Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,

Tell that to the Vietnam Vets who were denied care due to things like Agent Orange.

Apparently it has been "wrecked" a long, long, long, time.

Golly Gee, maybe we can fix after all these years.

Can you fix a government run health system?

Fix what exactly?

As I have said, any system you come up with will be flawed. Unlike what people like Bernie Sanders says, there is no one all inclusive plan that works for everyone. And if by chance there was, people would screw it up.

The problem I have with government is, they are not accountable to anyone so long as they can sweep stories like the Arizona VA under the rug, and really not even then.

The Socialist Hitler would drag patients in hospitals into the basement and murder them if he deemed them to be a burden on the state. This is what happens when government becomes to controlling and powerful. Who was going to stop or report him?


I think you agree with me in that government run systems are not perfect nor even fixable. Instead of "single payer", we should get government out of healthcare immediately.
Stop giving it away for free to people that can work and the price goes down
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?

See for Yourself If Obamacare Increased Health Care Costs
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,
It tells me you base your theory on very little.
the left hates and demonizes corporations..... that ACTUALLY play along with thier SJW causes
while holding the ACA up as one of obamas greatest accomplishments :auiqs.jpg:

IT was writen by multi national corporations to be administered by the government

cronyism INDEED

and now they want do gooder socialism on top of that friggin disaster

IM gonna not be a happy 1 of 180 million people if sanders and the lefttards get their way and i have to give up my sweet health insurance that i pay to much for ,

To wait on line like a British or Candian serf for surgery
Like an illegal at a clinic or rotten bario ER

rates will go down if you deregulate the insurance market and open it wide up .
it worked for auto it'll work for health

It wouldn't hurt
will it bring medical costs down ?......no
BUT you'll pay less for insurance

and people with shit jobs wont get so much yanked out of their paycheck if they're just at a shit job for the families health insurance
DEMOCRATS CARE SO MUCH about the litlle guy ...or women

i see the help wanted sign in the windows WE OFFER HEALTH INSURANCE
they yank it out of the young and working poors checks ....

one gas station the sign always in the window .
10 bucks an hour to start
health insurance
paid vacation time
sick days

FOR A SHIT ASS JOB at a gas station convenience store
for a young person the little regional chains you can work your way into management and make yourselves decent lil happy lives

rich, ,middle class, workin poor

AHHh screw it

Eviscerate the proletariat !
you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,
It tells me you base your theory on very little.

compared to what you base it on its a whole lot,,,

all you have is opinion absent of facts and reality
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,
It tells me you base your theory on very little.

compared to what you base it on its a whole lot,,,

all you have is opinion absent of facts and reality
There are lots of examples of single payer systems with much lower costs...
same thing,,,government involvement,,,
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,
It tells me you base your theory on very little.

compared to what you base it on its a whole lot,,,

all you have is opinion absent of facts and reality
There are lots of examples of single payer systems with much lower costs...

and yet you post none of them,,,

and cost is irrelevant to quality and freedom of choice,,,
Stop giving it away for free to people that can work and the price goes down
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?

Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
So what’s happened before Obamacare that costs were increasing so rapidly?
same thing,,,government involvement,,,

I can explain. The power to regulate insurance was given to comptrollers at the state level. Generally 1 person. So....Big Pharma and Big Insurance butter them all up to get them to allow larger Premium increases year after year for 30+ years running.

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws works and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
The market hasn't worked for this vertical, Healthcare, its not supposed to. Time to grow up and get a workable solution.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That’s as specific as you can get?

its enough,,,

what proof do you have that prices will go down or that care will get better???

because all the facts we have says it wont,,,
It tells me you base your theory on very little.

compared to what you base it on its a whole lot,,,

all you have is opinion absent of facts and reality
There are lots of examples of single payer systems with much lower costs...

and yet you post none of them,,,

and cost is irrelevant to quality and freedom of choice,,,
I believe it is all of them. Our system really expensive. Insurance limits our choice all the time. In network?
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it every. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
And yet nobody has a good solution.

the free market is a good solution,,,
No, it's not. It hasn't been for decades. Prices have been skyrocketing for decades. Time to grow up kid.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??
That's not enough options. What about people who can't work for their healthcare? There should be a government option for poor people so they don't die.

So as of right now I'd like to keep the good healthcare my company provides me, until the time when we as a society figure out how to give quality affordable healthcare to everyone, and have a safety net for poor people. Their insurance won't let them die of cancer or aids but won't connect a finger if it gets cut off. They'll just close the wound.
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??


First of all, people need to be getting their health insurance individually, the way they buy every other insurance they use, rather than being dependent on an employer to decide which plan is going to be offered and how much it's going to cost them. This would require several things.

1) Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines to increase competition.
2) Allow insurance companies more scope to tailor policies and coverage to what their customers want to buy.
3) Give individual purchasers the same sort of tax breaks on their insurance that employers currently enjoy.
4) Allow customers to form their own associations through which to buy insurance and get discounts available for larger customer pools.

Second of all, the patients need to also be the customers when it comes to using healthcare. Rather than mandating expansion of EVERY policy to cover EVERY possible use of medical care, we need to expand the use and availability of HSA and flexible spending accounts. Instead of sending premiums to an insurance company every paycheck, that money goes into an account pre-tax, and waits there for you to use it. And then when you need to visit a doctor, YOU see the prices, YOU decide what to spend and where. Prices for medical care will become lower and less obscure when doctors aren't having to figure out how to get around a bunch of bean-counters and algorithms at some insurance company.
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?
opinions vary,,,
So do our prescription prices and those with government regulated healthcare
Lots of people who work don’t get it or it’s really expensive.
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?

Hello? McFly? Tuition prices were normal until the government stepped in to "help".
Then came relaxed admission standards, inflated tuition and book prices, and more cushy administrative jobs because hey, Uncle Sugar will pick up the tab. It's fucking sickening.

To think the exact same thing would not happen with medical care is folly.
Bull shit

Prescription prices were affordable until Big Pharm bought out our Congress
Yes because of government interference, when I was making 12 an hour 20 years ago I had the best insurance plan for 30 bucks a week. Fast forward to today. It’s out of control. Thanks to the government
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?

Hello? McFly? Tuition prices were normal until the government stepped in to "help".
Then came relaxed admission standards, inflated tuition and book prices, and more cushy administrative jobs because hey, Uncle Sugar will pick up the tab. It's fucking sickening.

To think the exact same thing would not happen with medical care is folly.
Bull shit

Prescription prices were affordable until Big Pharm bought out our Congress



First of all, people need to be getting their health insurance individually, the way they buy every other insurance they use, rather than being dependent on an employer to decide which plan is going to be offered and how much it's going to cost them. This would require several things.

1) Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines to increase competition.
2) Allow insurance companies more scope to tailor policies and coverage to what their customers want to buy.
3) Give individual purchasers the same sort of tax breaks on their insurance that employers currently enjoy.
4) Allow customers to form their own associations through which to buy insurance and get discounts available for larger customer pools.

Second of all, the patients need to also be the customers when it comes to using healthcare. Rather than mandating expansion of EVERY policy to cover EVERY possible use of medical care, we need to expand the use and availability of HSA and flexible spending accounts. Instead of sending premiums to an insurance company every paycheck, that money goes into an account pre-tax, and waits there for you to use it. And then when you need to visit a doctor, YOU see the prices, YOU decide what to spend and where. Prices for medical care will become lower and less obscure when doctors aren't having to figure out how to get around a bunch of bean-counters and algorithms at some insurance company.
How does any of this address the matter of your health insurance/healthcare being tied to being employed and/or your employment?
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??
That's not enough options. What about people who can't work for their healthcare? There should be a government option for poor people so they don't die.

So as of right now I'd like to keep the good healthcare my company provides me, until the time when we as a society figure out how to give quality affordable healthcare to everyone, and have a safety net for poor people. Their insurance won't let them die of cancer or aids but won't connect a finger if it gets cut off. They'll just close the wound.

1. People who can't work for their healthcare get Medicaid, so there is a current option, but they need to prove that they "can't work". We need to cut costs and cutting freeloaders is a good place to start.
2. Healthcare is expensive and limited, it needs to be paid for. If you want that finger re-attached, pay for it.

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