Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
being tied to the employer is what makes it cheaper because they bring large groups to the market,,,
So your answer is EFF 'em, right? No good job, no good health insurance, and no job at all, no health insurance at all eh?

That's why the system is broken, and why the Republican way is about to be completely dismantled.

You guys aren't honest brokers. You just aren't.

You can't go thru the grocery store and say "we're hungry" so thanks for the free food, since other people are paying for theirs since they have jobs.
You can't go to Walmart's and get stuff you need and then say you aren't paying for it.
You can't go to the barber, meat market, iTunes, or the cable TV or phone company and say you want service but aren't going to pay for it.
Same with a new car, or new clothes, or anything you want...

So why is it that dems think that healthcare and pharmaceuticals need to be free and someone else will pay for them?
Libs. Look at your paycheck, if you actually work that is, and note that you are forced to pay into both Social Security, and Medicare your entire working life. It isn't "GIVEN" to you.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

Government run health care certainly was not working for those poor veterans in Arizona.

People who were too sick were put on secret do not treat lists cuz they did not have the resources to care for them.

One bureaucrat who had nothing to do with the situation was fired and on they go. All they need is one sacrificial lamb.

Nothing ever changes.
Veteran's Adm. not working...that is one example---you are making a sweeping generalization based on one example.

The scandal almost did not see the light of day. A doctor who was a whistleblower went to McCain for help, but instead of help, he was given a pink slip.

If it were not for an obscure Congressmen in Florida, the scandal would never have seen the light of day, which is what I think is really going on all over the nation.
If you think it is only in government that things don't always work well, you are a complete moron.
There's a big misconception about government run healthcare. It's the lobbyist and drug companies and insurance companies who use the power of government to run healthcare in a way that kills competition, raises prices, and leads to poor healthcare.

Having practiced medicine for over 30 years, Congressman Ron Paul gives his perspective on the past and future of medicine in this country, and the effects of government and special interests on quality, costs and access.

We have the most expensive HC system in the world, yet many Americans most pay extraordinary sums of money to obtain care. Many end up bankrupt.

Funny thing...

...we Americans now have a SHORTER life expectancy, though HC is outrageously expensive.
Americans Are Dying Even Younger

...Then add in DEATH BY DOCTOR is a leading cause of death in the USA, and you have a mess.
The third-leading cause of death in America most doctors don't want you to know about

Something has to change.

That something doesn't need to be mimicking systems where inability to even get seen by a doctor is a leading cause of death.
Government keeps getting involved as it gets more expensive.

you have that backwards,,,it keeps getting more expensive because the government is involved,,,

just like with college tuition they know its a guaranteed check so they bump the price
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?

Hello? McFly? Tuition prices were normal until the government stepped in to "help".
Then came relaxed admission standards, inflated tuition and book prices, and more cushy administrative jobs because hey, Uncle Sugar will pick up the tab. It's fucking sickening.

To think the exact same thing would not happen with medical care is folly.
Bull shit

Prescription prices were affordable until Big Pharm bought out our Congress

What are Nancy and the dems in the House doing to reduce drug costs? Thanks for playing.

"(Reuters) - The cost of insulin for treating type 1 diabetes in the United States nearly doubled over a five-year period, underscoring a national outcry over rising drug prices, according to a new analysis shared with Reuters. A person with type 1 diabetes incurred annual insulin costs of $5,705, on average, in 2016."
U.S. insulin costs per patient nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016: study - Reuters

CVS cuts cost for generic EpiPen competitor
The drugstore chain announced Thursday that it will sell a generic version of Impax Laboratories (IPXL)' Adrenaclick treatment for $109.99 per two-pack, down from $200. The drug company Mylan drew the ire of customers and Congress when it raised the price to more than $600 for an EpiPen two-pack.

Who signed the bill in 2003 that says govt could not negotiate drug prices?
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws works and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
You people prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits.

No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
The opioid crisis has been caused by doctors over prescribing opioids that drug companies pushed and paid doctors to prescribe. Doctors and drug companies are the villains. The largest amount of opioid drug deaths take place in middle America among the middle class. Mostly in Republican areas.
I don't believe it is only a choice between 100% gov't run healthcare and 0% gov't healthcare (I think the All-Payer model may be a better option). But if I had to choose one or the other I'll go with gov't. I've seen how healthcare in this country doesn't work, both before and after the ACA, whereas it works in other countries and the VA.

That's why Jagger had his work done in the US, amirite?

GTFO here with that commie garbage!

That's why all the Canucks wait unttil wintertime to get procedures done in America, right? Derp!
The Brits & Canucks have a two tiered healthcare system, basic care is provided free to all, but if you can pay you can upgrade/go elsewhere. Sounds like a good model to me. Ask them if they would prefer our current system to theirs.

Why would I ask them anything? At what point did THEY become the leaders of the free world?

Certainly glad you provided us with the simplistic, uninformed "Oh, Canada and Great Britain have what I want, so we should just copy them, no I haven't bothered to check any of the reams of research provided on the flaws in their systems" answer. Saves us the trouble of taking you seriously.
I wonder how many people here can remember when there was no form of gubberment health-care and when employer provide healthcare insurance was rare to non existent. I do and costs were low enough that everyone or almost everyone paid their own freight. Oddly enough the quality of care was better and the medical professionals seemed to be more concerned about their patients welfare than how to work the system to wring more money out of the government and or the big fat insurance companies and to hell with the patient's best interests. The problem with the system is third parties who bring nothing to the equation but waste fraud and corruption. It's a simple system with a simple fix and that is to make it as simple as possible with as few players as possible. The free market works if you leave it to hell alone and let it work. Once you start complicating it and adding third parties with their own interests, you're fucked and you eventually have the friggin mess we have today. And yes when healthcare costs were lower, charities were able to take care of the poor simply because it was affordable and possible. This is simple to understand once you pull your heads out of your asses and think about it for about two seconds. No one does anything for free so the more parties you add, there are more to pay for eventually and ultimately the patient always pays the tab. This ain't rocket science folks. The politicians are buying votes with your money and the insurance man ain't doing anything for free either. So think about it and you'll realize I'm right simply because logic and simple math both say I'm right. There simply are no free lunches to be had so quit looking.
When I receive a messed up billing from a doctor I want the government to run healthcare as their punishment.

I feel the same way

After my wife was hospitalized for a week I got a stack of bills demanding payment before my insurance had even settled. I ended up negotiating between the doctors and my insurance over payment. Out of network doctors would show up and treat my wife and then my insurance refused to pay them

I met a guy from UK once who told me he had open heart surgery. He said he just showed his ID card when he checked in and never received a bill
Ignorant, close minded Americans do not understand the reality of universal healthcare. I think that Medicare for all is the best solution. We already have it running and can just expand it to all. Countries with universal healthcare have better healthcare and spend less money on it than we do. We spend more money per person on health care than EU countries and have a lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate. We waste money on health care catering to millionaire doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and over-priced medical equipment, as well as for-profit insurance companies. Close minded Americans are afraid of anything that is new (to them) and resist change, even though it is for the better.

I just heard, "Anyone who disagrees with me is ignorant and close-minded. That way, I get to feelz good about myself, AND avoid ever having to address or even acknowledge their points."

Come back when you have something to say beyond sticking your fingers in your ears and then shouting your talking points as "facts".
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws work and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

Last time it was an issue for me, it's because the guy who hit me was an illegal immigrant who didn't even have a license, let alone insurance.
Employers don’t want the responsibility of healthcare
It is not their job

who are you to speak for millions of people you dont know and have never met???

everyone of my employers were happy to provide it,,,and its an add on to get better employees,,,
Used to be

Now health insurance is something that pisses off your employees when premiums go up or benefits are cut

How so?
/—-/ Ever hear of the VA?
Ask vets if they want to get rid of it
The Brits & Canucks have a two tiered healthcare system, basic care is provided free to all, but if you can pay you can upgrade/go elsewhere. Sounds like a good model to me. Ask them if they would prefer our current system to theirs.
Bandwagon and "the grass is greener" fallacies....Not an argument.
You argue your ideology and I'll look for a model that works.

No, you'll look for a model that fits YOUR ideology and you'll claim it works because you define "works" as "fitting your ideology".
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws work and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

Last time it was an issue for me, it's because the guy who hit me was an illegal immigrant who didn't even have a license, let alone insurance.
My wife hit a guy who was an illegal immigrant and didn’t have to report it
Libs. Look at your paycheck, if you actually work that is, and note that you are forced to pay into both Social Security, and Medicare your entire working life. It isn't "GIVEN" to you.
Right, no one said what you're stating.

We're saying, set aside a certain amount in our taxes, and that'll pay for what we're talking about, Universal Healthcare. It's the only way to go.
The Brits & Canucks have a two tiered healthcare system, basic care is provided free to all, but if you can pay you can upgrade/go elsewhere. Sounds like a good model to me. Ask them if they would prefer our current system to theirs.
Bandwagon and "the grass is greener" fallacies....Not an argument.
You argue your ideology and I'll look for a model that works.
Anyone who uses Medicare now knows that you can add supplements. It's the same thing as is described for Canada and would be the same if we had a 'Medicare for all' program.

I just heard, "We need a Medicare for All program so that we can pay for that AND still pay for private insurance on top of it."

Yeah, great idea.

Why don't you just write down, "If Americans wanted to be like Canadians, they'd move to fucking Canada" somewhere and save us all some time?
No, we prefer to have FREEDOM of choice, and not be dictated to for everything by an overbearing, tyrannical government. Something you people have put up with for centuries. Anybody can walk into a U.S. hospital and get healthcare if they need it. If they can't afford to pay they are NOT CHARGED anything,

Nobody is dying in the streets unless they are drug users, crazy, etc.
Choosing universal healthcare for this country is a freedom, and it will come to be: the voters will choose it.

I think our healthcare system needs an overhaul. Obamacare did huge damage to it. However, a government run system is not the answer. Universal healthcare will neither be affordable, nor sustainable in a country of 330 million and growing with ILLEGALS and people that don't pay into it. We are not Canada, nor the UK. We are different, have different social pressures, and need a different, market based, competitive and efficient solution.
Yada, yada, yada, yada....same old ignorant BS. Medicare works for millions of Americans. Medicare for all will work for the entire country. Stop being negative and looking backwards. Look forward.

The people on Medicare paid for it all their working lives.
Having Medicare for all will bankrupt it sooner. Medicare is going bankrupt by 2026

Medicare Will Be Insolvent by 2026—Can America Fix It in Time?
and that is just with the people over 65 who earned it. Adding freeloaders will kill Medicare for everyone.
Looking forward, if you want healthcare work for it and pay for it.
No. People who are retired paid for social security. We pay as much for medical expenses now as we would pay for Medicare for all. It comes directly out of your pocket now; the same amount or less would pay for it through taxes. If the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share of taxes, it would pay for Medicare for all and more. Also, we need to stop giving doctors and the drug companies exorbitant amounts of money. You need some vision to see that it would work. Doctors from other countries come here in order to become wealthy: not because they are the best doctors in the world but because they can make a lot more money here instead in countries that have universal healthcare.

Just going to reply to your incorrect points:
1. You have no clue how much Medicare for all would cost. Its simply unaffordable no matter how many lies Bernie and the democrats tell you. That's why I started off saying "remember Obama's claim we'd all save $2,500 a year with Obamacare":

The Cost of 'Medicare-for-All' - FactCheck.org
"The top line of the paper’s abstract says that the bill “would, under conservative estimates, increase federal budget commitments by approximately $32.6 trillion during its first 10 years of full implementation.” According to the paper, even doubling all “currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.”
2. Corporations pay about 9% of the Federal revenue of $3T a year. No where near enough to fund Medicare for all, even if doubled or tripled. All that would happen is that they would move overseas and take their jobs with them.
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
3. Controlling healthcare costs is a very good goal, but you need more than a "vision", you need workable ideas that can become workable policies. Read this and take your pick...
Nobody is denied healthcare in the U.S. If you can not afford to pay you can walk into, or be delivered to any hospital and get healthcare provided to you. <snip>.

You should try to get into an Emergency Room in South Florida.

You can't. It is FILLED to the brim with beaners, none of whom have insurance.

Because they know, they have been instructed and taught, that the E-Room MUST treat them.

Then they take off never to pay a dime of the costs.

So what do the Hospitals and Doctors do?

They cost-shift it onto the those who CAN pay. You. Me.

We need to have a Mandatory Insurance Law in this Country. Just like you are required to have Auto Insurance (which is private)

We have mandatory auto insurance, and we're still all paying an item called "uninsured motorist".

This raises the question: If the the mandatory insurance laws works and everyone is required to have coverage, why is it we still have to pay for uninsured drivers?

It should not be mandatory, but insurance lobbyists bribed congressmen.

Now insurance companies have government laws backing them, not a good situation.
For example, in the UK, national healthcare is not required of all as far as using it; everyone pays for it in their taxes, but people who can afford it may go to private physicians as much as they want. We cannot pick and choose what programs our taxes go for. If we followed one of Warren's plans, we would be getting far more back in corporate taxes than we'd need to pay for Medicare for all. Too many Americans prefer to let the rich get richer and the poor die from lack of proper healthcare benefits. One percent of the population owns 80% of the money. And Republicans want to keep it that way.

For example, the UK and Canada have long since been debunked as being anything Americans would want or would tolerate. I get that you're not very bright and extremely behind on the news, as well as out of touch with anyone who isn't your tiny group of leftist friends and family, so I'm letting you know now that you're wasting everyone's time championing something that has already been dissected and rejected long since.
I wonder how many people here can remember when there was no form of gubberment health-care and when employer provide healthcare insurance was rare to non existent. I do and costs were low enough that everyone or almost everyone paid their own freight. Oddly enough the quality of care was better and the medical professionals seemed to be more concerned about their patients welfare than how to work the system to wring more money out of the government and or the big fat insurance companies and to hell with the patient's best interests. The problem with the system is third parties who bring nothing to the equation but waste fraud and corruption. It's a simple system with a simple fix and that is to make it as simple as possible with as few players as possible. The free market works if you leave it to hell alone and let it work. Once you start complicating it and adding third parties with their own interests, you're fucked and you eventually have the friggin mess we have today. And yes when healthcare costs were lower, charities were able to take care of the poor simply because it was affordable and possible. This is simple to understand once you pull your heads out of your asses and think about it for about two seconds. No one does anything for free so the more parties you add, there are more to pay for eventually and ultimately the patient always pays the tab. This ain't rocket science folks. The politicians are buying votes with your money and the insurance man ain't doing anything for free either. So think about it and you'll realize I'm right simply because logic and simple math both say I'm right. There simply are no free lunches to be had so quit looking.
"Free market" as in health insurance, right?

Think about it.

You're paying a corporation, that has stocks, bonds and stockholders, who's sole purpose is to turn a profit.

But you're expecting THEM to pay out when it's time to collect on your insurance to handle whatever you need to handle.

Again, think about it.

The current system is broken dude.

Medicare for all will fix it.

The companies can then compete w/that and offer more.

Everything will improve, and prices will go down too.
Anytime you "give" a service to people, they use it, and use it, and use it, and abuse it. Universal healthcare would kill us economically, and turn healthcare into an unreachable mess as too many people would be trying to use it. That's when rationing will happen, and those that actually need care won't get it.

Again if you want DMV, or VA (yes that's government run healthcare which SUCKS) then go single payer, universal healthcare.

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