Poll Finds Most Democrats Prefer Socialism

Democrats have always been the totalitarian party that expected their lemmings to follow without questioning. Republicans have always been the moral party who expected their party to follow without question. Both were fucked up but Democrats remain that way. The Trump, America first Republican, made that happen.
"Republicans have always been the moral party"................ :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
People who don't want to work for crap wages and crap treatment.....those chickens are coming home to roost.
Then get marketable skills.

Or if you want to sit n pout, fine. Get off the gov tit n do it your way.
We've already started doing it.
I know. . . that is why it baffles me why you are constantly on this website approving of, and cheer-leading these global oligarchs doing it.


now - you won't find many democrats providing proof they are not - simply saying they are not and now attacking FAUX NEWS LOL.

funny they do it but they won't admit that's what it is.
Trump's had four years of socialism in the form of emoluments. He even fucked the taxpayers by not giving the secret service a rate on glasses of water and the renting of golf carts.
and that caters to people not having or needing to be creative.

the combine did away with a shitton of farm jobs, we didn't put the workers in welfare.

And when jobs are done away with by technology we will do the same thing.
Automation is what is taking those jobs.
So find another skill worth your expected or desired income.

Sitting on your ass collecting gov cheese cause the world just doesn't understand your greatness is bullshit.

You wanna sit, sit. Just stop expecting the gov 5o fund your lack of ambition.
How is that different from the capitalistic credit system here in the US?
The financial credit system grades a person strictly on an objective measure of fiscal responsibility. You don't necessarily need to make a lot of money to have good credit to have a good credit score, you just need to manage what you DO have responsibly, anyone can have good credit if they have a mind to.

OTH? Not everyone can have a good social credit score if they disagree with a totalitarian governing authority. It all depends on who is in power, it is, in the end, arbitrary.

The social credit system is a system based on an Orwellian, PC behavioral, and thought control paradigm. It is illiberal and totalitarian by it's very nature.

China’s social credit program creeps into Canada​

" . . . Over the past couple of years, an ever-expanding collection of surveillance cameras have been added to the Vancouver PRC Consulate, located in the prestigious Shaughnessy district of Vancouver, on the edge of a high traffic road that goes into the City. The surveillance camera has been installed on the edge of the property, one of which jettisons out into Canadian space, then retracts back. The street is a frequent place for pro-Hong Kong activists, Uyghurs protesting genocide, Iranians protesting the cooperation pact with China and members of Falun Gong protesting persecution. Canada is a multicultural country that has opened its doors to countless refugees fleeing persecution and promotes equality and the right to free speech as a core value. Yet Canada’s elected officials have done little if anything to ensure that the very people we have invited into Canada are promised a safe haven from the oppressive regimes they fled from in the first place.

The cameras used by the PRC consulate are the same cameras that the US banned the purchase and use of under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as a cyber security threat.

In 2019, Global Affairs, the department of the Government of Canada that manages Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations, also doesn’t appear to concerned that the Government of China is spying on Canadians with cameras installed on embassy grounds that jettison out into Canadian space, naively suggesting that addressing the matter is left to the Peoples Republic of China and the “honor” system of having a duty to adhere to Canadian laws. . . . "


" . . . Despite Canada’s security intelligence agency warning Canadians and elected officials about the threat to Canada’s national security, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has enjoyed the benefits of a very cozy relationship with China and isn’t likely to implement any significant changes to law that might affect that relationship.

We asked the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) if Prime Minister Trudeau was aware that China’s Corporate Social Credit System is now operational in Canada and if he was aware that Canadian citizens were having their biometric information taken via video surveillance and sent back to China. We also asked, what if anything did he intend to do legislatively to address CSCS in Canada.

The Prime Minister’s Office did not respond by deadline. . . ."

Coming soon: America's own social credit system​

". . . The actions of these major companies may seem logical in an internet riddled with scams and crime. After all, nobody will defend far-right militias or white supremacist groups using these platforms for their odious goals. However, the same issue with government censorship exists with corporate censorship: If there is a line, who draws it? Will the distinction between mundane politics and extremism be a “I’ll know it when I see it” scenario, as former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart described obscenity? If so, will there be individuals able to unilaterally remove people’s effective ability to use the internet? Could a Facebook employee equate Ben Shapiro with David Duke, and remove his account?

The implications of these crackdown efforts will be significantly more broad than just prohibiting Donald Trump from tweeting at 3 a.m. Young people cannot effectively function in society if blocked from using Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Uber, Amazon, PayPal, Venmo and other financial transaction systems. Some banking platforms already have announced a ban on certain legal purchases, such as firearms. The growth of such restrictions, which will only accelerate with support from (usually) left-wing politicians, could create a system in which individuals who do not hold certain political views could be blocked from polite society and left unable to make a living. . . . "

And? If the neo-cons should again seize power?

I shudder to think how they would use these powers against families of LGBTQ families and those who have undocumented family members in this technological social credit world. . .

It would tear the nation apart. . .

If the left had cried fascism before? The powers they are giving the establishment now? Could be turned against the population like no other in the future.. . . :sigh2:
You don't necessarily need to make a lot of money to have good credit to have a good credit score, you just need to manage what you DO have responsibly, anyone can have good credit if they have a mind to.
So you're telling me that they were lying when they said I didn't make enough when I was making $15 an hour even without any blemishes on my credit?
So you're telling me that they were lying when they said I didn't make enough when I was making $15 an hour even without any blemishes on my credit?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Your credit score has nothing to do with being approved for a loan or a purchase if your income is not high enough. If you don't have a high enough income to qualify for something, that is a separate issue from a credit score.

Why are you conflating the two issues?
So if we were socialist Wal mart would have to stop stocking many brands?

I'd be required to buy a Chevy vs RAM?

Trying to understand. This is a bit generic.
No. If you went into business, would you try to work out what people want to buy? I would. What happens in Walmart if the sales of a product dries up? Do they continue to stock it or is it discontinued?

With Socialism, production is controlled and your choice as a consumer is limited to what the producer decides.

Under Socialism, where's the incentive to develop products? Do you think Apple would have developed the iPhone if their profits were creamed off to everyone.

Don't get me wrong, on paper Socialism is the best system but we live on planet Earth and not Utopia, because reality is, Socialism never works in practice.
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