POLL: Does the other side of the issues at least have reasonable points?

Does the other side of the issues AT LEAST make some reasonable points?

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Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.

5.4 percent of the US population was over 65 when SS was enacted.

9 percent was over 65 percent when Medicare was enacted.

Today, 15 percent are over 65.

That is an unsustainable trend.

Social security is money taken out of our checks. If 15 percent today are over 65, then that 15 percent probably have worked the 40 quarters required to get the money taken out of their checks for social security back.
The amount set aside will not cover the ever increasing percentage of those drawing on the treasury.

A smaller and smaller percentage are paying in while a larger and larger percentage are drawing out.

Something has to give sooner or later.

All who work get social security taken out of their checks. Some people don't live long enough to get social security. It is not possible to have more people drawing out than is put in because you have to work to get the money and the money is taken from your paycheck and is not just something the government hands you.
Long ago............corrupt politicians ROBBED THE PIGGY BANK........and left a bunch of Worthless IOU'S....................We'll pay it back one day.............LOL

And they look at it and go........there is no way to pay for all these promises...........well maybe one day we will decide to fix it..............and on and on and on................

Reported every year as unsustainable.................and still people go.........OH THAT'S NOT TRUE......

Enjoy the ride........the ENDING will not be pleasant.........
A few reasonable points.....But the solutions are nearly always wrong,

Well now, I'm sure(?) that you will be able to explain the problems which are "reasonable points" and explain the solutions which are wrong.

Have at it, odd dude.
The "solutions" floated by you and your authoritarian statist brethren NEVER EVER involve getting The State out of peoples' faces.

Your only tool is gubmint and its use of coercive force, and your only "solution" is to expand the range of it's all-consuming iron fist.

Wrong answer first time, every time.

No it's not always the wrong answer. It was the right answer for Americans up until the civil rights act, then suddenly it's wrong for government to do things.
Actually, the solution to deficits is extremely simple. But neither party has the guts to do it. In fact, they work very hard to keep you from seeing the answer because it would destroy their death grip on power.

The solution is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

That would level the playing field, eliminate the deficit, create a surplus, enable tax cuts for EVERYONE, and reform campaign spending. All in one go.
I have heard that time and time again.............But the amount of coming Liabilities is MASSIVE........

Ending credits and getting out of the Wars would do a lot............Hell just on tax credits alone would be over 200 billion a year...........but that will not stop the coming liabilities..........

Not to mention the interest on the debt which is growing every single year........it will soon overtake the amount we spend on our military.............
Well, the second reform I always advocate, after repealing tax expenditures, is to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index that age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer. Common sense.

5.4 percent of the US population was over 65 when SS was enacted.

9 percent was over 65 percent when Medicare was enacted.

Today, 15 percent are over 65.

That is an unsustainable trend.

Social security is money taken out of our checks. If 15 percent today are over 65, then that 15 percent probably have worked the 40 quarters required to get the money taken out of their checks for social security back.
The amount set aside will not cover the ever increasing percentage of those drawing on the treasury.

A smaller and smaller percentage are paying in while a larger and larger percentage are drawing out.

Something has to give sooner or later.

All who work get social security taken out of their checks. Some people don't live long enough to get social security. It is not possible to have more people drawing out than is put in because you have to work to get the money and the money is taken from your paycheck and is not just something the government hands you.
I did not say more people are drawing out than putting in.

I said the percentage of people drawing out is increasing and the percentage paying in is decreasing.

If putting in ten cents a day worked when the over-65 population was 5.4 percent, that same ten cents a day will not carry the present day 15 percent that is now over 65. Especially since the percentage paying in is shrinking.

Something has to give. Basic math.
No offense to Mac at all, but everyone should realize he really is not a moderate, he is just not as far Left as Bernard.
A lot of folks here are intellectually paralyzed by their binary thought processes.

So, if you're not from their tribe, you can only belong to other tribe.

No amount of information can change that kind of thinking.

Just another example of how nutters on both ends get defensive & pissy over perfectly benign questions.

This stuff just solidifies my opinion that they know, at some level, how dishonest, tribal & unreasonable they are.

Just asking questions back at you regarding your past actions. What's wrong with that?

What Mac is trying to do is stake out a middle position, but he has no ground to stand on. There is no middle position that makes any sense between killing 60 million unborn babies and NOT killing 60 million unborn babies. I am giving that as an example because abortion is the issue I care most about. Maybe Mac would say, "We should kill 30 million unborn babies."

Let me interject this about Mac to my Con friends, and to the Democrats on here who appear to me to be not my friends, lol.

If we believe Mac to be what he says he is as far as his working life; meaning belonging to the financial sector....then we may not like his take on things as far as the Con side, but at least the man has INTEGRITY!

Call Mac anything you want, disagree with him all you want, but MAC is NOT stupid. He knows the further left the President who is elected is, the larger bath his sector of the economy is going to take, certainly losing him money.

In other words, unlike others on this board, he is putting his money where his mouth is!

Now I disagree with many of his takes, but at least I have respect for him being willing to lose from his decisions, meaning...……….we may think he is wrong, but at least we know he believes what he says, and is willing to suffer for it.
Much appreciated. I just belch out whatever happens to be rattling around in my little brain at the moment.

The difference between me and many here, is that it's not constantly run through an ideological prism.
So I've got an ideological prism? That's why I think the way I do? And you don't? You have some special access to the truth that I don't have?

You are very lucky to have this rare access to truth that I don't have.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Funny question coming from a man who NEVER thinks conservatives have a good point!
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.

We're a nation of hypocrites.
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.
I'm for ending tax credits......................as it is another Welfare program......It really is now..........If you pay 0 in Fed taxes you shouldn't be getting high returns for breeding......

I do agree with that..............but that portion of the credits is only about 220 or so billion a year.
That'll have to be part of the fix, no doubt about it.
When John Boehner floated a balloon with that idea, he was crucified.

That's what happens to reasonable people and reasonable ideas in today's toxic political environment.

For some reason, the American people have an appetite for maniacs like Trump and Sanders these days.
It is POLITICAL SUICIDE to try it.............everyone knows it........so No one does it.
We get the politicians we deserve.

We get the politicians we elect. So when you elect a majority of politicians that tell you the givernment is worthless and they go to Washington, we should not be surprised that government is not going to work efficiently if at all.
The American motto is, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

We demand cowardice from our politicians. We demand they give us cash and prizes and make someone else pay for it. Either the rich or people who aren't even born yet.

If a politician dares to say we should pay for services with our own money, he is lynched. Pronto.

Our politicians do exactly what we tell them to do.

We get the politicians we deserve.

We pay taxes, we can demand something in return for our taxes besides an army. We get what we vote for.
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.
I'm for ending tax credits......................as it is another Welfare program......It really is now..........If you pay 0 in Fed taxes you shouldn't be getting high returns for breeding......

I do agree with that..............but that portion of the credits is only about 220 or so billion a year.
That's a lot of money.

The total of all tax expenditures is $1.4 trillion a year.

Now look at how much our deficit is.

Basic math.
A few reasonable points.....But the solutions are nearly always wrong,

Well now, I'm sure(?) that you will be able to explain the problems which are "reasonable points" and explain the solutions which are wrong.

Have at it, odd dude.
The "solutions" floated by you and your authoritarian statist brethren NEVER EVER involve getting The State out of peoples' faces.

Your only tool is gubmint and its use of coercive force, and your only "solution" is to expand the range of it's all-consuming iron fist.

Wrong answer first time, every time.

No it's not always the wrong answer. It was the right answer for Americans up until the civil rights act, then suddenly it's wrong for government to do things.
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.

We're a nation of hypocrites.
Speak for yourself, Goofus.
It makes no sense that two people earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts of tax. Just because one had kids and bought the right kind of refrigerator and a house.

That's government social engineering. No conservative in their right mind could be for that!
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.

We're a nation of hypocrites.
Speak for yourself, Goofus.

Yeah, because being a troll and committing to nothing is so much better, numb nuts.
A few reasonable points.....But the solutions are nearly always wrong,

Well now, I'm sure(?) that you will be able to explain the problems which are "reasonable points" and explain the solutions which are wrong.

Have at it, odd dude.
The "solutions" floated by you and your authoritarian statist brethren NEVER EVER involve getting The State out of peoples' faces.

Your only tool is gubmint and its use of coercive force, and your only "solution" is to expand the range of it's all-consuming iron fist.

Wrong answer first time, every time.

No it's not always the wrong answer. It was the right answer for Americans up until the civil rights act, then suddenly it's wrong for government to do things.
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Maybe you need to stop listening to those voices in your head.
There used to be some commonality before Trump and his Trumpbots came along. Since they mainly seem bent on letting Trump rule by edict rather than having actual coherent policies I can't see supporting anything they do.
no objectivity right there. that isn't even logical.
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.
I'm for ending tax credits......................as it is another Welfare program......It really is now..........If you pay 0 in Fed taxes you shouldn't be getting high returns for breeding......

I do agree with that..............but that portion of the credits is only about 220 or so billion a year.
That's a lot of money.

The total of all tax expenditures is $1.4 trillion a year.

Now look at how much our deficit is.

Basic math.
Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

574 Billion a year in interest payments alone......we can argue on who owes what of that.......or not.

As this grows.........and it grows every year we reach a point of NO RETURN.........that is the math......we have accelerated it with the Wars...........and the crash of 2008 where the Fed pumped up the balloon again at the nations expense...........................

Didn't really fix a thing.....as the markets are a gambling casino were the bets can never be covered with real assets.........and someone farts and they CRASH...........Al Capone would be proud of them.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


One cannot have a “reasonable” discussion about politics with a leftwing lunatic.

Whenever I have those discussions with members of my family that do nothing but listen to CNN and hate President Trump, they can’t ever dispute the facts I lay out, and they make no coherent argument for their side.
I hear so called conservatives complain the government is too big and gives away too many freebies.

But the second you suggest eliminating the mortgage interest deduction or child tax credits, they immediately transform into their inner welfare queen.

We are ALL guilty of sucking on the government tit at other people's expense, folks. Every last one of us.

We're a nation of hypocrites.
Speak for yourself, Goofus.

Yeah, because being a troll and committing to nothing is so much better, numb nuts.
At least I'm an intellectually consistent and honest troll....I want gubmint out of everything....Statist tools like you want to pick and choose.
It makes no sense that two people earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts of tax. Just because one had kids and bought the right kind of refrigerator and a house.

That's government social engineering. No conservative in their right mind could be for that!
Why do you guys talk about social engineering like this when America was built by social engineering?

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