Poll Finds Most Democrats Prefer Socialism

now - you won't find many democrats providing proof they are not - simply saying they are not and now attacking FAUX NEWS LOL.

funny they do it but they won't admit that's what it is.

The country was built on socialist policies to establish schools, roads, etc. Every modern western society is the same.
Capitalism could work but it's never been tried. It's always been tainted by personal greed and hatred.
According to a new phax poll out today Americans also support the following:

"Do you favor or oppose the U.S. Senate’s $3.5 trillion infrastructure package? The response was that a significant majority of the American people support the bill 56% to 38%

  • Do you approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president? Yes: 53 - No: 46
  • Do you approve of the way Joe Biden is handling the coronavirus pandemic? Yes: 54 - No: 42
  • Do you favor the U.S. Senate’s $1 trillion infrastructure package? Yes: 62 - No: 30
  • Do you favor proof of a coronavirus vaccine for indoor activities? Yes: 50 - No: 46
  • Have you gotten vaccinated against coronavirus? Yes: 69 - No: 29 (Biden voters: 86 - Trump voters: 54)
  • Do you think schools should be allowed to require teachers and students to either wear a mask or provide proof of a coronavirus vaccine? Yes: 54 - No: 31

I’m sure the Romans supported breads, and circuses as their civilization was dying too….
The country was built on socialist policies to establish schools, roads, etc. Every modern western society is the same.
Capitalism could work but it's never been tried. It's always been tainted by personal greed and hatred.
I’m pretty sure Venezuelan’s feel the love…
You haven't heard of privately owned fire companies? Not surprised, you don't seem to know much at all, really.
Your assumptions about what I know only reveal how stupid you are.
Publicly managed and run fire departments are still, despite your ignorant remarks, not a
sign of socialism, just as the US military is not a socialist venture.

I saw your name on the comment and thought it would be real stupid and snarky.

Turns out, I was right.
And? Should they be on the hook for propping up people who don't want to work for a living?
Where are those people?

And why should we be in the hook for inheritance babies like the former president?

now - you won't find many democrats providing proof they are not - simply saying they are not and now attacking FAUX NEWS LOL.

funny they do it but they won't admit that's what it is.
The type of government Democrats are talking about is social democracy rather Democratic Socialism.

The other name for social democracy is regulated capitalism..

Social Democracy is economic ideology and policy regime, it is described by academics as advocating economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal-democratic polity and a capitalist-oriented mixed economy. (sorry copied from wiki)

This breaks the Conservatives chops... I understand proper conservatism..

They would like a little less government not the stupid crap on this forum everyday...

If you want to ban all socialism then you have to privatise road, Police, Fire Dept, Military.... Please defend that...

If you are saying all Government programs are waste then say that to cop or fireman's face...
The actual socialists should be thanking the Right for their help in misapplying capitalism and making it so unattractive to so many.

But who knows what definition of socialism people are using. I can't get anyone here to provide one.

The Trumpsters like to scare each other.

And they LOVE getting Foxed daily, without vaseline.
Reagan promised a "trickle down" economy and instead billionaires spend what should be their fair share of taxes on spaceships and beating back any attempts at collective bargaining by their employees. Add Trump to the mix and Mac is right, capitalism is looking pretty tacky these days.
Isn't socialism, benefits that one might receive while NOT paying into it? SMH
Nope... Some pay in some don't...

Remeber when they called Obamacare Socialism...

In the UK not everyone pays for the NHS, it is separate payment put against your wages...

Yet everyone can spend from it..
The majority that are on the Socialist bandwagon are the youth, they're green around the gills. Once they experience the outside world and mature up, realism kicks in.
They are the ones looking at Europe and understand Social Democracy is not to be feared...

Germany has Free Education, as good as Universal Healthcare, large social safety net and ran a large surplus from 2012 to 2019... Low unemployment and higher ion the happiness index...

They are saying with what is wrong with that..
With technology there will be a ton of free rides. There will be no other option when so many jobs go automated.
Luddites Will Be Back to Prevent Passive Acceptance of the Job-Killer Side

New inventions mostly create jobs. The invention of the telephone created millions of jobs and put practically nobody out of work. Inventions that destroyed jobs freed workers for inventions that net-created jobs. There better be a tradeoff instead of welfare, or we will need to destroy property, just as Sarah Connor tried to destroy Skynet.

now - you won't find many democrats providing proof they are not - simply saying they are not and now attacking FAUX NEWS LOL.

funny they do it but they won't admit that's what it is.
They need a ticket to Venezuela for 1 month....that would solve this problem.
Most Dems are in cities. Most city Dems are considered undesirable. Is there any wonder why Dems. are so expendable? They add nothing to society.
Preppies' Pet Pit Bulls

Why hide the fact that you're really talking about the destructive and parasitic feral races? Racism is realism; there's nothing morally wrong with it. Racism and anti-classism built America. They are the same virtue.
Preppies' Pet Pit Bulls

Why hide the fact that you're really talking about the destructive and parasitic feral races? Racism is realism; there's nothing morally wrong with it. Racism and anti-classism built America. They are the same virtue.
Racism and classism are the main tenets of the current conservative QOP.

FYI they're not virtues.

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