes---that would be nice------you could bake the cookies. I got some information for you-------China and Iran and Russia are not happy right now-------China and Russia and Iran are eager to GROW in power and
control------they want the MAIN WATER WAYS in the Atlantic and the Pacific-------take a look at the
That's why I said they should sign a good agreement. So everybody would be happy and all the world would be more safe ;)
Taking some of the posts here for an example, it is dubious who has the high moral ground.
How does the expressed opinions of some well informed people, plus trolls, idiots and ignoramuses even remotely change or affect the actual moral arguments involved in this issue?

Morality is not a democratically defined system, dude.
What the Ayatollahs are preaching is no more hateful than the inhuman interjections of many here.
Absolutely rejecting the history of the situation assures further error. Working England's and the oil interests' will in 1953 (an operation the C.I.A. acknowledges doing) got us here. The illegal invasion of Iraq got us here. Encouraging Saddam to attack Iran got us here.
The worst form of government in my mind is a theocracy. Next is idiocy.
Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.
Iran is different in that many of its ruling class think that they can get a Messianic figure to return to Earth if they cause enough trouble, such as starting a nuclear war.

So Mutually Assured Destruction does not really work with many of these Messianic types and they could conceivably push a crisis into nuclear war. The problem is that these messianic followers are a secretive bunch and the more responsible leadership never knows who is and is not one of them.

Also Iran's current clerical leadership has expressed a desire to utterly destroy Israel many times as a Jihadi goal that they seem to think would justify any blowback that they got for doing so.

Thirdly, Iran is an implacable US enemy that refuses to engage in mutually responsible discussions, and even North Korea claims it is willing to sit down and have discussions.

Iran will only discuss issues with us if they see a clear advantage to doing so, such as us releasing hundreds of billions of USD back to them without any simultaneous moves required on their part, other than releasing captives they have snatched.

Iran is a barbaric regime in many respects and they are not, under their current clerical regime, a faithful negotiating partner.

IF Iran gets a nuke, we should immediately bomb them back into the stone age.

Iran----at the moment---is PIXILATED------the Iranian people have a POTENTIAL
for being a decent society----------75 years ago the JAPANESE were pixilated-----they
are picking up------sorta
Interesting, that's how many in Iran view US leaders. The US has been meddling in their nation, and many others, for many years. The Iranian Revolution wouldn't have happened if the US hadn't taken out its Democratically-elected leader years before. The US installing a brutal Dictator in his place, is what led to Revolution.

You are spouting the iran propaganda like a good paid-for tool:

1) Mossadegh wasn't elected PM, he was appointed by the shah WHO WAS ALREADY IN POWER

2) mossadegh was removed when he tried to take the constitutionally-mandated power of the shah to conduct foreign affairs.

3) if you had a clue, you'd know that iran under the shah through the 1970s was a VASTLY more free, less murderous country than under the islamic filth since 1979. Ask any adult iranian over 50, they know the facts. The islamic scum running iran is responsble for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in iran, and millions beyond. That cancerous regime is the world's worst, by far.
Just giving you their perspective. They see it as a corrupt double standard. Israel, and probably Saudi Arabia, have nuclear weapons. And the US has actually used em in the past in Japan.

If you aren't on iran's payroll, I don't know who is.

There is no comparison between the US, Israel and a scumbag, murderous, terrorist dictatorship like iran, NONE. The latter is an unaccountable dictatorship that commits terrorism worldwide, and is running four arab nations interfering across the mideast.

What is interesting is how you demand SA get out of yemen, but not that iran GTFO of lebanon, iraq, bahrain, syria and gaza.
Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

So then why didn't they call for new elections? Oh that's right - most Yemeni did want that leader.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

SA is not going to allow an iranian proxy terrorist army on its border, no sane country would. The SA forces will cease their attacks when the iran poodles/stooges return to iran.

You're misinformed. Most Yemenis don't want the Saudi Puppet back in power. Even some Sunni groups in Yemen are trying to oust the Saudis. Some are working with the Houthis. Saudi Arabia should just stop the meddling. Saudis should go back to Saudi Arabia. They don't belong in Yemen.

yemen is very FRACTIONATED -----it is a tribal country To say that "MOST" do not want SALEH is
meaningless------MOST when added up--------from the many different tribes ---cannot find one person that would please a simple majority. A fact that you seem eager to ignore is that Yemen has been wracked
with civil war for more than 50 years. I have never met a single Yemeni in the USA who did not DESPISE the HOUTHIS (and Iranians). Of course they dislike the Saudis too--------and the Ethiopians and
the Sudanis and........and.......
Who supports overthrowing another nation's democratically elected government and then going to war with them years later because they don't like you?

Please, tell us who in iran has been "democratically" elected in the last 75 years, by all means. The armchair NYT readers are clearly out in force in this thread, with few facts but lots of nonsense...
Nobody should want war. We all know what war means: pain, destruction, economic crisis and then rebuilding a devasted country. :(
The best thing is always say no to war (with some exceptions of course) ;)
In this case if the USA will make war against Iran I'm pretty sure Russia and maybe China won't be happy...and this situation could cause a world war (maybe a nuclear war, who knows). :frown:
Why don't they talk each other: USA, Iran, Russia and China could meet and talk and maybe find a satisfying agreement for all of them :)

yes---that would be nice------you could bake the cookies. I got some information for you-------China and Iran and Russia are not happy right now-------China and Russia and Iran are eager to GROW in power and
control------they want the MAIN WATER WAYS in the Atlantic and the Pacific-------take a look at the
That's why I said they should sign a good agreement. So everybody would be happy and all the world would be more safe ;)

la la la I'd like to buy the world a coke.......la la perfect harmony.....la la la
Who supports overthrowing another nation's democratically elected government and then going to war with them years later because they don't like you?

Please, tell us who in iran has been "democratically" elected in the last 75 years, by all means. The armchair NYT readers are clearly out in force in this thread, with few facts but lots of nonsense...

It's a very old-------kinda mixed up story-------THE USA and "the west" did give some aid and comfort
to the MANY MANY MANY Iranians who wanted the Iranian "ROYAL FAMILY" back in power
What the Ayatollahs are preaching is no more hateful than the inhuman interjections of many here. Absolutely rejecting the history of the situation assures further error. Working England's and the oil interests' will in 1953 (an operation the C.I.A. acknowledges doing) got us here. The illegal invasion of Iraq got us here. Encouraging Saddam to attack Iran got us here.
The worst form of government in my mind is a theocracy. Next is idiocy.

Your comments show the typical leftist media drone with 1/2 the facts and story in each item you mention, but I'll just pick one: are you old enough to even remember what iran was doing/threatening in 1981 when the West encouraged and armed saddam to strike iran? Were you even born then?
more bullshit------Educated Iranians look back on the days of DA SHAH with nostalgia

People are so fucking lazy and studpid, its hilarious.

It would take someone 30 seconds to research it; just look at the photos of how women in iran dressed before and after 1979. Too many lazy people here.

My intereaction with Iranian ex-pats in the USA began in the late 1960s------I heard "our girls wear mini skirts shorter than yours" and-----all the time "OUR SHAH" <<< with extreme affection. I also heard
" THE FANATICS " <<<< that was the islamists.
Mohammad Mosaddegh[a] (Persian: محمد مصدق‎‎; IPA: [mohæmˈmæd(-e) mosædˈdeɣ] ( listen); 16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was an Iranian politician. He was the democratically elected[5][6][7] Prime Minister ofIran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d'état aided by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service.[8][9]

LOL, fucking hilarious. You missed this part, kiddie:

Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia

"On 28 April 1951, the Shah appointed Mossadegh as Prime Minister..."
Just giving you their perspective. They see it as a corrupt double standard. Israel, and probably Saudi Arabia, have nuclear weapons. And the US has actually used em in the past in Japan.

If you aren't on iran's payroll, I don't know who is.

There is no comparison between the US, Israel and a scumbag, murderous, terrorist dictatorship like iran, NONE. The latter is an unaccountable dictatorship that commits terrorism worldwide, and is running four arab nations interfering across the mideast.

What is interesting is how you demand SA get out of yemen, but not that iran GTFO of lebanon, iraq, bahrain, syria and gaza.

and yemen-------houthi machine guns and Hezbollah inplants

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