POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I don't believe you've won until your enemy is vanquished.

I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

Dani-----BLASPHEME NOT-----the aytoilets will get you-----now repeat after me ----
ADOLF PBUH-----and all that other crap you have to say when
you meantion one of your PROFFITS
dont be worry for me darling:biggrin: . iran have freedom of speech :afro:
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
taliban arent moslem
kkk arent christian
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
9/11 was mossad/CIA false flag
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I voted No.

That's no and no and no and no and....NO.

We're all tired of war, I think everyone should just sit down and have some nice Martini Cocktails and talk about Neoclassical architecture and 19th Century poetry, wouldn't that be nice? Yes it would be very nice.
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status

the strait of Hormuz is INTERNATIONAL and TREATY waters--------stay DA HELL out of civilized countries----odious. If the Iranian Shiite dogshit close the strait---that is an ACT OF WAR
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .

to DANI AND ODIOUS ----what if "FUNNY" about a reaction by the US to the Shiite shit of Iran -----were Iran to try to "close the strait of hormuz"?
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
When did Obama give nukes to Iran? We must have missed this
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
When did Obama give nukes to Iran? We must have missed this

he loosened the restraints of the ----"no nuke development for Iran" """"agreement"""
and he gave the Shiite shit a few billion BUCKS
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
When did Obama give nukes to Iran? We must have missed this

he loosened the restraints of the ----"no nuke development for Iran" """"agreement"""
and he gave the Shiite shit a few billion BUCKS
He gave the Iranians their own money back. Iran has done well to live up to the nuclear agreement, its worked out just fine
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .

to DANI AND ODIOUS ----what if "FUNNY" about a reaction by the US to the Shiite shit of Iran -----were Iran to try to "close the strait of hormuz"?
when iran try close the strait of hormuz ?
just many general said if usa attack to iran................
No surprise to see all the usual Israel Firster scum and the chicken hawks beating war drums
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .

to DANI AND ODIOUS ----what if "FUNNY" about a reaction by the US to the Shiite shit of Iran -----were Iran to try to "close the strait of hormuz"?
when iran try close the strait of hormuz ?
just many general said if usa attack to iran................

use search-----some Shiite shit schmucks made that threat
---------------------------------------------- but be serious , they mess with USA Navy ship s like they have been doing , what would you do Odium ??
Stay out of the strait of Hormuz. US navy should protect our land and interests not try and pick fights overseas then claim victim status
------------------------------------------------------------- I might have agreed to that plan many years ago long before the muslims went on their rampage on Sept 11, and long long before mrobama gave them nukes [permission] treaty and huge money but not nowadays . You oughta be on the edge of your seat though , no idea what the President might do if iran keeps messing around Odium .
When did Obama give nukes to Iran? We must have missed this

he loosened the restraints of the ----"no nuke development for Iran" """"agreement"""
and he gave the Shiite shit a few billion BUCKS
He gave the Iranians their own money back. Iran has done well to live up to the nuclear agreement, its worked out just fine
------------------------------------------------------------------ SO , when and IF WAR or President Trump action is taken you might understand where the WAR or action came from BBen .
If you're not willing to send your own children to die, than don't be a Warmonger.

It's a VOLUNTARY army - no one was drafted into it. Second, it's the fucking army, not the boy scouts; if those joining had no thought that they might ever get called upon to actually fight, then they should have joined the peace corps or taught high school social studies.
Don't stop yet!


I hear ya. I'm just saying, if you don't wanna send your children to die and be maimed in some foreign Hellhole, don't be a Warmonger.
I and every male member of my family has served in the military, many of them in combat as far back as the Revolution. We don't want war but if there is one my family is gonna work for Uncle Sam.
Nobody should want war. We all know what war means: pain, destruction, economic crisis and then rebuilding a devasted country. :(
The best thing is always say no to war (with some exceptions of course) ;)
In this case if the USA will make war against Iran I'm pretty sure Russia and maybe China won't be happy...and this situation could cause a world war (maybe a nuclear war, who knows). :frown:
Why don't they talk each other: USA, Iran, Russia and China could meet and talk and maybe find a satisfying agreement for all of them :)

Good point. Isn't it that's what Obama did that is why we didn't go to war in last 8 years?
for very accurate information -----ask a YEMENI-----my source still has family in

Saudi Arabia is RESPONDING to attacks from SHIITE SHIT----at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia------Saudi Arabia has no DESIGNS on Yemen----none at all---FOR IRAN YEMEN IS THE PATH TO THE BIG BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA

Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

how do you know? you got it from the Teheran Times? Iranian armed Houthis have been on a murder spree in Yemen for more than a decade.----
their attacks in concert with Iranian Hezbollah implants have consisted of
fairly limited skirmishes at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----their objective is actually the SAME as that of your all time fave ISIS and even Al Queida----ie GRAB THE GIANT TURD IN THE SANDS OF MECCA------

try to cope---their are SEVERAL FACTIONS ----the MOST NEFARIOUS being
the dogs and pigs allied with Iran. Iran is trying to "SAVE" Yemen like your
best pal ADOLF went to Austria to SAVE the Austrians

Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

Did you see what that scumbag regime did in 2009?

In syria the last 5 years?

They will slaughter every fucking iranian, cat, mouse, plant and tree before giving up power, no different than the germans.

It will take an outside invading force willing to do what is necessary to save the world to destroy a regime the iranian people have foisted upon the rest of us.

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