Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

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There are a lot of problems with any system.

However, when the government takes over something, a mysterious thing happens. The media stops reporting about it and nothing is ever done about it ever again.

I am not advocating for governmental take over.

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Unfortunately, the government does not give a damn.

They won't stop till they are successful, like everything else.
I am for two-tired healthcare.

Full government healthcare for those who cannot it otherwise AND private healthcare (with zero/minimal government meddling) for everyone else.
The who will pay for it? Thats the problem with that, it seems.
The middle class will be the ones to get fucked.
Everyone is already getting fucked.

What we need is no government involvement and no third party insurance scams adding to and driving costs up and up.

Allow the free market to control costs the way it once did and all will be well again. You simply cannot lower costs by adding middlemen and third parties of any kind. It simply isn't mathematically possible and can never ever happen. Add middlemen and you will be screwing yourself. That's guaranteed and a mathmatical certainty.
I am for two-tired healthcare.

Full government healthcare for those who cannot it otherwise AND private healthcare (with zero/minimal government meddling) for everyone else.
The who will pay for it? Thats the problem with that, it seems.
The middle class will be the ones to get fucked.
Everyone is already getting fucked.

What we need is no government involvement and no third party insurance scams adding to and driving costs up and up.

Allow the free market to control costs the way it once did and all will be well again. You simply cannot lower costs by adding middlemen and third parties of any kind. It simply isn't mathematically possible and can never ever happen. Add middlemen and you will be screwing yourself. That's guaranteed and a mathmatical certainty.

Well guess what, that is part of the joy of being human. The question is never, "Are you getting screwed", the only question is, "How bad are you getting screwed".
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

Government run health care certainly was not working for those poor veterans in Arizona.

People who were too sick were put on secret do not treat lists cuz they did not have the resources to care for them.

One bureaucrat who had nothing to do with the situation was fired and on they go. All they need is one sacrificial lamb.

Nothing ever changes.
Veteran's Adm. not working...that is one example---you are making a sweeping generalization based on one example.
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

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There are a lot of problems with any system.

However, when the government takes over something, a mysterious thing happens. The media stops reporting about it and nothing is ever done about it ever again.

I am not advocating for governmental take over.

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Unfortunately, the government does not give a damn.

They won't stop till they are successful, like everything else.

The government does what we the people allow them to do by continuing to vote the same two groups into power

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No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

Government run health care certainly was not working for those poor veterans in Arizona.

People who were too sick were put on secret do not treat lists cuz they did not have the resources to care for them.

One bureaucrat who had nothing to do with the situation was fired and on they go. All they need is one sacrificial lamb.

Nothing ever changes.
Veteran's Adm. not working...that is one example---you are making a sweeping generalization based on one example.

The scandal almost did not see the light of day. A doctor who was a whistleblower went to McCain for help, but instead of help, he was given a pink slip.

If it were not for an obscure Congressmen in Florida, the scandal would never have seen the light of day, which is what I think is really going on all over the nation.
It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

Fuck your Communist Utopia pipedream, I live in the real world, it doesn't work like that. It never has, and it never will.
It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

The people on Medicare paid for it all their working lives.
Having Medicare for all will bankrupt it sooner. Medicare is going bankrupt by 2026

Medicare Will Be Insolvent by 2026—Can America Fix It in Time?
and that is just with the people over 65 who earned it. Adding freeloaders will kill Medicare for everyone.
Looking forward, if you want healthcare work for it and pay for it.
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

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There are a lot of problems with any system.

However, when the government takes over something, a mysterious thing happens. The media stops reporting about it and nothing is ever done about it ever again.

I am not advocating for governmental take over.

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Unfortunately, the government does not give a damn.

They won't stop till they are successful, like everything else.

The government does what we the people allow them to do by continuing to vote the same two groups into power

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No, I never let them do anything.

They don't care that I don't approve and most are clueless.

So if "we the people" are in charge, does that mean we just like screwing ourselves 24/7?

All that proves is that people are mere sheep

Fix what exactly?

As I have said, any system you come up with will be flawed. Unlike what people like Bernie Sanders says, there is no one all inclusive plan that works for everyone. And if by chance there was, people would screw it up.

The problem I have with government is, they are not accountable to anyone so long as they can sweep stories like the Arizona VA under the rug, and really not even then.

The Socialist Hitler would drag patients in hospitals into the basement and murder them if he deemed them to be a burden on the state. This is what happens when government becomes to controlling and powerful. Who was going to stop or report him?

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

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There are a lot of problems with any system.

However, when the government takes over something, a mysterious thing happens. The media stops reporting about it and nothing is ever done about it ever again.

I am not advocating for governmental take over.

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Unfortunately, the government does not give a damn.

They won't stop till they are successful, like everything else.

The government does what we the people allow them to do by continuing to vote the same two groups into power

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No, I never let them do anything.

They don't care that I don't approve and most are clueless.

So if "we the people" are in charge, does that mean we just like screwing ourselves 24/7?

All that proves is that people are mere sheep

We the people re-elect our Reps and Senators at a greater than 95% rate...that is is giving them permission.

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There are a lot of problems with any system.

However, when the government takes over something, a mysterious thing happens. The media stops reporting about it and nothing is ever done about it ever again.

I am not advocating for governmental take over.

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Unfortunately, the government does not give a damn.

They won't stop till they are successful, like everything else.

The government does what we the people allow them to do by continuing to vote the same two groups into power

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No, I never let them do anything.

They don't care that I don't approve and most are clueless.

So if "we the people" are in charge, does that mean we just like screwing ourselves 24/7?

All that proves is that people are mere sheep

We the people re-elect our Reps and Senators at a greater than 95% rate...that is is giving them permission.

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Indeed, a Congressional body that has had a continued approval rating of under 20%, and this is what we claim is democracy?

The issue is, the Federal government has been given too much power. Such power was never intended to be given to the body. The power was meant to stay at the state level.

Think of it, in the Federal Congress we only have two people to vote in or out, yet the rest decides our fate whom we have no power over?

Again, the US Federal Congress was never intended to have such power over everyone.
One way to control healthcare costs is to have "lifetime limits" on healthcare based on the total amount purchased over a lifetime. I can cite many cases of freeloaders in comas, or multiple transplants, or other exorbitant costs who wreck the system for the rest of us when we need it. Healthcare is in-fact a limited commodity, and we need to manage who gets what better before it collapses.
Medicare for all when it will be bankrupt in 2026 is moronic. Fairness needs to be considered, not just calling it a "basic human right". It is not a "right", "free speech" is a right, healthcare is a service provided by highly skilled professionals. Pharmaceuticals are medicines that are very expensive to manufacture. Democrats always want something for nothing.
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

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So, whats your solution? Big brother?

My solution is that “we the people” need to decide if healthcare is a commodity or a service.

If it is a commodity then those without the means to pay for it do not get it, just like every other commodity. Laws that mandate ERs, medical personnel and hospitals provide care must be taken off the books.

If it is a service then it should be treated like the police or fire department.

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We need to decide whether healthcare is a basic human right. If it is, we need to find the most efficient means to provide it.

Most nations have already determined it is a basic human right
/——/ why should I pay for others poor health choices?
More people consider it as more people can’t afford healthcare. With costs increasing it seems inevitable.
Stop giving it away for free to people that can work and the price goes down
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
Stop giving it away for free to people that can work and the price goes down
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??
/——-/ I enjoy the 5 hour line at the DMV to renew my license, so I say yes.

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