POLL: Does the other side of the issues at least have reasonable points?

Does the other side of the issues AT LEAST make some reasonable points?

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Just another example of how nutters on both ends get defensive & pissy over perfectly benign questions.
This stuff just solidifies my opinion that they know, at some level, how dishonest, tribal & unreasonable they are.
Just asking questions back at you regarding your past actions. What's wrong with that?
Nothing, in fact it illustrates my point for me: Instead of just thoughtfully addressing the thread, you go after me personally instead.

Better yet, I'm (as usual) getting it from both ends here.

You folks do love proving my points for me, and I appreciate that.

Oh, Ok. jumping to the victim stage so quickly. What in my question did you think was incorrect?
Gawd. I don't know, I don't care.

Then why are you so defensive?
Just another example of how nutters on both ends get defensive & pissy over perfectly benign questions.
This stuff just solidifies my opinion that they know, at some level, how dishonest, tribal & unreasonable they are.
Just asking questions back at you regarding your past actions. What's wrong with that?
Nothing, in fact it illustrates my point for me: Instead of just thoughtfully addressing the thread, you go after me personally instead.

Better yet, I'm (as usual) getting it from both ends here.

You folks do love proving my points for me, and I appreciate that.

Oh, Ok. jumping to the victim stage so quickly. What in my question did you think was incorrect?
Gawd. I don't know, I don't care.

Then why are you so defensive?
Because _______________________________________________.

You have my explicit approval to complete that sentence in any way you'd like.
Never once claimed to be in the middle. Not once. Ever. Never.

Just another one of the fantasies you guys keep hanging on to.
You try to claim being moderate all the time................then LABEL EVERYONE in TRIBES.....trying to downplay what the Dems have become.........

You know it.........we know it.......and the people in this country know it............The Desperation in the current Dem debates shows it..............You are now having trouble rigging the election again with the Bern.........Bloomberg has already spent 500 million with no reasonable results....

It's Funny to watch the implosion.
Both parties have imploded. The Left is becoming more socialist, while the Republican party has become the party of trillion dollar deficits, cronyism, porn star mistresses, serial adultery, and corruption.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.

5.4 percent of the US population was over 65 when SS was enacted.

9 percent was over 65 percent when Medicare was enacted.

Today, 15 percent are over 65.

That is an unsustainable trend.
A few reasonable points.....But the solutions are nearly always wrong,

Well now, I'm sure(?) that you will be able to explain the problems which are "reasonable points" and explain the solutions which are wrong.

Have at it, odd dude.
Just asking questions back at you regarding your past actions. What's wrong with that?
Nothing, in fact it illustrates my point for me: Instead of just thoughtfully addressing the thread, you go after me personally instead.

Better yet, I'm (as usual) getting it from both ends here.

You folks do love proving my points for me, and I appreciate that.

Oh, Ok. jumping to the victim stage so quickly. What in my question did you think was incorrect?
Gawd. I don't know, I don't care.

Then why are you so defensive?
Because _______________________________________________.

You have my explicit approval to complete that sentence in any way you'd like.

Have no desire to answer for you.
You try to claim being moderate all the time................then LABEL EVERYONE in TRIBES.....trying to downplay what the Dems have become.........

You know it.........we know it.......and the people in this country know it............The Desperation in the current Dem debates shows it..............You are now having trouble rigging the election again with the Bern.........Bloomberg has already spent 500 million with no reasonable results....

It's Funny to watch the implosion.
Both parties have imploded. The Left is becoming more socialist, while the Republican party has become the party of trillion dollar deficits, cronyism, porn star mistresses, serial adultery, and corruption.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.
That'll have to be part of the fix, no doubt about it.
I only care that he tries to keep his promises........and he has tried..............Done VERY WELL...............

In the end..........at election day...........are you better off now than 4 years ago....................We are..........he wins.............and in the meantime long term Dems are jumping ship from that party from what they are now offered.........

I was better off in 2016 than I was in 2012 and I was better off in 2012 than I was in 2008 than I was in 2008 and I was better off in 2008 than I was in 2004 and I was better off in 2004 than I was in 2000 and so on....

None of it ever had to do with who was sitting in the White House.

Why do you always give the government so much control over your life?
Yadda yadda yadda...............The government does effect the business and employment sector...............If they have too many regulation and too many taxes...........they don't create jobs..............They LEAVE on go to more business friendly environments...........whether here........or out of the country............

You don't tax your way into prosperity...........California and New York are shining examples of it here........as they lose congressional seats because PEOPLE ARE LEAVING............They are leaving these Dem run places because they are taxing the living hell out of them......and Regulating them to death.........

That is what they want to offer this country.............AND WE DON'T WANT IT.............and that is why they are imploding.
Just another example of how nutters on both ends get defensive & pissy over perfectly benign questions.
This stuff just solidifies my opinion that they know, at some level, how dishonest, tribal & unreasonable they are.
Just asking questions back at you regarding your past actions. What's wrong with that?
Nothing, in fact it illustrates my point for me: Instead of just thoughtfully addressing the thread, you go after me personally instead.

Better yet, I'm (as usual) getting it from both ends here.

You folks do love proving my points for me, and I appreciate that.
Ah … Mac the Martyr!!!

And calling others "nutters" may be construed as a personal attack.

I wish you'd grow outta this pompous phase already.
Just another example of how nutters on both ends get defensive & pissy over perfectly benign questions.

This stuff just solidifies my opinion that they know, at some level, how dishonest, tribal & unreasonable they are.
Please STOP whining, Mac. Every freakin' thread you start becomes a high horse from which you whine. Just STOP.

That is a liberal high and mighty trait...........the think they are BETTER THAN OTHERS........better educated...........to me............I worry they might drown outside if it rains............LOL
Here's a problem, the Stock Market is falling fast. Maybe the solution to panic sales are to close the markets. Had that been ordered by the President, it would have been a proactive reaction to an emotional problem.
Another example of what..............LOL

That we no longer see Reasoning with the Dems anymore.........given what they have become...............

No.............reasoning with people who weaponized our Gov't against people that disagree with them........the Kav BS show..........Impeachment Joke.............

No Reasoning with them at all..................We HAVE NO REASON TO...............

So if you are gonna play act like you are in the middle.......which you try to say you do..........I suggest you fucking DUCK............We ARE DONE BEING NICE ANYMORE..............

Never once claimed to be in the middle. Not once. Ever. Never.

Just another one of the fantasies you guys keep hanging on to.
You try to claim being moderate all the time................then LABEL EVERYONE in TRIBES.....trying to downplay what the Dems have become.........

You know it.........we know it.......and the people in this country know it............The Desperation in the current Dem debates shows it..............You are now having trouble rigging the election again with the Bern.........Bloomberg has already spent 500 million with no reasonable results....

It's Funny to watch the implosion.
Both parties have imploded. The Left is becoming more socialist, while the Republican party has become the party of trillion dollar deficits, cronyism, porn star mistresses, serial adultery, and corruption.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.

Actually the answer might even be simpler than that.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

I think that we really have to look at other things than what we always do because we don't have to be in such a fiscal mess and cutting tax expenditures does nothing as long as certain issues are not addressed more directly. Because the need for tax expenditures on public assistance will continue increasing as long as certain populations are negatively impacted by policy decisions affecting their personal economics.

Both parties have imploded. The Left is becoming more socialist, while the Republican party has become the party of trillion dollar deficits, cronyism, porn star mistresses, serial adultery, and corruption.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.
That'll have to be part of the fix, no doubt about it.
When John Boehner floated a balloon with that idea, he was crucified.

That's what happens to reasonable people and reasonable ideas in today's toxic political environment.

For some reason, the American people have an appetite for maniacs like Trump and Sanders these days.
You try to claim being moderate all the time................then LABEL EVERYONE in TRIBES.....trying to downplay what the Dems have become.........

You know it.........we know it.......and the people in this country know it............The Desperation in the current Dem debates shows it..............You are now having trouble rigging the election again with the Bern.........Bloomberg has already spent 500 million with no reasonable results....

It's Funny to watch the implosion.
Both parties have imploded. The Left is becoming more socialist, while the Republican party has become the party of trillion dollar deficits, cronyism, porn star mistresses, serial adultery, and corruption.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.

5.4 percent of the US population was over 65 when SS was enacted.

9 percent was over 65 percent when Medicare was enacted.

Today, 15 percent are over 65.

That is an unsustainable trend.
And then we add the pensions.................Only had we had a massive growth in population would it have ever sustained itself............and even that would go to pluto in the end.................

Again...........we don't address that..........IT NEVER GETS FIXED.
What Mac is trying to do is stake out a middle position, but he has no ground to stand on. There is no middle position that makes any sense between killing 60 million unborn babies and NOT killing 60 million unborn babies. I am giving that as an example because abortion is the issue I care most about. Maybe Mac would say, "We should kill 30 million unborn babies."

I can guarantee I certainly don't care about it as much as you do. You one-issue voters suck.

Trump is a NATIONALIST.........and actually believes in both sides of the equation.........whether you like it or not...........but ultimately he is a business man........and what creates better business for this country he has pushed..................Mostly with DEREGULATION............which kills jobs....

Our jobs for the average Joe are DOING VERY WELL..................

Bloomberg flips for the same reason...........in the end it will all be about MONEY.......and he doesn't care which party does that for him................

Doesn't matter..............Dems have lost this thing unless they pull a majic Rabbit out of a hat..........they are LOSING VOTERS.......

I agree with most of what you say except for the fact Trump is a populist, not a nationalist. Trump wants to be cheered and loved, he cares about that far more than he cares about the country.
Cow manure. It only looks that way through the Pelosi Prism. "Aaaarrrgh!!! Impeach!!!"

I was am still am 100% against the impeachment.
Well, it's too late to stop the 2019 edition but the "new & improved" 2020 version is in the works. Unhinged House Dem silliness is as predictable as the 2020 Repub primaries.
If you don't address mandatory spending the deficits will continue to grow..................That sure as hell doesn't mean adding what the Dem Candidates are spewing now.......it is the unfunded liabilities that CANNOT BE PAID.........................IT IS IMPOSSIBLE....

We are on a roller coaster ride to hell.....it is only a matter of when...............They will not address it ......and it will cause a Global Reset one day...........when...........whenever the Globalist decide it.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.
That'll have to be part of the fix, no doubt about it.
When John Boehner floated a balloon with that idea, he was crucified.

That's what happens to reasonable people and reasonable ideas in today's toxic political environment.

For some reason, the American people have an appetite for maniacs like Trump and Sanders these days.
It is POLITICAL SUICIDE to try it.............everyone knows it........so No one does it.
What Mac is trying to do is stake out a middle position, but he has no ground to stand on. There is no middle position that makes any sense between killing 60 million unborn babies and NOT killing 60 million unborn babies. I am giving that as an example because abortion is the issue I care most about. Maybe Mac would say, "We should kill 30 million unborn babies."

I can guarantee I certainly don't care about it as much as you do. You one-issue voters suck.
Name one issue that is even 1% as important as the fact that 60 million unborn babies have been aborted since 1973.
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.
That'll have to be part of the fix, no doubt about it.
When John Boehner floated a balloon with that idea, he was crucified.

That's what happens to reasonable people and reasonable ideas in today's toxic political environment.

For some reason, the American people have an appetite for maniacs like Trump and Sanders these days.
It is POLITICAL SUICIDE to try it.............everyone knows it........so No one does it.
We get the politicians we deserve.

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